NEW PREFIX /A2OSX.BUILD AUTO 4,1 .LIST OFF *-------------------------------------- * Sliding Window = 4096 *-------------------------------------- WSIZE .EQ 4096 power of 2 *-------------------------------------- * Output BITSTREAM : * 0 : Lit (8) * 1 : Copy, L (4), P.HI (4), P.LO (8) *-------------------------------------- Pak.LZ jsr Pak.In.Init Init SrcPtr,SrcCnt jsr Pak.Out.Init * future optimization, make P grows from 2 to 12 while increasing W size * lda #2 Ptr width starts at 2 bits * sta Pak.LZ.PWidth * lda #%00000011 Ptr Mask Starts at %000000000011 * sta Pak.LZ.PMaskLO * stz Pak.LZ.PMaskHI lda #$ff sta Pak.LZ.WCnt sta Pak.LZ.WCnt+1 WCnt=!0 .1 jsr Pak.In.GetRH Z if EOF beq .80 cmp #3 bcc .8 no more than 2 bytes cmp #19 more than 18 bytes left, limit to 18 bcc .2 lda #18 .2 tax X = Read ahead max size lda ZPSrcPtr make ZPSrcWPtr=ZPSrcPtr sta ZPSrcWPtr lda ZPSrcPtr sta ZPSrcWPtr lda Pak.LZ.WCnt sta ZPCnt lda Pak.LZ.WCnt+1 sta ZPCnt+1 stz Pak.LZ.BestLen .3 inc ZPCnt bne .4 inc ZPCnt+1 beq .7 reached begining of lda ZPSrcWPtr make ZPSrcWPtr-=1 sec sbc #1 sta ZPSrcWPtr bcs .4 dec ZPSrcWPtr+1 .4 ldy #0 phx save Read ahead max size .5 lda (ZPSrcPtr),y Try to find a match cmp (ZPSrcWPtr),y bne .6 iny dex don't exceed 18 or Src Buffer bne .5 .6 plx get back Read ahead max size cpy #3 matched a least 3 chars ? bcc .3 no....try one char back in Wnd cpy Pak.LZ.BestLen better than last match ? bcc .3 no....try one char back in Wnd sty Pak.LZ.BestLen lda ZPSrcWPtr sta Pak.LZ.BestPtr lda ZPSrcWPtr+1 sta Pak.LZ.BestPtr+1 bra .3 .7 lda Pak.LZ.BestLen do we match something ? beq .8 lda Pak.LZ.BestPtr sec sbc ZPSrcPtr sta Pak.LZ.BestPtr lda Pak.LZ.BestPtr+1 sbc ZPSrcPtr+1 sta Pak.LZ.BestPtr+1 tya get len dec Adjust range 0-15 dec dec ora Pak.LZ.BestPtr+1 merge with P.HI sec jsr Pak.Out.PutCA Put 9 bits 1+LLLL+PPPP bcs .99 lda Pak.LZ.BestPtr Put 8 bits pppppppp jsr Pak.Out.PutA bcs .99 tya bra .81 .8 lda (ZPSrcPtr) clc jsr Pak.Out.PutCA Put 9 bits 0+xxxxxxxx bcs .99 lda #1 .81 jsr Pak.In.MoveFWA tya jsr LZ.MoveWndY bra .3 bra .71 .80 clc .99 rts *-------------------------------------- Unpak.LZ clc rts *-------------------------------------- LZ.MoveWndY tya sec sbc Pak.LZ.WCnt tax lda #0 sbc Pak.LZ.WCnt+1 cpx #WSIZE^$FF sbc /WSIZE^$FF bcs .1 ldx #WSIZE^$FF lda /WSIZE^$FF .1 stx Pak.LZ.WCnt sta Pak.LZ.WCnt+1 rts *-------------------------------------- MAN SAVE /A2OSX.SRC/LIB/LIBPAK.S.LZ ASM