NEW AUTO 3,1 *-------------------------------------- * this routine handles interrupts and is coded to reach 'lreset' precisely at * address $FFCB (ROM rts opcode) for rom switching to function. * $FF9B *-------------------------------------- IRQ ldx #$FA save 6 bytes of page 0 .2 lda $00,x sta IRQ.ZPSave-$FA,x inx bne .2 lda mslot sta IRQ.DoneCn+2 * ldx #0 .3 lda inttbl+1,x test for a valid routine. beq .4 branch if no routine. phx jsr IRQ.GoX plx bcc IRQ.Done .4 inx inx cpx #10 bne .3 inc IRQ.Cnt allow 255 unclaimed interrupts bne IRQ.Done before system death. lda #$01 bad irq so jsr GP.SysDeath kill the system. *-------------------------------------- .LIST ON IRQ.FREE1 .EQ $ffc8-* .LIST OFF .BS IRQ.FREE1 IRQ.Reset1 sta RROMBNK2 .DO *=$FFCB * hits ROM rts at $FFCB .ELSE ERROR .FIN *-------------------------------------- IRQ.Done ldx #$FA .1 lda IRQ.ZPSave-$FA,x restore the zero page sta $00,x inx bne .1 lda CLRC8ROM IRQ.DoneCn lda $C100 SELF MODIFIED lda IRQ.DoneCn+2 sta mslot rti *-------------------------------------- IRQ.GoX jmp (inttbl,x) interrupt routine x IRQ.Reset lda /resetv-1 pha lda #resetv-1 pha bra IRQ.Reset1 IRQ.Cnt .HS 00 # of unclaimed interrupts. IRQ.ZPSave .HS 000000000000 6 bytes .LIST ON IRQ.FREE2 .EQ $fffa-* .LIST OFF .BS IRQ.FREE2 .DA nmivect nmi handler .DA IRQ.Reset reset handler irqv .DA * PATCHED with ROM vector by LDR .LIST OFF *-------------------------------------- IRQ.LEN .EQ *-IRQ *-------------------------------------- MAN SAVE USR/SRC/PRODOS.FX/PRODOS.S.IRQ LOAD USR/SRC/PRODOS.FX/PRODOS.S ASM