PR#3 PREFIX /A2OSX.SRC NEW INC 1 AUTO 6 .LIST OFF *-------------------------------------- * PUBLIC *-------------------------------------- S.CheckPrefixYA >STYA MLICALL.PARAMS+1 >STYA ZPQuickPtr1 lda (ZPQuickPtr1) beq .98 tax ldy #1 lda (ZPQuickPtr1),y cmp #'/' bne .98 cpx #1 "/" allowed for listing online volumes beq .8 >MLICALL MLIGETFILEINFO bcs .98 No, invalid path... lda MLICALL.PARAMS+4 Check file type cmp #$0F Directory? bne .98 .8 clc rts .98 lda #SYSMGR.ERRIDIR .99 sec rts *-------------------------------------- * S.FileSearch * in : * PULLW = PSTR to File Name (PSTRING) * PULLW = PSTR to Search Path (PSTRING) %LIB%;/SYS/SLIB * out : * Y,A = PSTR to FilePath (PSTRING) * X = hMem to FilePath *-------------------------------------- S.FileSearch >PULLW ZPQuickPtr4 ZPQuickPtr1 trashed by ExpandPStrYA >PULLYA Get Search list jsr S.ExpandPStrYA Expand it bcs .99 stx S.FileSearch.hSrch >STYA ZPQuickPtr2 expanded search list ; stz S.FileSearch.Index .1 stz KrnBuffer256 reset String ldx #0 ldy S.FileSearch.Index .2 tya cmp (ZPQuickPtr2) end of src string ? beq .3 end of string, try it.... iny lda (ZPQuickPtr2),y cmp #';' beq .3 inx sta KrnBuffer256,x bra .2 .3 txa beq .98 String is empty....nothing to try sty S.FileSearch.Index save current index ldy #0 .4 iny lda (ZPQuickPtr4),y Append Fiename... inx sta KrnBuffer256,x tya cmp (ZPQuickPtr4) bne .4 stx KrnBuffer256 set string length >LDYAI KrnBuffer256 jsr S.MLIGetFileInfoYA bcs .1 Failed...retry next path... lda S.FileSearch.hSrch Discard Expanded hSrch list jsr S.FreeMemA >LDYAI KrnBuffer256 jmp S.NewPStrYA .98 lda S.FileSearch.hSrch Discard Expanded hSrch list jsr S.FreeMemA lda #SYSMGR.ERRFNF sec .99 rts *-------------------------------------- S.FileSearch.File .BS 2 S.FileSearch.hSrch .BS 1 S.FileSearch.Index .BS 1 *-------------------------------------- * S.GetFullPathYA * in : * Y,A = Filename (PSTRING) * out : * Y,A = FullPath (PSTRING) * X = hMem of FullPath *-------------------------------------- S.GetFullPathYA >STYA ZPQuickPtr3 Ptr1 & 2 used by StrCpy lda (ZPQuickPtr3) beq .9 stz KrnBuffer256 ldy #1 lda (ZPQuickPtr3),y cmp #'/' full path starting with '/'? beq .1 yes, do not append to current prefix ldy #S.PS.hPREFIX lda (pPs),y jsr S.GetMemPtrA >PUSHYA >PUSHWI KrnBuffer256 jsr S.PStrCpy .1 >PUSHW ZPQuickPtr3 >PUSHWI KrnBuffer256 jsr S.PStrCat >LDYAI KrnBuffer256 jmp S.NewPStrYA .9 sec rts *-------------------------------------- * S.LoadFileYA * in : * Y,A = FilePath (PSTRING) * out : * Y,A = File Length * X = hMem of Loaded File *-------------------------------------- S.LoadFileYA