NEW PREFIX AUTO 4,1 #!/bin/sh # # This is the main Network Install script # . makefuncs CALL CS CALL TBOX " A2osX Network Installation " CALL PRINTXY 8 0 "You must have a supported network adapter in your Apple" ECHO "\nto use this program such as:" ECHO ECHO " LanceGS EtherNet Adapter" ECHO " UtherNet Ethernet Adapter (original)" ECHO " UtherNet II EtherNet Adapter" ECHO READ -P "Do you want to proceed (Y/N)? " P SWITCH $P CASE Y CASE y ECHO BREAK DEFAULT ECHO "\n\nExiting.\n" EXIT END ECHO ECHO "Welcome to A2osX!" Ask if installing on HD by itself or sharing? Then what to do with ProDOS? PAUSE MAN TEXT /MAKE/USR/SHARE/MAKE/NetInstall