NEW AUTO 3,1 .LIST OFF *-------------------------------------- X.RESET.SRC.DIR .EQ 0 single pass *-------------------------------------- .DUMMY .OR ZPBIN ZS.START ZPPtr1 .BS 2 ZPPtr2 .BS 2 ZPFileName .BS 2 ZPFileStat .BS 2 bContinue .BS 1 bRecurse .BS 1 bQuiet .BS 1 bPause .BS 1 Count .BS 2 PageCount .EQ * ArgIndex .BS 1 hSrcFullPath .BS 1 .DO X.COPY.TO.DEST=1 X.COPY.MINBUF .EQ 1024 X.COPY.MAXBUF .EQ 4096 bNoConfirm .BS 1 hDstFullPath .BS 1 hSrcFile .BS 1 hDstFile .BS 1 hCopyBuf .BS 1 .FIN ZS.END .ED *-------------------------------------- * File Header (16 Bytes) *-------------------------------------- CS.START cld jmp (.1,x) .DA #$61 6502,Level 1 (65c02) .DA #1 BIN Layout Version 1 .DA 0 .DA CS.END-CS.START CS .DA DS.END-DS.START DS .DA #64 SS .DA #ZS.END-ZS.START Zero Page Size .DA 0 *-------------------------------------- * Relocation Table *-------------------------------------- .1 .DA CS.INIT .DA CS.RUN .DA CS.DOEVENT .DA CS.QUIT L.MSG.USAGE .DA MSG.USAGE L.MSG.DIR .DA MSG.DIR L.MSG.REG .DA MSG.REG .DO X.COPY.TO.DEST=1 L.MSG.OVERWRITE .DA MSG.OVERWRITE .FIN L.MSG.OK .DA MSG.OK L.MSG.ERR .DA MSG.ERR L.MSG.CRLF .DA MSG.CRLF L.MSG.DONE .DA MSG.DONE .DA 0 *-------------------------------------- CS.INIT clc CS.INIT.RTS rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN jsr CS.RUN.CheckOpt bcs CS.INIT.RTS >LDYAI 256 >SYSCALL GetMem bcs CS.INIT.RTS stx hSrcFullPath .DO X.COPY.TO.DEST=1 >LDYAI 256 >SYSCALL GetMem bcs CS.INIT.RTS stx hDstFullPath .FIN *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.Loop jsr CS.RUN.CheckKey bcs .99 bit bPause bmi CS.RUN.Loop jsr X.GetEntry bcs .80 jsr X.IncludeMatch bcs .8 no match, skip.... jsr X.IgnoreMatch bcc .8 jsr CS.RUN.BuildFilePath ldy #S.STAT.MODE+1 lda (ZPFileStat),y and #$70 bne .1 REG file ? jsr CS.RUN.REG bra .7 .1 cmp /S.STAT.MODE.DIR DIR ? bne .98 bit bRecurse bpl .8 lda (ZPFileName) cmp #'.' bne .2 Skip "." & ".." ldy #1 lda (ZPFileName),y beq .8 cmp #'.' bne .2 Skip "." & ".." iny lda (ZPFileName),y beq .8 .2 jsr CS.RUN.DIR .7 jsr CS.RUN.CheckErr bcs .99 .8 jsr X.GetNextEntry bcc CS.RUN.Loop .80 jsr CS.RUN.LEAVE bcc .8 rts .98 lda #MLI.E.UNSUPST sec .99 rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.LEAVE jsr X.LeaveSubDir exit this sub dir.... bcs .90 base, we are done, exit jsr X.BasePath.. .DO X.DELETE.SOURCE=1 jsr X.GetEntry jsr CS.RUN.BuildFilePath jsr CS.RUN.DIR.MSG bcs .99 lda hSrcFullPath jsr CS.RUN.GetPathA >SYSCALL Remove .ELSE clc .FIN rts .90 bit bQuiet bmi .98 >PUSHW L.MSG.DONE >PUSHW Count >PUSHBI 2 >SYSCALL PrintF bcs .99 .98 lda #0 sec .99 rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.DIR jsr CS.RUN.DIR.MSG bcs .99 .DO X.COPY.TO.DEST=1 jsr CS.RUN.CheckOverwrite bcs .99 ABORT bmi .99 NO bne .8 YES, no create but enter lda hDstFullPath NOT EXISTS jsr CS.RUN.PushPathA ldy #S.STAT.MODE+1 lda (ZPFileStat),y >PUSHA dey lda (ZPFileStat),y >PUSHA >SYSCALL MKDir bcs .99 jsr CS.RUN.IncCount .FIN .8 >LDYA ZPFileName jmp X.EnterSubDirYA .99 rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.REG