A2osX/.Docs/Forth Words.md
2020-11-29 14:16:39 +01:00

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A2osX Forth Words (0.94)


This document lists all of the Forth Words supported in the A2osX implementation of FigForth. Note that not all Words are implemented at this time, please check the Status and Comment Columns. Currently only an interpreter is available (../bin/forth) | | though a compiler is planned |


Word Syntax Status Description Comment
DUP ( n - n n ) Working Duplicate top of stack
DROP ( n - ) Working Discard top of stack
SWAP ( n1 n2 - n2 n1 ) Working Reverse top two stack items
OVER ( n1 n2 - n1 n2 n1 ) Working Copy second item to top
ROT ( n1 n2 n3 - n2 n3 n1 ) Rotate third item to top
-DUP ( n - n ? ) Duplicate only if non-zero
>R ( n - ) Move top item to return stack
R> ( - n ) Retrieve item from return stack
R ( - n ) Working Copy top of return stack onto stack
+ ( n1 n2 - sum ) Working Add
D+ ( d1 d2 - sum ) Working Add double-precision numbers
- ( n1 n2 - diff ) Working Subtract (n1-n2)
* ( n1 n2 - prod ) Working Multiply
/ ( n1 n2 - quot ) Working Divide (n1/n2)
MOD ( n1 n2 - rem ) Working Modulo (remainder from division)
/MOD ( n1 n2 - rem quot ) Working Divide, giving remainder and quotient
*/MOD ( n1 n2 n3 - rem quot ) Multiply, then divide (n1*n2/n3), with double-precision intermediate
*/ ( n1 n2 n3 - quot ) Like */MOD, but give quotient only
MAX ( n1 n2 - max ) Working Maximum
MIN ( n1 n2 - min ) Working Minimum
ABS ( n - absolute ) Working Absolute value
DABS ( d - absolute ) Absolute value of double-precision number
MINUS ( n - -n ) Working Change sign
DMINUS ( d - -d ) Working Change sign of double-precision number
AND ( n1 n2 - and ) Working Logical bitwise AND
OR ( n1 n2 - or ) Working Logical bitwise OR
XOR ( n1 n2 - xor ) Working Logical bitwise exclusive OR
< ( n1 n2 - f ) Working True if n1 less than n2
> ( n1 n2 - f ) Working True if n1 greater than n2
= ( n1 n2 - f ) Working True if n1 equal to n2
0< ( n - f ) Working True if top number negative
0= ( n - f ) Working True if top number zero
. ( n - ) Working Print number
.R ( n u - ) Print number, right-justified in u column
D. ( d - ) Print double-precision number
D.R ( d u - ) Print double-precision number in u column
CR ( - ) Working Do a carriage-return
SPACE ( - ) Working Type one space
SPACES ( u - ) Working Type u spaces
'."' ( - ) Working Print message (terminated by ")
DUMP ( addr u - ) Dump u numbers starting at address
TYPE ( addr u - ) Type u characters starting at address
COUNT ( addr - addr+1 u ) Change length byte string to TYPE form
?TERMINAL ( - f ) True if terminal break request present
KEY ( - c ) Working Read key, put ASCII value on stack
EMIT ( c - ) Working Type ASCII character from stack
EXPECT ( addr u - ) Read u characters (or until carriage-return)
WORD ( c - ) Read one word from input stream, delimited by c
NUMBER ( addr - d ) Convert string at address to double number
<# ( - ) Start output string
# ( d1 - d2 ) Convert one digit of double number and add character to output string
#S ( d - 0 0 ) Convert all significant digits of double number to output string
SIGN ( n d - d ) Insert sign of n to output string
#> ( d - addr u ) Terminate output string for TYPE
HOLD ( c - ) Insert ASCII character into output string
DECIMAL ( - ) Set decimal base
HEX ( - ) Set hexadecimal base
OCTAL ( - ) Set octal base
@ ( addr - n ) Working Replace word address by contents
! ( n addr - ) Working Store second word at address on top
C@ ( addr - b ) Working Fetch one byte only
C! ( b addr - ) Working Store one byte only
? ( addr - ) Working Print contents of address
+! ( n addr - ) Working Add second number to contents of address
CMOVE ( from to u - ) Move u bytes in memory
FILL ( addr u b - ) Working Fill u bytes in memory with b beginning at address
ERASE ( addr u - ) Working Fill u bytes in memory with zeros
BLANKS ( addr u - ) Working Fill u bytes in memory with blanks
HERE ( - addr ) Working Return address above dictionary
PAD ( - addr ) Working Return address of scratch area
ALLOT ( u - ) Leave a gap of n bytes in the dictionary
, ( n - ) Compile number n into the dictionary
' ( - addr ) Find address of next string in dictionary
FORGET ( - ) Delete all definitions above and including the following definition
DEFINITIONS ( - ) Set current vocabulary to context vocabulary
VOCABULARY ( - ) Create new vocabulary
FORTH ( - ) Set context vocabulary to Forth vocabulary
EDITOR ( - ) Set context vocabulary to Editor vocabulary
ASSEMBLER ( - ) Set context vocabulary to Assembler
VLIST ( - ) Print names in context vocabulary
VARIABLE ( n - ) Working Create a variable with initial value n
CONSTANT ( n - ) Working Create a constant with value n
: ( - ) Working Begin a colon definition
; ( - ) Working End of a colon definition
CODE ( - ) Create assembly-language definition
;CODE ( - ) Create a new defining word, with runtime code routine in high-level Forth
DO ( end+1 start - ) Working Set up loop, given index range
LOOP ( - ) Working Increment index, terminate loop if equal to limit
+LOOP ( n - ) Working Increment index by n. Terminate loop if outside limit
I ( - index ) Working Place loop index on stack
LEAVE ( - ) Terminate loop at next LOOP or +LOOP
IF ( f - ) Working If top of stack is true, execute true clause
ELSE ( - ) Working Beginning of the false clause
ENDIF ( - ) Working End of the IF-ELSE structure
BEGIN ( - ) Working Start an indefinite loop
UNTIL ( f - ) Working Loop back to BEGIN until f is true
REPEAT ( - ) Working Loop back to BEGIN unconditionally
WHILE ( f - ) Working Exit loop immediately if f is false
( ( - ) Begin comment, terminated by )


A2osX is licensed under the GNU General Pulic License |

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) | | any later version |

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details |

The full A2osX license can be found Here |

Copyright 2015 - 2019, Remy Gibert and the A2osX contributors |