NEW AUTO 3,1 .LIST OFF .OP 65C02 .OR $2000 .TF bin/wc *-------------------------------------- .INB inc/macros.i .INB inc/a2osx.i .INB inc/kernel.i .INB inc/mli.i .INB inc/mli.e.i *-------------------------------------- X.ENTER.SUBDIR .EQ 0 X.COPY.TO.DEST .EQ 0 X.DELETE.SOURCE .EQ 0 X.RESET.SRC.DIR .EQ 0 *-------------------------------------- .DUMMY .OR ZPBIN ZS.START ZPPtr1 .BS 2 ZPPtr2 .BS 2 ZPFileName .BS 2 ZPFileStat .BS 2 ZPFullPath .BS 2 ZPRelPath .BS 2 ZPLineBuf .BS 2 ArgIndex .BS 1 hSrcFullPath .BS 1 hFile .BS 1 hMem .BS 1 bTabbed .BS 1 bPause .BS 1 bContinue .BS 1 bRecurse .BS 1 bChar .BS 1 bLine .BS 1 bWord .BS 1 bInWord .BS 1 bTotal .BS 1 ZS.END .ED *-------------------------------------- * File Header (16 Bytes) *-------------------------------------- CS.START cld jmp (.1,x) .DA #$61 6502,Level 1 (65c02) .DA #1 BIN Layout Version 1 .DA 0 .DA CS.END-CS.START Code Size (without Constants) .DA DS.END-DS.START Data SegmentSize .DA #64 Stack Size .DA #ZS.END-ZS.START Zero Page Size .DA 0 *-------------------------------------- * Relocation Table *-------------------------------------- .1 .DA CS.INIT .DA CS.RUN .DA CS.DOEVENT .DA CS.QUIT L.MSG.USAGE .DA MSG.USAGE L.MSG.CRLF .DA MSG.CRLF L.MSG.ERR .DA MSG.ERR L.MSG.LONGTAB .DA MSG.LONGTAB L.MSG.LONG .DA MSG.LONG L.MSG.TOTAL .DA MSG.TOTAL .DA 0 *-------------------------------------- CS.INIT clc rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN inc ArgIndex lda ArgIndex >SYSCALL ArgV bcs .5 >STYA ZPPtr1 lda (ZPPtr1) cmp #'-' bne .4 jsr CS.RUN.CheckOpt bcc CS.RUN .9 >LDYA L.MSG.USAGE >SYSCALL PutS lda #E.SYN sec rts .4 >LDA.G hSrcBasePath bne .9 >LDYA ZPPtr1 jsr X.InitSrcDirYA bcc CS.RUN .99 rts *-------------------------------------- .5 lda bChar ora bLine ora bWord bne .51 lda #$ff sta bChar sta bLine sta bWord .51 >LDA.G hSrcBasePath bne .6 ldy #S.PS.hStdIn lda (pPS),y tax lda hFDs-1,x >SYSCALL GetMemPtr >STYA ZPPtr1 lda (ZPPtr1) cmp #S.FD.T.PIPE bne .9 jmp CS.RUN.PIPE .6 >LDYAI 256 >SYSCALL GetMem bcs .99 >STYA ZPFullPath stx hSrcFullPath >LDA.G hSrcBasePath >SYSCALL GetMemPtr >STYA ZPPtr1 ldy #$ff .80 iny lda (ZPPtr1),y bne .80 tya clc adc ZPFullPath sta ZPRelPath lda ZPFullPath+1 adc #0 sta ZPRelPath+1 >LDYAI 256 >SYSCALL GetMem bcs .99 >STYA ZPLineBuf stx hMem *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.LOOP ldy #S.PS.hStdIn lda (pPS),y >SYSCALL FEOF bcs .99 tay bne .10 >SYSCALL GetChar bcs .99 cmp #$03 Ctrl-C beq .99 Abort.... cmp #$13 Ctrl-S bne .10 lda bPause eor #$ff sta bPause bne CS.RUN.LOOP .10 lda bPause bne CS.RUN.LOOP Pause... jsr X.GetEntry bcs .9 ldy #S.STAT.P.DRIVE lda (ZPFileStat),y ProDOS Device ? beq .5 jsr CS.RUN.DEV bcc CS.RUN.LOOP rts .5 ldy #S.STAT.MODE+1 lda (ZPFileStat),y and #$F0 cmp /S.STAT.MODE.DIR bne .6 jsr CS.RUN.DIR bcs .99 bra .8 .6 jsr CS.RUN.FILE bcs .99 bra .8 .9 jsr X.LeaveSubDir bcs .90 jsr X.BasePath.. .8 jsr X.GetNextEntry jmp CS.RUN.LOOP .90 jsr CS.RUN.PrintTstat lda #0 sec .99 rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.PIPE >LDYAI 256 >SYSCALL GetMem bcs .99 >STYA ZPLineBuf stx hMem ldy #S.PS.hStdIn lda (pPS),y sta hFile jsr CS.RUN.FILE.LOOP jsr CS.RUN.PrintFstat lda #0 sec .99 rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.DIR lda bRecurse bpl .8 lda (ZPFileName) cmp #'.' beq .8 >LDYA ZPFileName jsr X.EnterSubDirYA jmp CS.RUN.CheckErr .8 clc rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.DEV .8 jsr X.GetNextEntry CS.RUN.DEV.CLC.RTS clc rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.FILE jsr X.IncludeMatch bcs CS.RUN.DEV.CLC.RTS no match, skip.... jsr CS.RUN.GetFilePath jsr CS.RUN.OpenFile bcs .9 jsr CS.RUN.FILE.LOOP bcs .7 jsr CS.RUN.CloseFile jsr CS.RUN.PrintFstat bcs .99 jsr CS.RUN.AddFstat2Tstat lda bTotal bmi .8 beq .61 lda #$fe .61 inc sta bTotal .8 clc rts .7 pha jsr CS.RUN.CloseFile pla sec .9 jmp CS.RUN.CheckErr .99 rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.FILE.LOOP .1 >PUSHB hFile >PUSHW ZPLineBuf >PUSHWI 255 >SYSCALL FGetS bcs .8 jsr CS.RUN.IncFLine ldy #$ff stz bInWord .2 iny lda (ZPLineBuf),y bne .21 lda bInWord beq .1 jsr CS.RUN.IncFWord bra .1 .21 cmp #C.SPACE beq .3 cmp #C.TAB bne .4 .3 lda bInWord beq .5 jsr CS.RUN.IncFWord stz bInWord bra .5 .4 inc bInWord .5 jsr CS.RUN.IncFChar bra .2 .8 cmp #MLI.E.EOF bne .9 clc rts .9 sec rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.CheckErr bcc .9 pha >PUSHW L.MSG.ERR >PUSHA >PUSHBI 1 >SYSCALL PrintF lda bContinue eor #$80 asl pla .9 rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.GetFilePath >PUSHW ZPFullPath >LDA.G hSrcBasePath >SYSCALL GetMemPtr >PUSHYA >SYSCALL StrCpy >PUSHW ZPFullPath >PUSHW ZPFileName >SYSCALL StrCat rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.OpenFile ldx #12 ldy #fCharCount lda #0 .1 sta (pData),y iny dex bne .1 >PUSHW ZPFullPath >PUSHBI O.RDONLY+O.TEXT >PUSHBI 0 Type >PUSHWZ Aux type >SYSCALL FOpen bcs .9 sta hFile .9 rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.CloseFile lda hFile >SYSCALL FClose bcs .9 stz hFile .9 rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.IncFChar phy ldy #fCharCount bra CS.RUN.IncF CS.RUN.IncFLine phy ldy #fLineCount bra CS.RUN.IncF CS.RUN.IncFWord phy ldy #fWordCount CS.RUN.IncF ldx #4 .1 lda (pData),y inc sta (pData),y bne .8 iny dex bne .1 .8 ply rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.AddFstat2Tstat >PUSHL.G fWordCount >PUSHL.G tWordCount >FPU uADD >PULLL.G tWordCount >PUSHL.G