NEW AUTO 3,1 .LIST OFF .OP 65C02 .OR $2000 .TF bin/chaux *-------------------------------------- .INB inc/macros.i .INB inc/a2osx.i .INB inc/mli.i .INB inc/mli.e.i *-------------------------------------- X.ENTER.SUBDIR .EQ 0 X.COPY.TO.DEST .EQ 0 X.DELETE.SOURCE .EQ 0 *-------------------------------------- * Zero Page Segment, up to 32 bytes *-------------------------------------- .DUMMY .OR ZPBIN ZS.START ZPPtr1 .BS 2 ZPPtr2 .BS 2 ZPFileName .BS 2 ZPFileStat .BS 2 ZPFullPath .BS 2 ArgIndex .BS 1 bAuxFileType .BS 1 AuxFileType .BS 2 hSrcFullPath .BS 1 bPause .BS 1 bContinue .BS 1 bRecurse .BS 1 ZS.END .ED *-------------------------------------- * File Header (16 Bytes) *-------------------------------------- CS.START cld jmp (.1,x) .DA #$61 6502,Level 1 (65c02) .DA #1 BIN Layout Version 1 .DA #0 S.PS.F.EVENT .DA #0 .DA CS.END-CS.START Code Size (without Constants) .DA DS.END-DS.START Data SegmentSize .DA #16 Stack Size .DA #ZS.END-ZS.START Zero Page Size .DA 0 *-------------------------------------- * Relocation Table *-------------------------------------- .1 .DA CS.INIT .DA CS.RUN .DA CS.DOEVENT .DA CS.QUIT *-------------------------------------- L.MSG.USAGE .DA MSG.USAGE L.MSG.FILE .DA MSG.FILE L.MSG.OK .DA MSG.OK L.MSG.ERR .DA MSG.ERR L.SSCANF.D .DA SSCANF.D L.SSCANF.H .DA SSCANF.H .DA 0 *-------------------------------------- CS.INIT clc rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN inc ArgIndex lda ArgIndex >SYSCALL ArgV bcs .7 >STYA ZPPtr1 lda (ZPPtr1) cmp #'-' bne .4 ldy #1 lda (ZPPtr1),y ldx #OptionVars-OptionList-1 .2 cmp OptionList,x beq .3 dex bne .2 .99 >LDYA L.MSG.USAGE >SYSCALL PutS lda #E.SYN sec rts .3 ldy OptionVars,x lda #$80 sta $0,y bra CS.RUN *-------------------------------------- .4 bit bAuxFileType bmi .5 jsr GetAuxType bcs .99 bra CS.RUN .5 >LDA.G hSrcBasePath bne .99 >LDYA ZPPtr1 jsr InitSrcDirYA bcs .99 bra CS.RUN *-------------------------------------- .7 >LDA.G hSrcBasePath beq .99 no src ? ERROR bit bAuxFileType bpl .99 we also have a TYPE >LDYAI 256 >SYSCALL GetMem bcs .99 >STYA ZPFullPath stx hSrcFullPath *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.LOOP ldy #S.PS.hStdIn lda (pPS),y >SYSCALL FEOF bcs .99 tay bne .1 >SYSCALL GetChar bcs .99 cmp #$03 Ctrl-C beq .99 Abort.... cmp #$13 Ctrl-S bne .1 lda bPause eor #$ff sta bPause bne CS.RUN.LOOP .1 bit bPause bmi CS.RUN.LOOP Pause... *-------------------------------------- jsr GetEntry bcs CS.RUN.LEAVE jsr FilterMatch bcs CS.RUN.NEXT no match, skip.... ldy #S.STAT.MODE+1 lda (ZPFileStat),y and #$70 bne .5 REG file ? jsr CS.RUN.FILE bcc CS.RUN.NEXT rts .5 cmp /S.STAT.MODE.DIR DIR ? bne .6 jsr CS.RUN.DIR bcc CS.RUN.NEXT rts .6 lda #MLI.E.UNSUPST sec .99 rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.NEXT jsr GetNextEntry bcc CS.RUN.LOOP CS.RUN.LEAVE jsr LeaveSubDir bcs .90 jsr BasePath.. jmp CS.RUN.NEXT .90 lda #0 sec .99 rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.DIR bit bRecurse bpl .8 lda (ZPFileName) cmp #'.' bne .1 ldy #1 lda (ZPFileName),y beq .8 cmp #'.' bne .1 iny lda (ZPFileName),y beq .8 .1 jsr CS.RUN.GetFilePath >LDYA ZPFileName jmp EnterSubDirYA .8 clc rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.FILE jsr FilterMatch bcs .8 no match, skip.... jsr CS.RUN.GetFilePath >PUSHW L.MSG.FILE >PUSHW ZPFullPath >PUSHBI 2 >SYSCALL PrintF bcs .9 >PUSHW ZPFullPath >PUSHW AuxFileType >SYSCALL ChAux jsr CS.RUN.CheckErr .8 clc .9 rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.CheckErr bcs .1 >LDYA L.MSG.OK >SYSCALL PutS rts .1 pha >PUSHW L.MSG.ERR pla pha >PUSHA >PUSHBI 1 >SYSCALL PrintF lda bContinue eor #$80 asl pla rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.GetFilePath >PUSHW ZPFullPath >LDA.G hSrcBasePath >SYSCALL GetMemPtr >PUSHYA >SYSCALL StrCpy >PUSHW ZPFullPath >PUSHW ZPFileName >SYSCALL StrCat rts *-------------------------------------- CS.DOEVENT sec rts *-------------------------------------- CS.QUIT jsr LeaveSubDir bcc CS.QUIT >LDA.G hFilter beq .1 >SYSCALL FreeMem .1 lda hSrcFullPath beq .8 >SYSCALL FreeMem .8 clc rts *-------------------------------------- GetAuxType lda (ZPPtr1) cmp #'0' bcc .1 cmp #'9'+1 bcs .1 ldx #0 bra .7 .1 cmp #'x' beq .2 cmp #'X' bne .9 inc ZPPtr1 bne .2 inc ZPPtr1+1 .2 ldx #2 .7 >PUSHW ZPPtr1 >PUSHW L.SSCANF.D,x >PUSHWI AuxFileType >PUSHBI 2 >SYSCALL SScanF bcs .9 cpy #1 bne .9 dec bAuxFileType clc rts .9 sec rts *-------------------------------------- .INB usr/src/shared/x.fileenum.s *-------------------------------------- CS.END *-------------------------------------- OptionList .AS "CRcr" OptionVars .DA #bContinue,#bRecurse,#bContinue,#bRecurse *-------------------------------------- MSG.USAGE .CS "Usage : CHAUX auxtype [File *,? wildcards allowed]\r\n" .CS " auxtype : 12345 (Decimal word) ,xABCD (Hexadecimal word)\r\n" .CS " -C : Continue on error\r\n" .CZ " -R : Recurse subdirectories\r\n" MSG.OK .CZ "[OK]" MSG.ERR .CZ "[%h]\r\n" MSG.FILE .CZ "CHAUX File:%S..." SSCANF.D .CZ "%D" SSCANF.H .CZ "%H" *-------------------------------------- .DUMMY .OR 0 DS.START .INB usr/src/shared/x.fileenum.g DS.END .ED *-------------------------------------- MAN SAVE usr/src/bin/chaux.s ASM