jsr S.MLIOpenYA bcc .10 rts .10 sta S.LoadFile.hRef save ref_num stx S.LoadFile.hBuf save Prodos Buffer for freemem jsr S.MLIGetEOFA bcs .98 phx Larger than 64k? plx beq .1 File too big!!!! lda #SYSMGR.ERRFTB bra .98 .1 >STYA S.LoadFile.Len save Length >PUSHYA Push Length for S.GetMem >PUSHBI 0 jsr S.GetMem bcs .98 >STYA S.LoadFile.Mem stx S.LoadFile.hMem save Segment hMem >PUSHW S.LoadFile.Len Push Length for S.MLIRead >PUSHW S.LoadFile.Mem Push PTR >PUSHB S.LoadFile.hRef Push ref_num jsr S.MLIRead bcs .97 jsr .98 Close File.... >LDYA S.LoadFile.Len Return File Length... ldx S.LoadFile.hMem ...and hMem to Caller clc rts .97 pha lda S.LoadFile.hMem jsr S.FreeMemA freemem because of failed load pla .98 pha lda S.LoadFile.hRef jsr S.MLICloseA lda S.LoadFile.hBuf jsr S.FreeMemA ProDOS IO Buffer pla .99 sec rts *-------------------------------------- S.LoadFile.hRef .BS 1 S.LoadFile.hBuf .BS 1 S.LoadFile.hMem .BS 1 S.LoadFile.Mem .BS 2 S.LoadFile.Len .BS 2 *-------------------------------------- * S.ListDirInitYA * in : * Y,A = PSTR /DIR,/DIR/*.?s * out : * A = hMem of Dir Listing *-------------------------------------- S.ListDirInitYA >STYA ZPQuickPtr3 Store path lda (ZPQuickPtr3) tay ldx #0 .1 lda (ZPQuickPtr3),y reverse read path until '/' found cmp #'/' beq .2 inx dey bne .1 .2 stx TmpFileName store file pattern len in buffer txa beq .4 no pattern ? lda (ZPQuickPtr3) tay .3 lda (ZPQuickPtr3),y sta TmpFileName,x dey dex bne .3 tya sta (ZPQuickPtr3) remove pattern from path .4 >PUSHWI S.LISTDIR.SIZE get LISTDIR Struct >PUSHBI S.MEM.F.INIT0 reset all bytes jsr S.GetMem bcs .99 stx S.ListDirInitYA.hDir >STYA ZPQuickPtr4 Store LISTDIR Struct >LDYA ZPQuickPtr3 jsr S.NewPStrYA bcs .99 txa ldy #S.LISTDIR.hPATH sta (ZPQuickPtr4),y lda TmpFileName beq .5 >LDYAI TmpFileName jsr S.NewPStrYA bcs .99 txa ldy #S.LISTDIR.hPATTERN sta (ZPQuickPtr4),y .5 lda (ZPQuickPtr3) cmp #1 length = 1 ? ('/') bne .6 jsr S.ListDirInitAV bcs .98 lda S.ListDirInitYA.hDir rts .6 jsr S.ListDirInitAD bcs .98 lda S.ListDirInitYA.hDir rts .98 pha lda S.ListDirInitYA.hDir Discard S.LISTDIR jsr S.ListDirCloseA pla .99 sec rts *-------------------------------------- S.ListDirInitYA.hDir .BS 1 *-------------------------------------- S.ListDirInitAV >PUSHWI 256 >PUSHBI 0 jsr S.GetMem bcs .99 >PUSHYA push buffer for online call txa sta (ZPQuickPtr4) save hONLINE buffer >PUSHBI 0 All devices jsr S.MLIOnline bcs .98 ldy #S.LISTDIR.ONLINEPTR * lda #0 make index point first Entry * sta (ZPQuickPtr4),y clc rts .98 lda (ZPQuickPtr4) jsr S.FreeMemA .99 sec rts *-------------------------------------- S.ListDirInitAD * lda #0 * sta (ZPQuickPtr4) reset hONLINE >LDYA ZPQuickPtr3 Open DIR jsr S.MLIOpenYA bcs .99 ldy #S.LISTDIR.REFNUM sta (ZPQuickPtr4),y save ref_num txa ldy #S.LISTDIR.hIOBUF sta (ZPQuickPtr4),y save ProDOS IO buffer hMem >PUSHWI 512 get Read buffer >PUSHBI 0 jsr S.GetMem bcs .99 txa ldy #S.LISTDIR.hREADBUF save Read Buffer hMem sta (ZPQuickPtr4),y jsr S.ListDirReadBlock bcs .99 >STYA ZPQuickPtr1 ldy #$23 get entry_length lda (ZPQuickPtr1),y ldy #S.LISTDIR.EL sta (ZPQuickPtr4),y ldy #$24 get entry_per_block lda (ZPQuickPtr1),y ldy #S.LISTDIR.EPB sta (ZPQuickPtr4),y ldy #$25 get File_count LO lda (ZPQuickPtr1),y clc adc #1 Add 1 for VOL/DIR Header ldy #S.LISTDIR.FC sta (ZPQuickPtr4),y ldy #$26 get File_count HI lda (ZPQuickPtr1),y adc #0 ldy #S.LISTDIR.FC+1 sta (ZPQuickPtr4),y * ldy #S.LISTDIR.FI * lda #0 * sta (ZPQuickPtr4),y * iny * sta (ZPQuickPtr4),y set FI to $0000 clc .99 rts *-------------------------------------- * S.DirListNextA * A = S.LISTDIR hMEM * out : * A = hMem To Dir Entry *-------------------------------------- S.ListDirNextA jsr S.GetMemPtrA Get PTR to S.LISTDIR >STYA R.CX lda (R.CX) Online Data? beq S.ListDirNextAD no,list files *-------------------------------------- S.ListDirNextAV jsr S.GetMemPtrA >STYA ZPQuickPtr1 ZPQuickPtr1 = Online DATA .10 ldy #S.LISTDIR.ONLINEPTR lda (R.CX),y cmp #16 beq .9 inc sta (R.CX),y dec asl asl asl asl tay lda (ZPQuickPtr1),y and #$0F beq .10 sta TmpFileName ldx #0 .1 iny inx lda (ZPQuickPtr1),y sta TmpFileName,x cpx TmpFileName bne .1 >PUSHWI 16 >PUSHBI 0 jsr S.GetMem bcs .9 >STYA ZPQuickPtr2 ldy #15 .2 lda TmpFileName,y sta (ZPQuickPtr2),y dey bpl .2 lda (ZPQuickPtr2) Mark Record as "VOL" ora #$C0 sta (ZPQuickPtr2) txa Get back hMem of Volume.Name clc rts .9 sec rts *-------------------------------------- S.ListDirNextAD stz S.ListDirNext.hRec Reset Return Record hMem ldy #S.LISTDIR.FI File Index = File count ? lda (R.CX),y ldy #S.LISTDIR.FC cmp (R.CX),y bne .1 ldy #S.LISTDIR.FI+1 lda (R.CX),y ldy #S.LISTDIR.FC+1 cmp (R.CX),y bne .1 sec yes, exit no more file rts *-------------------------------------- .1 ldy #S.LISTDIR.EIB Entry Index in block = Entry per block ? lda (R.CX),y ldy #S.LISTDIR.EPB cmp (R.CX),y bne .2 jsr S.ListDirReadBlock bcc .3 rts *-------------------------------------- .2 ldy #S.LISTDIR.hREADBUF lda (R.CX),y jsr S.GetMemPtrA .3 >STYA R.AX R.AX = READ BUFFER ldy #S.LISTDIR.BLKPTR lda (R.CX),y clc adc R.AX sta R.AX iny lda (R.CX),y adc R.AX+1 sta R.AX+1 lda (R.AX) Is is a deleted file ? (storage_type=0) and #$F0 beq .5 cmp #$F0 