fLineCount >PUSHL.G tLineCount >FPU uADD >PULLL.G tLineCount >PUSHL.G fCharCount >PUSHL.G tCharCount >FPU uADD >PULLL.G tCharCount rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.PrintFstat sec bit bTotal bmi .19 ldx #0 bit bWord bpl .10 inx .10 bit bLine bpl .11 inx .11 bit bChar bpl .12 inx .12 cpx #2 .19 ror bTabbed bit bWord bpl .1 jsr CS.RUN.PUSHFMT >PUSHL.G fWordCount >PUSHBI 4 >SYSCALL PrintF bcs .9 .1 bit bLine bpl .2 jsr CS.RUN.PUSHFMT >PUSHL.G fLineCount >PUSHBI 4 >SYSCALL PrintF bcs .9 .2 bit bChar bpl .3 jsr CS.RUN.PUSHFMT >PUSHL.G fCharCount >PUSHBI 4 >SYSCALL PrintF bcs .9 .3 bit bTabbed bpl .4 >LDYA ZPRelPath >SYSCALL PutS rts .4 >PUSHW L.MSG.CRLF >PUSHBI 0 >SYSCALL PrintF .9 CS.RUN.PrintFstat.RTS rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.PUSHFMT bit bTabbed bmi .1 >PUSHW L.MSG.LONG rts .1 >PUSHW L.MSG.LONGTAB rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.PrintTstat clc bit bTotal bpl CS.RUN.PrintFstat.RTS bit bWord bpl .1 >PUSHW L.MSG.LONGTAB >PUSHL.G tWordCount >PUSHBI 4 >SYSCALL PrintF bcs .9 .1 bit bLine bpl .2 >PUSHW L.MSG.LONGTAB >PUSHL.G tLineCount >PUSHBI 4 >SYSCALL PrintF bcs .9 .2 bit bChar bpl .3 >PUSHW L.MSG.LONGTAB >PUSHL.G tCharCount >PUSHBI 4 >SYSCALL PrintF bcs .9 .3 >LDYA L.MSG.TOTAL >SYSCALL PutS .9 rts *-------------------------------------- CS.DOEVENT sec rts *-------------------------------------- CS.QUIT jsr X.LeaveSubDir bcc CS.QUIT >LDA.G hInclude beq .1 >SYSCALL FreeMem .1 lda hSrcFullPath beq .2 >SYSCALL FreeMem .2 lda hMem beq .8 >SYSCALL FreeMem .8 clc rts *-------------------------------------- CS.RUN.CheckOpt ldy #1 lda (ZPPtr1),y ldx #OptionVars-OptionList-1 .2 cmp OptionList,x beq .3 dex bpl .2 sec rts .3 ldy OptionVars,x lda #$ff sta 0,y clc rts *-------------------------------------- .INB usr/src/shared/x.fileenum.s *-------------------------------------- CS.END *-------------------------------------- OptionList .AS "CRMLWcrmlw" OptionVars .DA #bContinue,#bRecurse,#bChar,#bLine,#bWord .DA #bContinue,#bRecurse,#bChar,#bLine,#bWord *-------------------------------------- MSG.USAGE .CS "Usage : WC File(s) (*,? wildcards allowed)\r\n" .CS " -C : Continue on error\r\n" .CS " -R : Recurse subdirectories\r\n" .CS " -M : Print the CHAR counts\r\n" .CS " -L : Print the LINE counts\r\n" .CS " -W : Print the WORD counts" MSG.CRLF .CZ "\r\n" MSG.ERR .CZ "[%h]\r\n" MSG.LONG .CZ "%L" MSG.LONGTAB .CZ "%10L " MSG.TOTAL .CZ "(total)" *-------------------------------------- .DUMMY .OR 0 DS.START fCharCount .BS 4 fLineCount .BS 4 fWordCount .BS 4 tCharCount .BS 4 tLineCount .BS 4 tWordCount .BS 4 .INB usr/src/shared/x.fileenum.g DS.END .ED *-------------------------------------- MAN SAVE usr/src/bin/wc.s ASM