PR#3 PREFIX /A2OSX.SRC NEW INC 1 AUTO 6 .LIST OFF *-------------------------------------- * In : * X = #SYSCall * Y,A = PATH (PSTR) * Out : * CC : Y,A = PTR to S.DIR * CS : A = EC *-------------------------------------- S.OPENDIRYA jsr S.PFTCHECKPATHYA >STYA ZPQuickPtr2 >STYA MLICALL.PARAMS+1 For MLIOPEN >PUSHWI S.DIR.PRODOS >PUSHBI S.MEM.F.INIT0 jsr S.GetMem bcs .9 >STYA ZPQuickPtr1 stx hDIR lda (ZPQuickPtr2) cmp #1 One char ? bne .7 No, Go open dir.... tay Y=1 lda (ZPQuickPtr2),y cmp #'/' Root required ? beq .8 Yes, Go for ONLINE Call (S.DIR.PRODOS.REF=0) lda #SYSMGR.ERRSYN sec .9 rts .7 >PUSHWI 1024 get a ProDOS IOBUF >PUSHBI S.MEM.F.ALIGN+S.MEM.F.NOMOVE jsr S.GetMem bcs .98 >STYA MLICALL.PARAMS+3 Save Ptr to IOBUF for MLIOPEN call txa ldy #S.DIR.PRODOS.IOBUF sta (ZPQuickPtr1),y >MLICALL MLIOPEN bcs .98 lda MLICALL.PARAMS+5 get ref_num ldy #S.DIR.PRODOS.REF sta (ZPQuickPtr1),y .8 lda hDIR clc rts .98 pha save MLI error jsr S.CLOSEDIRA.1 pla get back MLI error sec .99 rts *-------------------------------------- hDIR .BS 1 *-------------------------------------- * In : * A = hDIR * Out : * CC : X = hDIREND, Y,A = PTR to S.DIRENT * CS : A = EC, A = 0 : no more entry *-------------------------------------- S.READDIRA jsr S.PFTCHECKDIRA jsr S.GetMemPtrA >STYA ZPQuickPtr1 ldy #S.DIR.F lda (ZPQuickPtr1),y and #S.DIR.F.NOMORE bne .9 ldy #S.DIR.PRODOS.REF lda (ZPQuickPtr1),y beq S.READDIRA.ROOT jmp S.READDIRA.DIR .9 lda #0 sec CS,A=0 no more entry S.READDIRA.RTS rts S.READDIRA.ROOT stz MLICALL.PARAMS+1 All Volumes >LDYAI KrnBuffer256 >STYA MLICALL.PARAMS+2 >STYA ZPQuickPtr2 For PASS #2 >MLICALL MLIONLINE bcs S.READDIRA.RTS lda #1 +1 for Ending 0 sta BufSize stz BufSize+1 ldy #0 .1 lda KrnBuffer256,y and #$0F beq .2 sec Add Filelen +1 adc BufSize sta BufSize bcc .11 inc BufSize+1 .11 lda #S.STAT adc BufSize sta BufSize bcc .12 inc BufSize+1 .12 inx .2 tya clc adc #16 tay bcc .1 loop until 256 bytes scanned txa beq S.READDIRA.RTS A=0, CS no more DIRENT sta EntryCount >PUSHW BufSize >PUSHBI S.MEM.F.INIT0 jsr S.GetMem bcs S.READDIRA.RTS stx hDIRENT >STYA ZPQuickPtr3 >STYA ZPQuickPtr4 .3 lda (ZPQuickPtr2) and #$0F beq .88 tay tax sta (ZPQuickPtr3) inc sta VolName Build a string with leading / for GetFileInfo .4 lda (ZPQuickPtr2),y sta (ZPQuickPtr3),y sta VolName+1,y dey bne .4 lda #'/' sta VolName+1 txa sec adc ZPQuickPtr3 sta ZPQuickPtr3 bcc .41 inc ZPQuickPtr3+1 .41 >LDYAI VolName >STYA MLICALL.PARAMS+1 >MLICALL MLIGETFILEINFO bcs .80 lda MLICALL.PARAMS+S.FILEINFO.ACCESS cmp #S.FILEINFO.ACCESS.FULL bne .5 lda #S.STAT.MODE.XO+S.STAT.MODE.WO+S.STAT.MODE.RO bra .6 .5 and #S.FILEINFO.ACCESS.R