NEW AUTO 3,1 #!/bin/sh . toolbox set SRC = /A2OSX.BUILD set DSTVOL = STABLE.32MB set DST = /$DSTVOL call CS call TBOX " STABLE Media Creator" call PRINTXY 8 0 "You must have the correct image mounted on S7D2" echo "\n" read -P "Do you want to proceed (Y/N)? " P switch $P case Y case y echo break default echo "\n\nExiting.\n" exit end read -P "\nWHICH BUILD NO: " B if [ -Z $B ] echo "You did not enter any response." echo echo "Exiting" exit fi set IM = "Stable Release Build No. ${B}" echo "\nFormatting..." format -B 65535 s7d2 $DSTVOL cp -Q $SRC/PRODOS $DST cp -Q $SRC/A2OSX.SYSTEM $DST cp -Q $SRC/A2osX.logo $DST cp -Q $SRC/BASIC.SYSTEM $DST cp -Q $SRC/STARTUP $DST echo "Making Directory Structure..." for DIR in (_dirs.32MB) md $DST/$DIR next echo "Copying Files..." for FILE in (_files.32MB) cp -Q $SRC/$FILE $DST/$FILE next echo "Welcome to A2osX!" > $DST/etc/issue echo >> $DST/etc/issue echo $IM >> $DST/etc/issue echo "#A2osX Build Version" > $DST/etc/version echo "${B}" >> $DST/etc/version mv $DST/sys/pm.* $DST/sys/pm cp -Q -R $SRC/usr/* $DST/usr MAN TEXT /A2OSX.BUILD/root/make/makeall