NEW AUTO 3,1 */-------------------------------------- * # NewStrV * **In:** * A = Initial Size (Page) * ## RETURN VALUE * X = hStrV * Y,A = Ptr *\-------------------------------------- *K.NewStrV */-------------------------------------- * # StrVGet * ## ASM * `>PUSHB hSTRV` * `>PUSHW index` * `>SYSCALL StrVGet` * ## RETURN VALUE * CC: Y,A = Ptr * CS: Y,A = NULL *\-------------------------------------- K.StrVGet >PULLA index eor #$ff sta ZPPtr2 >PULLA eor #$ff sta ZPPtr2+1 >PULLA >SYSCALL GetMemPtr >STYA ZPPtr1 strV .1 inc ZPPtr2 bne .2 inc ZPPtr2 beq .8 .2 jsr STRV.NStrPtr1 bcc .1 .9 rts .8 lda (ZPPtr1) tay dec beq .9 >LDYA ZPPtr1 clc rts */-------------------------------------- * # StrVAdd * ## ASM * `>PUSHB hSTRV` * `>PUSHW str` * `>SYSCALL StrVAdd` * ## RETURN VALUE * *\-------------------------------------- *K.StrVAdd >PULLW ZPPtr2 str * >PULLA * >SYSCALL GetMemPtr * >STYA ZPPtr1 */-------------------------------------- * # StrVDup * **In:** * Y,A = Src StrV * ## RETURN VALUE * X = hMem of new StrV * A = Str Count *\-------------------------------------- K.StrVDup >STYA ZPPtr1 >STYA ZPPtr2 ldy #0 ldx #0 .1 lda (ZPPtr2),y beq .2 .11 iny bne .1 inx inc ZPPtr2+1 bra .1 .2 iny bne .3 inx inc ZPPtr2+1 .3 lda (ZPPtr2),y bne .11 txa jsr K.getmem bcs .9 >STYA ZPPtr2 phx ldx #0 ldy #0 .4 lda (ZPPtr1),y .5 sta (ZPPtr2),y beq .6 iny bne .4 inc ZPPtr1+1 inc ZPPtr2+1 bra .4 .6 inx iny bne .7 inc ZPPtr1+1 inc ZPPtr2+1 .7 lda (ZPPtr1),y bne .5 sta (ZPPtr2),y Ending \0 txa plx hMem clc .9 rts */-------------------------------------- * # Str2StrV * Expand String and convert to StrV List * ## C * short int str2strv(char* args, char* argv[]) * ## ASM * `>PUSHW argv` * `>LDYA args` * `>SYSCALL Str2StrV` * ## RETURN VALUE * A = Arg count *\-------------------------------------- K.Str2StrV jsr K.Expand bcs .9 >STYA ZPPtr1 stx .80+1 >PULLW ZPPtr2 Get target buffer ldx #0 Arg Count ldy #0 bInQuote .1 jsr SHARED.GetCharPtr1 beq .8 cmp #C.SPACE beq .1 skip leading spaces .2 cmp #'"' found a quote ? bne .3 tya eor #$ff tay bra .7 skip quote and check next char .3 cmp #C.SPACE bne .6 regular char tya bmi .4 between quotes... store space... inx Found one arg !!! lda #0 set this token End jsr SHARED.PutCharPtr2 bra .1 .4 lda #C.SPACE .6 jsr SHARED.PutCharPtr2 .7 jsr SHARED.GetCharPtr1 bne .2 inx .8 jsr SHARED.PutCharPtr2 set Argv[x] Ending 0 sta (ZPPtr2) set Array Ending 0 phx .80 lda #$FF SELF MODIFIED jsr K.FreeMem Discard expanded string pla get back Arg Count * clc rts .9 >RET 2 Discard target buffer *-------------------------------------- STRV.NStrPtr1 ldy #$ff .1 iny lda (ZPPtr1) beq .2 inc ZPPtr1 bne .1 inc ZPPtr1+1 bra .1 .2 tya beq .9 inc ZPPtr1 bne .8 inc ZPPtr1+1 skip \0 .8 clc rts .9 sec rts *-------------------------------------- MAN SAVE USR/SRC/SYS/KERNEL.S.STRV LOAD USR/SRC/SYS/KERNEL.S ASM