beq .6 lda #S.STAT.MODE.XO+S.STAT.MODE.RO .6 ldy #S.STAT.MODE sta (ZPQuickPtr3),y ldy #S.STAT.BLOCKS lda MLICALL.PARAMS+S.FILEINFO.AUXTYPE sta (ZPQuickPtr3),y iny lda MLICALL.PARAMS+S.FILEINFO.AUXTYPE sta (ZPQuickPtr3),y ldy #S.STAT.BLKSIZE+1 lda #2 Block size is $200 for ProDOS sta (ZPQuickPtr3),y .80 lda ZPQuickPtr3 clc adc #S.STAT sta ZPQuickPtr3 bcc .88 inc ZPQuickPtr3+1 .88 lda ZPQuickPtr2 clc adc #16 sta ZPQuickPtr2 bcc .89 inc ZPQuickPtr2+1 .89 dec EntryCount bne .3 lda #0 sta (ZPQuickPtr3) Ending 0 ldy #S.DIR.F lda #S.DIR.F.NOMORE sta (ZPQuickPtr1),y ldx hDIRENT >LDYA ZPQuickPtr4 clc rts *-------------------------------------- S.READDIRA.DIR ldy #S.DIR.PRODOS.REF lda (ZPQuickPtr1),y sta MLICALL.PARAMS+1 >PUSHWI 512 Get a 512 bytes buffer for reading dir... >PUSHBI 0 jsr S.GetMem bcs .99 stx S.READDIRA.hMem >STYA MLICALL.PARAMS+2 For reading pha tya * clc CC from S.GetMem adc #4 Skip 4 bytes linked list tay pla adc #0 >STYA ZPQuickPtr2 PTR to Buffer for PASS #1 >STYA ZPQuickPtr3 PTR to Buffer for PASS #2 >LDYAI 512 >STYA MLICALL.PARAMS+4 >MLICALL MLIREAD Read A block from directory bcs .98 ldy #S.DIR.PRODOS.EL Check if first run.... lda (ZPQuickPtr1),y bne .2 no, we have all we need.... ldy #$23+3 .1 lda (ZPQuickPtr2),y Get EntryLength.... From Block sta EntryLength-$23,y dey bpl .1 bra .4 .98 pha lda S.READDIRA.hMem jsr S.FreeMemA pla sec .99 rts .2 ldy #S.DIR.PRODOS.EL+3 .3 lda(ZPQuickPtr1),y get this session parameters from S.DIR sta EntryLength-S.DIR.PRODOS.EL,y dey bpl .3 .4 ldx EntryCount cpx EntryPerBlock lda EntryCount+1 sbc #0 bcc .5 We have less than EPB to read ldx EntryPerBlock .5 stx EntryCountIB stz EntryCount2Return lda #1 For Ending 0 sta BufSize stz BufSize+1 * pass #1 compute BufSize..... .51 lda (ZPQuickPtr2) X = EntryCount In This Block beq .7 Free slot....goto next jsr S.READDIR.CHK .7 lda ZPQuickPtr2 clc adc EntryLength sta ZPQuickPtr2 bcc .71 inc ZPQuickPtr2+1 .71 dex bne .51 * pass #2 Fill Buffer... >PUSHW BufSize Get a BufSize bytes buffer for storing results >PUSHBI S.MEM.F.INIT0 make sure 0 fiiled jsr S.GetMem bcs .98 stx S.READDIRA.hDIR >STYA ZPQuickPtr4 .72 jsr DecEntryCount bcc .80 no more file to list... lda (ZPQuickPtr3) beq .78 jsr S.READDIRA.ADD .78 lda ZPQuickPtr3 clc adc EntryLength sta ZPQuickPtr3 bcc .79 inc ZPQuickPtr3+1 .79 dec EntryCountIB beq .72 .80 * lda #0 S.MEM.F.INIT0 already did this * sta (ZPQuickPtr4) Ending 0 ldy #S.DIR.PRODOS.EL+3 .8 lda EntryLength-S.DIR.PRODOS.EL,y Store back this session prameters to S.DIR sta (ZPQuickPtr1),y dey bpl .8 jsr .98 Discard READBUFFER lda S.READDIRA.hDIR tax jsr S.GetMemPtrA clc rts *-------------------------------------- S.READDIR.CHK tay save LEN and #$F0 get storage_type cmp #$E0 directory header ? bne .1 inc EntryCount2Return yes, return 2 ".." lda #S.STAT+3 add "#.." string + S.STAT jsr S.READDIRA.AddBufSize bra .2 go add "." Entry .1 cmp #$F0 Volume header ? bne .3 .2 lda #S.STAT+2 add "#." string + S.STAT bra .4 .3 tya and #$F get filename len sec Add 1 for LEN adc #S.STAT .4 jsr S.READDIRA.AddBufSize inc EntryCount2Return rts *-------------------------------------- S.READDIRA.ADD and #$F0 cmp #$F0 Volume header ? bne .10 lda #1 jsr S.READDIRA.AddToBuf lda #'.' jsr S.READDIRA.AddToBuf ldy #$25 total_blocks lda (ZPQuickPtr3),y tax iny lda (ZPQuickPtr3),y ldy #S.STAT.BLOCKS+1 sta (ZPQuickPtr4),y dey txa sta (ZPQuickPtr4),y .10 cmp #$E0 directory header ? bne .20 lda #2 jsr S.READDIRA.AddToBuf lda #'.' jsr S.READDIRA.AddToBuf jsr S.READDIRA.AddToBuf .20 cmp #$D0 directory ? bne .30 lda (ZPQuickPtr3) and #$0F get filename len tax jsr S.READDIRA.AddToBuf ldy #1 .21 lda (ZPQuickPtr3),y jsr S.READDIRA.AddToBuf iny dex bne .21 .30 .80 lda ZPQuickPtr4 clc adc #S.STAT sta ZPQuickPtr4 bcc .8 inc ZPQuickPtr4+1 .8 rts *-------------------------------------- S.READDIRA.AddBufSize clc adc BufSize sta BufSize bcc .9 inc BufSize+1 .9 rts *-------------------------------------- S.READDIRA.AddToBuf sta (ZPQuickPtr4) inc ZPQuickPtr4 bne .8 inc ZPQuickPtr4+1 .8 rts *-------------------------------------- DecEntryCount lda EntryCount sec sbc #1 sta EntryCount bcs .9 CS, 0 or more lda EntryCount+1 sbc #0 sta EntryCount+1 CC, we reached $ffff .9 rts *-------------------------------------- S.READDIRA.hMem .BS 1 S.READDIRA.hDIR .BS 1 *-------------------------------------- * In : * A = hDIR *-------------------------------------- S.CLOSEDIRA jsr S.PFTCHECKDIRA sta hDIR jsr S.GetMemPtrA >STYA ZPQuickPtr1 S.CLOSEDIRA.1 ldy #S.DIR.PRODOS.REF lda (ZPQuickPtr1),y beq .1 sta MLICALL.PARAMS+1 >MLICALL MLICLOSE .1 ldy #S.DIR.PRODOS.IOBUF lda (ZPQuickPtr1),y beq .2 jsr S.FreeMemA .2 lda hDIR jsr S.FreeMemA clc rts *-------------------------------------- S.MKDIRYA jsr S.PFTCHECKPATHYA >STYA MLICALL.PARAMS+1 lda #S.FILEINFO.ACCESS.FULL sta MLICALL.PARAMS+S.FILEINFO.ACCESS lda #S.FILEINFO.TYPE.DIR sta MLICALL.PARAMS+S.FILEINFO.TYPE lda #S.FILEINFO.STORETYPE.DIR sta MLICALL.PARAMS+S.FILEINFO.STORETYPE >MLICALL MLICREATE rts *-------------------------------------- hONLINE .BS 1 hDIRENT .BS 1 BufSize .BS 2 EntryLength .BS 1 EntryPerBlock .BS 1 EntryCount .BS 2 EntryCountIB .BS 1 EntryCount2Return .BS 1 VolName .BS 17 *-------------------------------------- MAN SAVE SYS/KERNEL.S.DIR LOAD SYS/KERNEL.S ASM