NEW PREFIX AUTO 4,1 */-------------------------------------- * # StrLen * Returns Length of C-String * ## C * `int strlen ( char * str);` * ## ASM * `>LDYAI str` * `>SYSCALL strlen` * ## RETURN VALUE * Y,A = String length *\-------------------------------------- K.StrLen >STYA .1+1 ldy #0 tya .1 ldx $ffff,y SELF MODIFIED beq .8 iny bne .1 inc inc .1+2 bra .1 .8 rts */-------------------------------------- * # StrCat * Concatenate strings * ## C * `char * strcat ( char * destination, const char * source );` * ## ASM * **In:** * `>PUSHWI source` * `>LDYAI destination` * `>SYSCALL strcat` * ## RETURN VALUE * Y,A = destination *\-------------------------------------- K.StrCat sec .HS 90 BCC */-------------------------------------- * # StrCpy * Copy string * ## C * `char * strcpy ( char * destination, const char * source );` * ## ASM * **In:** * `>PUSHWI source` * `>LDYAI destination` * `>SYSCALL strcpy` * ## RETURN VALUE * Y,A = destination *\-------------------------------------- K.StrCpy clc pha phy jsr MEM.SPtr1PPtr2 bcc .2 .1 jsr MEM.GetCharPtr1 bne .1 .2 ldy #0 .3 lda (ZPPtr2),y sta (ZPPtr1),y beq .8 iny bne .3 inc ZPPtr2+1 inc ZPPtr1+1 bra .3 .8 ply pla K.StrCpy.RTS rts */-------------------------------------- * # StrDup * Create a new copy of this C-String * Y,A = Ptr to source C-String * ## RETURN VALUE * CC : success * Y,A = PTR to String * X = hMem (PSTR) * CS : error * A = SYS error code *\-------------------------------------- K.StrDup >STYA .1+1 >STYA .4+1 ldy #0 lda #0 .1 ldx $ffff,y beq .2 iny bne .1 inc inc .1+2 bne .1 .2 iny Add one for ending 0 bne .3 inc .3 jsr K.GetMem bcs K.StrCpy.RTS >STYA .5+1 phy pha ldy #0 .4 lda $ffff,y .5 sta $ffff,y beq K.StrDup.8 iny bne .4 inc .4+2 inc .5+2 bne .4 K.StrDup.8 pla ply * clc rts */-------------------------------------- * # StrUpr/StrLwr * Convert string to UPPERCASE/lowercase * ## C * `int strupr ( char * str);` * `int strlwr ( char * str);` * ## ASM * **In:** * `>LDYAI str` * `>SYSCALL strupr` * `>SYSCALL strlwr` * ## RETURN VALUE * Uppercased/lowercased String in Buffer * Y,A = str *\-------------------------------------- K.StrUpr ldx #0 .HS 2C bit abs K.StrLwr ldx #2 >STYA ZPPtr1 phy pha save Y,A to restore them at exit ldy #0 .1 lda (ZPPtr1),y beq K.StrDup.8 cmp .9,x bcc .2 cmp .9+1,x bcs .2 eor #$20 sta (ZPPtr1),y .2 iny bne .1 inc ZPPtr1+1 bra .1 *-------------------------------------- .9 .AS "azAZ" */-------------------------------------- * # StrCmp * Compare 2 strings * ## C * `int strcmp(const char *s1, const char *s2);` * ## ASM * **In:** * `>PUSHWI s2` * `>LDYAI s1` * `>SYSCALL strcmp` * ## RETURN VALUE * CC : match * CS : no match * CC, Y,A=0 * CS, Y,A > 0 or < 0 *\-------------------------------------- K.StrCmp sec .HS 90 BCC */-------------------------------------- * # StrCaseCmp * Compare 2 strings, ignoring case * ## C * `int strcasecmp(const char *s1, const char *s2);` * ## ASM * **In:** * `>PUSHWI s2` * `>LDYAI s1` * `>SYSCALL strcasecmp` * ## RETURN VALUE * CC : match * CS : no match * CC, Y,A=0 * CS, Y,A > 0 or < 0 *\-------------------------------------- K.StrCaseCmp clc jsr MEM.SPtr1PPtr2 ldy #0 .1 lda (ZPPtr1),y beq .7 jsr K.StrCaseCmp.toUpper sta .2+1 lda (ZPPtr2),y beq .9 jsr K.StrCaseCmp.toUpper .2 eor #$ff SELF MODIFIED bne .9 iny bne .1 inc ZPPtr1+1 inc ZPPtr2+1 bra .1 .7 lda (ZPPtr2),y bne .9 tay .8 clc rts .9 sec lda (ZPPtr1),y sbc (ZPPtr2),y ldy #0 sec rts *-------------------------------------- K.StrCaseCmp.toUpper bcs .9 cmp #'a' bcc .9 cmp #'z'+1 bcs .1 eor #$20 .1 clc .9 rts *-------------------------------------- MAN SAVE USR/SRC/SYS/KERNEL.S.STRING LOAD USR/SRC/SYS/KERNEL.S ASM