Volume header ? beq .30 yes, do not filter cmp #$E0 Directory header ? beq .30 yes, do not filter ldy #S.LISTDIR.hPATTERN any filter ? lda (R.CX),y beq .30 jsr S.GetMemPtrA >PUSHYA push Filter PTR lda (R.AX) and #$0F sta TmpFileName tay .31 lda (R.AX),y sta TmpFileName,y dey bne .31 >PUSHWI TmpFileName push Filename PTR jsr S.PStrMatch bcs .5 no match .30 ldy #S.LISTDIR.EL Get Entry length lda (R.CX),y tay lda #0 >PUSHYA Get an entry_length buffer >PUSHBI 0 jsr S.GetMem bcs .99 >STYA R.BX R.BX = DEST RECORD stx S.ListDirNext.hRec ldy #S.LISTDIR.EL lda (R.CX),y tay dey .4 lda (R.AX),y sta (R.BX),y dey bpl .4 .5 ldy #S.LISTDIR.EIB Set ENTRY INDEX IN BLOCK +=1 lda (R.CX),y inc sta (R.CX),y ldy #S.LISTDIR.EL Set BLOCK PTR +=entry_length lda (R.CX),y ldy #S.LISTDIR.BLKPTR clc adc (R.CX),y sta (R.CX),y iny lda (R.CX),y adc #0 sta (R.CX),y lda (R.AX) and #$E0 is storage_type = $F or $E ? cmp #$E0 yes, do NOT increase FI bne .6 ldy #S.LISTDIR.FI Increase FILE INDEX lda (R.CX),y inc sta (R.CX),y bne .6 iny lda (R.CX),y inc sta (R.CX),y .6 lda S.ListDirNext.hRec bne .8 jmp S.ListDirNextAD Nothing to return, start over for next file entry .8 clc rts .99 sec rts *-------------------------------------- * S.ListDirReadBlock * In : * CX = LISTDIR * Out : * Y,A = READ BUFFER *-------------------------------------- S.ListDirReadBlock ldy #S.LISTDIR.REFNUM lda (R.CX),y get ref_num sta MLICALL.PARAMS+1 ldy #S.LISTDIR.hREADBUF lda (R.CX),y get READ BUFFER jsr S.GetMemPtrA >STYA MLICALL.PARAMS+2 >LDYAI 512 >STYA MLICALL.PARAMS+4 >MLICALL MLIREAD bcs .9 ldy #S.LISTDIR.BLKPTR set BLKPTR to $0004 lda #4 sta (R.CX),y iny lda #0 sta (R.CX),y ldy #S.LISTDIR.EIB set EIB to 0 sta (R.CX),y >LDYA MLICALL.PARAMS+2 .9 rts *-------------------------------------- S.ListDirNext.hRec .BS 1 *-------------------------------------- * S.DirListCloseA * in : * A = hS.LISTDIR *-------------------------------------- S.ListDirCloseA pha jsr S.GetMemPtrA >STYA ZPQuickPtr1 ldy #S.LISTDIR.REFNUM lda (ZPQuickPtr1),y beq .1 jsr S.MLICloseA bcs * If Close Failed, we cannot free IOBUF .1 ldy #S.LISTDIR.hIOBUF lda (ZPQuickPtr1),y beq .2 jsr S.FreeMemA .2 ldy #S.LISTDIR.hREADBUF lda (ZPQuickPtr1),y beq .3 jsr S.FreeMemA .3 ldy #S.LISTDIR.hONLINE lda (ZPQuickPtr1),y beq .4 jsr S.FreeMemA .4 ldy #S.LISTDIR.hPATTERN lda (ZPQuickPtr1),y beq .5 jsr S.FreeMemA .5 ldy #S.LISTDIR.hPATH lda (ZPQuickPtr1),y beq .6 jsr S.FreeMemA .6 pla jsr S.FreeMemA clc rts *-------------------------------------- TmpFileName .BS 16 *-------------------------------------- MAN SAVE SYS/KERNEL.S.FIO LOAD SYS/KERNEL.S ASM