ldx #2 jsr CS.RUN.REG.MSG bcs .99 .DO X.COPY.TO.DEST=1 jsr CS.RUN.CheckOverwrite bcs .99 ABORT bmi .99 do not overwrite .2 .DO X.DELETE.SOURCE=1 mv file, check if srcbase=dstbase bne .3 overwrite, copy over lda hSrcBasePath jsr CS.RUN.PushPathA lda hDstBasePath jsr CS.RUN.PushPathA >SYSCALL StrCaseCmp bcs .3 not same dir, go copy/delete lda hSrcFullPath jsr CS.RUN.PushPathA lda hDstFullPath jsr CS.RUN.PushPathA >SYSCALL Rename bcc .8 rts .FIN .3 jsr CS.RUN.CopyStart bcs .99 .FIN .4 .DO X.DELETE.SOURCE=1 lda hSrcFullPath jsr CS.RUN.GetPathA >SYSCALL Remove bcs .99 .FIN .8 jmp CS.RUN.IncCount .99 rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.DIR.MSG ldx #0 CS.RUN.REG.MSG bit bQuiet bmi .8 >PUSHW L.MSG.DIR,x lda hSrcFullPath jsr CS.RUN.PushPathA .DO X.COPY.TO.DEST=1 lda hDstFullPath jsr CS.RUN.PushPathA >PUSHBI 4 .ELSE >PUSHBI 2 .FIN >SYSCALL PrintF rts .8 clc rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.CR >PUSHW L.MSG.CRLF >PUSHBI 0 >SYSCALL PrintF CS.RUN.CR.RTS rts *-------------------------------------- .DO X.COPY.TO.DEST=1 CS.RUN.CopyStart stz hSrcFile stz hDstFile stz hCopyBuf lda hSrcFullPath ldx #O.RDONLY jsr CS.RUN.Open bcs .9 sta hSrcFile lda hDstFullPath ldx #O.WRONLY+O.CREATE jsr CS.RUN.Open bcs .9 sta hDstFile lda /X.COPY.MAXBUF .1 sta PageCount ldy #0 >SYSCALL GetMem bcc .2 tax lda PageCount lsr cmp /X.COPY.MINBUF bcs .1 txa sec .9 bra CS.RUN.CopyEnd .2 >STYA ZPPtr1 stx hCopyBuf *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.Copy >PUSHB hSrcFile >PUSHW ZPPtr1 Dst Ptr >PUSHB PageCount Bytes To Read >PUSHBI 0 >SYSCALL FRead bcc .1 cmp #MLI.E.EOF sec bne CS.RUN.CopyEnd lda #0 clc bra CS.RUN.CopyEnd .1 sta ZPPtr2+1 >PUSHB hDstFile >PUSHW ZPPtr1 Src Ptr lda ZPPtr2+1 >PUSHYA Bytes To Write >SYSCALL FWrite bcs CS.RUN.CopyEnd bit bQuiet bmi .2 lda #'.' >SYSCALL PutChar .2 jsr CS.RUN.CheckKey bcs CS.RUN.CopyEnd lda ZPPtr2+1 cmp PageCount bcs CS.RUN.Copy * clc *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.CopyEnd php pha lda hDstFile beq .1 >SYSCALL FClose .1 lda hSrcFile beq .2 >SYSCALL FClose .2 lda hCopyBuf beq .3 >SYSCALL FreeMem .3 pla plp CS.RUN.Copy.RTS rts .FIN *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.Open phx Save open mode jsr CS.RUN.PushPathA pla >PUSHA ldy #S.STAT.P.TYPE >PUSHB (ZPFileStat),y ldy #S.STAT.P.AUXTYPE+1 >PUSHB (ZPFileStat),y dey >PUSHB (ZPFileStat),y >SYSCALL FOpen rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.CheckErr bcs .1 bit bQuiet bmi .8 >LDYA L.MSG.OK >SYSCALL PutS .8 rts .1 tax clc beq .8 SKIP >PUSHW L.MSG.ERR txa pha >PUSHA >PUSHBI 1 >SYSCALL PrintF pla sec bit bContinue bpl .99 clc .99 rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.BuildFilePath lda hSrcFullPath jsr CS.RUN.PushPathA >LDA.G hSrcBasePath jsr CS.RUN.PushPathA >SYSCALL StrCpy lda hSrcFullPath jsr CS.RUN.PushPathA >PUSHW ZPFileName >SYSCALL StrCat .DO X.COPY.TO.DEST=1 lda hDstFullPath jsr CS.RUN.PushPathA >LDA.G hDstBasePath jsr CS.RUN.PushPathA >SYSCALL StrCpy lda