2013-02-14 23:29:50 -05:00

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// ViewController.m
// APLOCWeek2
// Created by Brent Marohnic on 2/14/13.
// Copyright (c) 2013 Brent Marohnic. All rights reserved.
#import "ViewController.h"
#import "ViewController2.h"
@interface ViewController ()
@implementation ViewController
// This event is trigged by the Compete button.
// Begin by identifying which subclass is currently being generated.
// This is accomplished by cycling thru the subclass buttons' enabled property since the last one pressed will now be disabled.
// The Compete button and stepper control remain disabled until one of the subclass buttons is pressed.
// The subclass button corresponding to the class that was just generated is enabled so that it can be used again.
if (swimButton.enabled == FALSE)
swimEvent *newSwimEvent = (swimEvent*)[eventFactory createNewEvent:SWIM];
[newSwimEvent setWaterTemp: 70];
[newSwimEvent setEventDistance:stepperControl.value];
textBox.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ ~ %.4f Minutes", [newSwimEvent eventName], [newSwimEvent calculateEventTime]];
swimButton.enabled = TRUE;
else if (bikeButton.enabled == FALSE)
bikeEvent *newBikeEvent = (bikeEvent*)[eventFactory createNewEvent:BIKE];
[newBikeEvent setElevationInFeet:2375];
[newBikeEvent setEventDistance:stepperControl.value];
textBox.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ ~ %.4f Minutes", [newBikeEvent eventName], [newBikeEvent calculateEventTime]];
bikeButton.enabled = TRUE;
runEvent *newRunEvent = (runEvent*)[eventFactory createNewEvent:RUN];
[newRunEvent setTerrainType:PAVEDESTREETS];
[newRunEvent setEventDistance:stepperControl.value];
textBox.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ ~ %.4f Minutes", [newRunEvent eventName], [newRunEvent calculateEventTime]];
runButton.enabled = TRUE;
competeButton.enabled = FALSE;
stepperControl.enabled = FALSE;
// This event will be called by all three subclass buttons.
// Identify which button called the event by using the sender's tag identifier.
// Populate the text box with the initial 1 mile text.
// Enable the stepper control and set the max value for the stepper depending on which event has been selected and set the value to zero.
// Enable the other two subclass buttons in case the user changes his/her mind.
// Disable the subclass button that initiated the event.
// Enable the Compete button so that the user can perform the calculation.
UIButton *classButton = (UIButton*)sender;
if ([sender tag] == 0)
textBox.text = @"Swim 1 mile";
stepperControl.enabled = TRUE;
stepperControl.maximumValue = 3;
classButton.enabled = FALSE;
runButton.enabled = TRUE;
bikeButton.enabled = TRUE;
stepperControl.value = 0;
competeButton.enabled = TRUE;
else if ([sender tag] == 1)
textBox.text = @"Bike 1 mile";
stepperControl.enabled = TRUE;
stepperControl.maximumValue = 120;
classButton.enabled = FALSE;
runButton.enabled = TRUE;
swimButton.enabled = TRUE;
stepperControl.value = 0;
competeButton.enabled = TRUE;
else if ([sender tag] == 2)
textBox.text = @"Run 1 mile";
stepperControl.enabled = TRUE;
stepperControl.maximumValue = 26;
classButton.enabled = FALSE;
swimButton.enabled = TRUE;
bikeButton.enabled = TRUE;
stepperControl.value = 0;
competeButton.enabled = TRUE;
// This event will be called by the stepper control.
// Separate out the value of one logic from the remaining logic in order to get the sentence in the text box grammatically accurate.
// Use the current value of the stepper to increment the value displayed in the text box message.
UIStepper *stepControl = (UIStepper*) sender;
if (stepControl != nil)
int currentValue = stepControl.value;
if (currentValue == 1)
if (swimButton.enabled == FALSE)
textBox.text = @"Swim 1 mile";
else if (bikeButton.enabled == FALSE)
textBox.text = @"Bike 1 mile";
else textBox.text = @"Run 1 mile";
if (swimButton.enabled == FALSE)
textBox.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Swim %d miles", currentValue];
else if (bikeButton.enabled == FALSE)
textBox.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Bike %d miles", currentValue];
else textBox.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Run %d miles", currentValue];
// This event is used to display the second view.
ViewController2 *secondView = [[ViewController2 alloc] initWithNibName:@"ViewController2" bundle:nil];
if (secondView != nil)
[self presentViewController:secondView animated:TRUE completion:nil];
// This event is used to change the background color of the primary view.
UISegmentedControl *segControl = (UISegmentedControl*)sender;
if (segControl != nil)
int selectedIndex = segControl.selectedSegmentIndex;
if (selectedIndex == 0)
self.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor redColor];
else if (selectedIndex == 1)
self.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor blueColor];
else if (selectedIndex == 2)
self.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor greenColor];
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
- (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning
[super didReceiveMemoryWarning];
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.