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synced 2025-02-16 18:30:26 +00:00
FORMAT: new switches & checks SH:BREAK in FOR and WHILE ASM / S-C MASM: new directives, CString support and .HX LC / UC:bugfix DHGR.DRV:bugfix LIBGUI:wip CC:wip
89 lines
2.2 KiB
89 lines
2.2 KiB
AUTO 3,1
* object code = ram_2
* /RAM driver (main bank portion)
* origin = $FF00
RAMDRV cld no decimal.
ldx #$0B save 13 bytes of parms
.1 lda A1L,x
sta a1l1,x
bpl .1
ldx #$01
.2 lda passit,x save xfer vectors
sta sp1,x
bpl .2
lda A4L get command.
beq stat 0 = status
cmp #$04 check for command too high.
bcs ioerr if it is, i/o error
eor #$03
sta A4L 0=format, 2=read, 1=write
beq format
ldy bloknml+1 check for large block number.
bne ioerr too big.
lda bloknml block #
bmi ioerr largest block number is $7F
* at this point, control is passed to the code in the alternate 64k.
* it it used for read, write and format. after the request is completed,
* control is passed back to 'noerr'.
format lda #RAMXDRV card entry point
sta passit
gocard sta passit+1 also used by 'mainwrt'
sec direction ram -> card
clv start with original zero page
jmp xfer transfer control
ioerr lda #$27
bne H2D41
lda #$2B write protect error.
H2D41 sec flags error
bcs H2D47
noerr .EQ *
stat lda #$00
H2D47 php save status
pha and error code.
ldx #$0B restore 13 byes of parms
H2D4B lda a1l1,x
sta A1L,x
bpl H2D4B
lda sp1 restore xfer parms.
bit $6060 addr $FF58 must = rts ($60) as in ROM
sta passit
lda sp1+1
sta passit+1
pla restore error code
plp and status.
mainwrt sta SETWRITEAUX write to alt 48K
ldy #$00
H2D6A lda (A1L),y pointers set in card by 'setptr'
sta (A4L),y
lda (A2L),y
sta (A3L),y
bne H2D6A
sta CLRWRITEAUX write to main 48K.
lda #donewrt done writing card
sta passit
lda /donewrt
jmp gocard
sp1 .HS 0000
a1l1 .BS 13 13 bytes of storage
* end of obj ram_2
.BS $FF9B-* fill to lanirq ($FF9B see note below)
SAVE usr/src/prodos.203/prodos.s.ram
LOAD usr/src/prodos.203/prodos.s