hDstFullPath jsr CS.RUN.PushPathA >LDA.G hDstFileName beq .1 >SYSCALL GetMemPtr >PUSHYA bra .2 .1 >PUSHW ZPFileName .2 >SYSCALL StrCat .FIN rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.GetPathA sec .HS 90 BCC CS.RUN.PushPathA clc php >SYSCALL GetMemPtr plp bcs .8 >PUSHYA .8 rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.IncCount inc Count bne .8 inc Count+1 .8 rts *-------------------------------------- .DO X.COPY.TO.DEST=1 CS.RUN.CheckOverwrite *-------------------------------------- lda hDstFullPath jsr CS.RUN.PushPathA >PUSHEA.G STATBUF >SYSCALL Stat bcs .8 File Not exists... bit bNoConfirm bmi .4 no prompt, override bit bQuiet bmi .10 jsr CS.RUN.CR .10 >PUSHW L.MSG.OVERWRITE lda hDstFullPath jsr CS.RUN.PushPathA >PUSHBI 2 >SYSCALL PrintF bcs .99 .1 >SYSCALL GetChar cmp #3 beq .99 abort jsr X.ToUpper cmp #'N' bne .2 lda #$80 EXISTS, NO OVERWRITE clc rts .2 cmp #'Y' beq .4 .3 cmp #'A' bne .1 * sec ror bNoConfirm .4 lda #$01 EXISTS, OVERWRITE clc rts .8 lda #0 NOT EXISTS clc .99 rts .FIN *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.CheckKey ldy #S.PS.hStdIn lda (pPS),y >SYSCALL FEOF bcs .9 I/O error tay bne .8 >SYSCALL GetChar bcs .9 I/O error cmp #$03 Ctrl-C beq .9 cmp #$13 Ctrl-S bne .8 lda bPause eor #$ff sta bPause .8 clc .9 rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.CheckOpt jsr CS.RUN.NextOpt bcs .7 >STYA ZPPtr1 lda (ZPPtr1) cmp #'-' bne .5 ldy #1 lda (ZPPtr1),y beq .98 .1 ldx #OptionVars-OptionList-1 .2 cmp OptionList,x beq .3 dex bpl .2 .98 >LDYA L.MSG.USAGE >SYSCALL PutS lda #E.SYN sec .99 rts .3 lda OptionVars,x beq .4 -I tax dec 0,x iny lda (ZPPtr1),y bne .1 bra CS.RUN.CheckOpt .4 iny lda (ZPPtr1),y bne .98 >LDA.G hIgnore bne .98 jsr CS.RUN.NextOpt bcs .98 >SYSCALL StrDup bcs .99 txa >STA.G hIgnore bra CS.RUN.CheckOpt *-------------------------------------- .5 >LDA.G index .DO X.COPY.TO.DEST=1 bne .6 Already have a Src dir... .ELSE bne .98 .FIN jsr X.InitSrcDirPtr1 bcc CS.RUN.CheckOpt success, scan for any other args rts .DO X.COPY.TO.DEST=1 .6 >LDA.G hDstBasePath bne .98 we already have a second arg....error! jsr X.InitDstDirPtr1 bcc CS.RUN.CheckOpt success, scan for any other args rts .FIN *-------------------------------------- .7 >LDA.G index processed all args beq .98 , no src ? ERROR .DO X.COPY.TO.DEST=1 >LDA.G hDstBasePath bne .8 we also have a Dst folder ldy #S.PS.hCWD no dst folder, use actual prefix lda (pPS),y >SYSCALL GetMemPtr jsr X.InitDstDirYA bcs .99 .FIN .8 clc rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.NextOpt inc ArgIndex lda ArgIndex >SYSCALL ArgV rts *-------------------------------------- CS.DOEVENT sec rts *-------------------------------------- CS.QUIT jsr X.LeaveSubDir bcc CS.QUIT .DO X.COPY.TO.DEST=1 lda hDstFullPath jsr .8 ldy #hDstFileName jsr .7 .FIN lda hSrcFullPath jsr .8 ldy #hInclude jsr .7 ldy #hIgnore .7 lda (pData),y .8 beq .9 >SYSCALL FreeMem .9 clc rts *-------------------------------------- MAN SAVE usr/src/shared/x.cpmvrm.s LOAD usr/src/bin/cp.s ASM