PR#3 PREFIX /A2OSX.SRC NEW INC 1 AUTO 6 .LIST OFF .OP 65C02 .OR $2000 .TF /A2OSX.BOOT/SYS/KM.VSDRIVE *-------------------------------------- .INB /A2OSX.DEV/INC/MACROS.I .INB /A2OSX.DEV/INC/IO.I .INB /A2OSX.DEV/INC/MONITOR.I .INB /A2OSX.DEV/INC/PRODOS.I *-------------------------------------- TmpPtr1 .EQ $0 TmpPtr2 .EQ $2 VS.CMD .EQ $C5 "E": Virtual Drive Command Envelope DRV.EntryPoint .EQ $BF41 *-------------------------------------- .INB DRV/X.SER.6551.S *-------------------------------------- VSDRIVE.Init >LDAXI VSDRIVE.MSG0 jsr PrintCStrAX jsr VSDRIVE.Check bcc .1 >LDAXI VSDRIVE.MSG1 jsr PrintCStrAX rts .1 jsr SSC.Detect bcc .2 >LDAXI VSDRIVE.MSG2 jsr PrintCStrAX rts .2 sta DRV+2 DRV.Slotn0 lsr lsr lsr lsr pha >LDAXI VSDRIVE.MSG3 jsr PrintCStrAX jsr VSDRIVE.SetSlot bcc .3 >LDAXI VSDRIVE.MSG4 jsr PrintCStrAX rts .3 pha save slot pha 2 times >LDAXI VSDRIVE.MSG5 jsr PrintCStrAX jsr VSDRIVE.Install >LDAXI VSDRIVE.MSG6 jsr PrintCStrAX >DEBUG rts *-------------------------------------- VSDRIVE.Check bit RRAMWRAMBNK2 bit RRAMWRAMBNK2 clc lda $D001 eor DRV bne .8 lda $D002 eor DRV+1 bne .8 sec .8 bit RROMBNK1 rts *-------------------------------------- SSC.Detect stz TmpPtr1 lda #$C1 sta TmpPtr1+1 .1 ldx #DEVSIG.Value-DEVSIG.Offset-1 .2 ldy DEVSIG.Offset,x lda (TmpPtr1),y cmp DEVSIG.Value,x bne .3 dex bpl .2 lda TmpPtr1+1 asl asl asl asl tax stz SSC.RESET,x lda #SSC.CTL.B115200+SSC.CTL.8D+SSC.CTL.1S+SSC.CMD.NOP sta SSC.CTL,x lda #SSC.CMD.RIRQDIS sta SSC.CMD,x txa clc rts .3 inc TmpPtr1+1 no match, try next slot.... lda TmpPtr1+1 cmp #$C8 bne .1 .9 sec rts *-------------------------------------- VSDRIVE.Ping clc rts *-------------------------------------- * Find 2 free slots in DEVPTRS (D1 & D2) *-------------------------------------- VSDRIVE.SetSlot ldx #2 Starts at Slot1 .1 lda DEVPTRS,x Drive1 cmp DEVPTRS pointing to S0D1 NODEV ? bne .2 lda DEVPTRS+1,x cmp DEVPTRS+1 bne .2 lda DEVPTRS+16,x Drive2 cmp DEVPTRS bne .2 lda DEVPTRS+17,x cmp DEVPTRS+1 bne .2 lda #DRV.EntryPoint sta DEVPTRS,x sta DEVPTRS+16,x lda /DRV.EntryPoint sta DEVPTRS+1,x sta DEVPTRS+17,x txa asl asl asl ora #$0D ldy DEVCNT iny sta DEVLST,y add Drv1 ora #$80 iny sta DEVLST,y add Drv2 sty DEVCNT txa lsr clc rts .2 inx inx cpx #16 bne .1 rts sec from CPX *-------------------------------------- VSDRIVE.Install ldx #PATCH.SIZE .1 lda PATCH-1,x sta DRV.EntryPoint-1,x dex bne .1 bit RRAMWRAMBNK2 bit RRAMWRAMBNK2 ldx #DRV.SIZE .2 lda DRV-1,x sta $D000,x dex bne .2 bit RROMBNK1 clc rts *-------------------------------------- .INB X.PRINTF.S *-------------------------------------- DEVSIG.Offset .HS 05070B0C DEVSIG.Value .HS 38180131 VSDRIVE.MSG0 >CSTR "VSDRIVE (ADT Vitual Serial Hard Drive) Driver For A2osX\n" VSDRIVE.MSG1 >CSTR "VSDRIVE (Or other custom Driver) Already Installed.\n" VSDRIVE.MSG2 >CSTR "SSC Not Detected.\n" VSDRIVE.MSG3 >CSTR "SCC Found At Slot %d.\n" VSDRIVE.MSG4 >CSTR "No ProDOS device slot available.\n" VSDRIVE.MSG5 >CSTR "VSDRIVE Installed 2 devices at S%dD1 & S%dD2.\n" VSDRIVE.MSG6 >CSTR "VSDRIVE Driver Successfully Installed.