NEW AUTO 3,1 .LIST OFF .OP 65C02 .OR $2000 .TF bin/usermod *-------------------------------------- USER.MAX .EQ 16 PASS.MAX .EQ 64 *-------------------------------------- .INB inc/macros.i .INB inc/a2osx.i *-------------------------------------- * Zero Page Segment, up to 32 bytes *-------------------------------------- .DUMMY .OR ZPBIN ZS.START ArgIndex .BS 1 ArgUsername .BS 1 ZPStrPtr .BS 2 ZPTmpPtr .BS 2 ZS.END .ED *-------------------------------------- * File Header (16 Bytes) *-------------------------------------- CS.START cld jmp (.1,x) .DA #$61 6502,Level 1 (65c02) .DA #1 BIN Layout Version 1 .DA #0 S.PS.F.EVENT .DA #0 .DA CS.END-CS.START Code Size (without Constants) .DA DS.END-DS.START Data Segment Size .DA #64 Stack Size .DA #ZS.END-ZS.START Zero Page Size .DA 0 *-------------------------------------- * Relocation Table *-------------------------------------- .1 .DA CS.INIT .DA CS.RUN .DA CS.DOEVENT .DA CS.QUIT L.MSG.USAGE .DA MSG.USAGE J.CS.RUN.CheckArg .DA CS.RUN.CheckArg.C .DA CS.RUN.CheckArg.D .DA CS.RUN.CheckArg.P .DA CS.RUN.CheckArg.S .DA 0 *-------------------------------------- * Called once at process creation * Put code for loading LIB here *-------------------------------------- CS.INIT clc rts *-------------------------------------- * Called until exit with CS * if RUN exits with CC, RN entered again *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN ldy #S.PS.ARGC lda (pPS),y beq .9 jsr CS.RUN.CheckArg bcs .99 >PUSHW pData >SYSCALL PutPW bcs .99 lda #0 sec rts .9 >LDYA L.MSG.USAGE >SYSCALL PutS lda #E.SYN sec .99 rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.CheckArg inc ArgIndex lda ArgIndex >SYSCALL ArgV bcs .8 >STYA ZPStrPtr lda (ZPStrPtr) cmp #'-' bne .4 lda ArgUsername beq CS.RUN.CheckArg.9 ldy #1 lda (ZPStrPtr),y ldx #OptionCnt-1 .2 cmp OptionList,x beq .3 dex bpl .2 lda #E.SYN sec rts .3 txa and #$fe tax jmp (J.CS.RUN.CheckArg,x) *-------------------------------------- .4 lda ArgUsername bne CS.RUN.CheckArg.9 lda ArgIndex sta ArgUsername >SYSCALL ArgV >PUSHYA >PUSHW pData >SYSCALL GetPWName bcs .9 bra CS.RUN.CheckArg .8 lda ArgUsername beq CS.RUN.CheckArg.9 clc rts .9 lda #E.IUSR sec rts CS.RUN.CheckArg.9 lda #E.SYN sec rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.CheckArg.P inc ArgIndex lda ArgIndex >SYSCALL ArgV bcs CS.RUN.CheckArg.9 >PUSHYA >PUSHEA.G S.PW.PASSWD >SYSCALL MD5 jmp CS.RUN.CheckArg *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.CheckArg.C inc ArgIndex lda ArgIndex >SYSCALL ArgV bcs CS.RUN.CheckArg.9 ldx #S.PW.GECOS bra CS.RUN.CheckArg.Next *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.CheckArg.D inc ArgIndex lda ArgIndex >SYSCALL ArgV bcs CS.RUN.CheckArg.9 ldx #S.PW.DIR bra CS.RUN.CheckArg.Next *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.CheckArg.S inc ArgIndex lda ArgIndex >SYSCALL ArgV bcs CS.RUN.CheckArg.9 ldx #S.PW.SHELL CS.RUN.CheckArg.Next >STYA ZPStrPtr * clc txa adc pData sta ZPTmpPtr lda pData+1 adc #0 sta ZPTmpPtr+1 ldy #$ff .1 iny lda (ZPStrPtr),y sta (ZPTmpPtr),y beq .8 cpy #64 bne .1 lda #0 sta (ZPTmpPtr),y .8 jmp CS.RUN.CheckArg *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.MkDir >PUSHEA.G S.PW.DIR >PUSHWI S.STAT.MODE.RO+S.STAT.MODE.RG+S.STAT.MODE.FU >SYSCALL MKDir rts *-------------------------------------- * Called if option S.PS.F.EVENT enabled in Header * Timer Event : every 10th seconds *-------------------------------------- CS.DOEVENT sec rts *-------------------------------------- * Called once, when RUN exited with CS * Put code for unloading LIB here *-------------------------------------- CS.QUIT clc rts *-------------------------------------- CS.END *-------------------------------------- OptionList .AS "CcDdPpSs" OptionCnt .EQ *-OptionList *-------------------------------------- * Initialized DATA *-------------------------------------- MSG.USAGE .CS "Usage : USERMOD username\r\n" .CS " -c : Comment (GECOS)\r\n" .CS " -d : Home Directory\r\n" .CS " -p : Password\r\n" .CZ " -s : Shell\r\n" *-------------------------------------- .DUMMY .OR 0 DS.START PW .BS S.PW DS.END .ED *-------------------------------------- MAN SAVE usr/src/bin/usermod.s ASM