PR#3 PREFIX /A2OSX.SRC NEW INC 1 AUTO 6 .LIST OFF *-------------------------------------- *$00 - No Error *$01 - Bad Call Number *$04 - Bad Parameter Count *$25 - Interrupt Table Full *$27 - I/O Error *$28 - No Device Connected *$2B - Write Protected *$2E - Disk Switched *$2F - Device Offline *$40 - Invalid Pathname *$42 - Maximum Number of Files Open *$43 - Invalid Reference Number *$44 - Directory Not Found *$45 - Volume Not Found *$46 - File Not Found *$47 - Duplicate File Name *$48 - Volume Full *$49 - Directory Full *$4A - Incompatible File Format *$4B - Unsupported Storage Type *$4C - End of File, No More Data *$4D - Beyond EOF *$4E - File Access Error, File Locked *$50 - File Already Open *$51 - Directory Structure Damaged *$53 - Invalid Parameter *$55 - Too Many Volumes *$56 - Bad Buffer Address *$57 - Duplicate Volume *$5A - File Structure Damaged *-------------------------------------- MLI.ERR.BADCALL .EQ $01 *MLI.ERR.BADCNT .EQ $04 *MLI.ERR.IRQFULL .EQ $25 MLI.ERR.IO .EQ $27 MLI.ERR.NODEV .EQ $28 MLI.ERR.WRTPROT .EQ $2B MLI.ERR.DSKSWIT .EQ $2E MLI.ERR.INVPATH .EQ $40 MLI.ERR.FCBFULL .EQ $42 MLI.ERR.BADREF .EQ $43 MLI.ERR.PNOTFND .EQ $44 MLI.ERR.VNOTFND .EQ $45 MLI.ERR.FNOTFND .EQ $46 MLI.ERR.DUPFILE .EQ $47 MLI.ERR.OVERRUN .EQ $48 MLI.ERR.VOLFULL .EQ $49 MLI.ERR.EOF .EQ $4C *-------------------------------------- MAN SAVE /A2OSX.DEV/INC/MLI.ERR.I