\n" *-------------------------------------- * ProDOS $BE41->$BE4B Patch for switching to BANK2 (10 bytes) *-------------------------------------- PATCH .PH DRV.EntryPoint bit RRAMWRAMBNK2 jsr $D001 bit RRAMWRAMBNK1 rts .EP PATCH.SIZE .EQ *-PATCH *-------------------------------------- * Driver *-------------------------------------- * OP = 2 : Write drv1 * OP = 3 : Read drv1 * OP = 4 : Write drv2 * OP = 5 : Read drv2 * CMD = $C5+OP+BLKLO+BLKHI+CHKSUM * DO NOT trash DRV.COMMAND...DRV.BLKNUM as ProDOS * reuses them after Block operation * A1,A2 are used by Disk II Driver, * so we use it safely as Tmp Ptr *-------------------------------------- DRV.A1L .EQ $3C DRV.A1H .EQ $3D DRV.A2L .EQ $3E DRV.A2H .EQ $3F DRV.COMMAND .EQ $42 DRV.UNITNUM .EQ $43 DRV.BUFF .EQ $44 DRV.BLKNUM .EQ $46 *-------------------------------------- DRV .EQ * .PH $D001 Main LC Bnk 2 $D001->$DFFF cld DRV.Slotn0 ldx #$ff Self Modified >DEBUG lda DRV.COMMAND S=0,R=1,W=2,F=3 bne .1 ldx #$ff return Status ldy #$ff .8 lda #0 clc rts .9 lda #MLI.ERR.IO rts .1 cmp #3 beq .8 Format .... bcs .9 more....IO error ora #2 W=2,R=3 ldy DRV.UNITNUM bpl .1 adc #2 CC from bcs .9 sta DRV.CmdBuf.Cmd store cmd eor #VS.CMD eor DRV.BLKNUM eor DRV.BLKNUM+1 sta DRV.CmdBuf.Sum Compute & store CheckSum lda DRV.BLKNUM sta DRV.CmdBuf.BlkLo lda DRV.BLKNUM+1 sta DRV.CmdBuf.BlkHi lda DRV.BUFF sta DRV.A1L lda DRV.BUFF+1 inc sta DRV.A1H * send CMD+CS ldy #4 Send 5 bytes including Sum .2 lda DRV.CmdBuf.Sum,y jsr DRV.SSCSend dey bpl .2 * read back CMD ldy #3 Read Back and check 4 bytes .3 jsr DRV.SSCGet eor DRV.CmdBuf.BlkHi,y bne DRV.DO.CMD.ERR dey bpl .3 * Get ProDOS Date/time send from server if READ (3 or 5) lda DRV.COMMAND dec 1-1=0 if read bne DRV.DO.CMD.W go write *-------------------------------------- * Read block : Discard ProDOS time recieved from Server (4 bytes) *-------------------------------------- DRV.DO.CMD.R ldy #4 Read 4 bytes .1 jsr DRV.SSCGet eor DRV.CmdBuf.Sum sta DRV.CmdBuf.Sum dey bne .1 * recieve Header Sum and check jsr DRV.SSCGet eor DRV.CmdBuf.Sum bne DRV.DO.CMD.ERR * tay Y=0 from dey/bne .2 jsr DRV.SSCGet sta (DRV.BUFF),y iny bne .2 .3 jsr DRV.SSCGet sta (DRV.A1L),y iny bne .3 jsr DRV.BufCheckSum jsr DRV.SSCGet eor DRV.CmdBuf.Sum bne DRV.DO.CMD.ERR .9 rts A=0,CC from bcs .9 DRV.DO.CMD.ERR sec DRV.DO.CMD.RTS rts *-------------------------------------- * Write Block *-------------------------------------- DRV.DO.CMD.W ldy #0 .1 lda (DRV.BUFF),y jsr DRV.SSCSend iny bne .1 .2 lda (DRV.A1L),y jsr DRV.SSCSend iny bne .2 jsr DRV.BufCheckSum jsr DRV.SSCSend ldy #4 Read 5 bytes (echo from server) .3 jsr DRV.SSCGet eor DRV.CmdBuf.Sum,y Check 5 bytes (including block Sum) bne DRV.DO.CMD.ERR dey bpl .3 rts *-------------------------------------- DRV.CmdBuf.Sum .BS 1 Reverse order for dey DRV.CmdBuf.BlkHi .BS 1 DRV.CmdBuf.BlkLo .BS 1 DRV.CmdBuf.Cmd .BS 1 DRV.CmdBuf.Env .DA #VS.CMD *-------------------------------------- DRV.BufCheckSum lda #0 tay .1 eor (DRV.BUFF),y eor (DRV.A1L),y iny bne .1 sta DRV.CmdBuf.Sum rts *-------------------------------------- DRV.SSCSend sta .2+1 .1 lda SSC.STATUS,x bit #SSC.STATUS.DCD+SSC.STATUS.DSR * beq DRV.IOERR and #SSC.STATUS.TDRE Outgoing char? beq .1 .2 lda #$ff sta SSC.DATA,x rts *-------------------------------------- DRV.SSCGet lda SSC.STATUS,x bit #SSC.STATUS.DCD+SSC.STATUS.DSR * beq DRV.IOERR and #SSC.STATUS.RDRF incoming char? beq DRV.SSCGet lda SSC.DATA,x rts *-------------------------------------- DRV.IOERR pla pla lda #MLI.ERR.IO sec rts *-------------------------------------- .EP *-------------------------------------- .LIST ON DRV.SIZE .EQ *-DRV .LIST OFF *-------------------------------------- * CONTROL SECTION : *-------------------------------------- .DO DRV.SIZE>255 * ERROR:DRV.SIZE too big .FIN *-------------------------------------- MAN SAVE SYS/KM.VSDRIVE.S ASM