#!/usr/bin/python3 import sys import math import cairo import pkg_resources import pickle def coordlist(line,expected=-1): l = list(map(float,line.split(','))) if expected > -1: assert len(l) == expected return l pens = [ (0, 0, 0), (100, 0, 0), (0, 100, 0), (0, 0, 100) ] # Default W/H W = 2394 H = 1759 LW = 5 class CairoPlotter: def __init__(self, path, surftype = 'SVG'): self.surftype = surftype if surftype == 'SVG': self.surface = cairo.SVGSurface(path, W, H) elif surftype == 'PNG': self.path = path self.surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.Format.RGB24,W,H) self.context = cairo.Context(self.surface) if surftype == 'PNG': self.context.rectangle(0,0,W,H) self.context.set_source_rgb(1.0,1.0,1.0) self.context.fill() #self.context.scale(W,H) self.context.select_font_face("monospace") self.pennum = 0 self.viewport = (0, 0, W, H) self.window = (0, 0, W, H) self.text_theta = 0 self.text_size = 1 self.update_ctm() # load plotter fonts char_f = open(pkg_resources.resource_filename('apple410','data/a410_chars.pickle'),'rb') self.char_map = pickle.load(char_f) # A quick review of coordinate systems: # Cairo native: origin at upper left, x+ to right, y+ down. # Plotter native: origin at lower left, x+ to right, y+ up. # Plotter window: same as plotter native. # We want to display in plotter native. def update_ctm(self): v,w = self.viewport,self.window xs = (v[2]-v[0])/(w[2]-w[0]) ys = (v[3]-v[1])/(w[3]-w[1]) x0 = v[0] - w[0]*xs y0 = v[1] - w[1]*ys window_m = cairo.Matrix(xx=xs, yy=ys, x0=x0, y0=y0) pn_to_cn = cairo.Matrix(yy=-1.0, y0=H) self.context.set_matrix(window_m.multiply(pn_to_cn)) self.context.set_line_width(LW) self.context.reset_clip() self.context.rectangle(w[0],w[1],w[2]-w[0],w[3]-w[1]) self.context.clip() def update_font(self): m = cairo.Matrix(xx=self.text_size, yy=-self.text_size) m2 = cairo.Matrix.init_rotate(math.radians(self.text_theta)) self.context.set_font_matrix(m.multiply(m2)) def finish_path(self): cp = self.context.get_current_point() self.context.save() self.context.set_matrix(cairo.Matrix()) self.context.stroke() self.context.restore() self.context.move_to(cp[0],cp[1]) def vp(self, params): l=coordlist(params,4) self.viewport=(l[0],l[1],l[2],l[3]) self.update_ctm() def wd(self, params): l=coordlist(params,4) self.window=(l[0],l[1],l[2],l[3]) self.update_ctm() def ma(self, params): l=coordlist(params,2) self.context.move_to(l[0],l[1]) def mr(self, params): l=coordlist(params,2) p=self.context.get_current_point() self.context.move_to(p[0]+l[0],p[1]+l[1]) def da(self, params): l=coordlist(params) while len(l) > 0: x, y, l = l[0],l[1],l[2:] self.context.line_to(x,y) def dr(self, params): l=coordlist(params) while len(l) > 0: x, y, l = l[0],l[1],l[2:] p=self.context.get_current_point() self.context.line_to(p[0]+x,p[1]+y) def ca(self, params): self.context.new_sub_path() l=coordlist(params) r=l[0] if len(l) > 2: p=(l[1],l[2]) else: p=self.context.get_current_point() self.context.arc(p[0],p[1],r,0.0,math.pi*2) def ac(self,params): l=coordlist(params) r=l[0] if len(l) > 3: p=(l[3],l[4]) else: p=self.context.get_current_point() t1, t2 = math.radians(l[1]),math.radians(l[2]) self.context.new_sub_path() self.context.arc(p[0],p[1],r,t1,t2) def lr(self,params): self.text_theta = float(params) self.update_font() def ls(self,params): self.text_size = float(params) self.update_font() def ps(self,params): self.finish_path() self.pennum = int(params) - 1 p = self.pennum self.context.set_source_rgb(pens[p][0],pens[p][1],pens[p][2]) def pl(self,params): self.finish_path() (x,y) = self.context.get_current_point() sys.stderr.write("text at {} {}\n".format(x,y)) self.context.show_text(params) def write(self): self.finish_path() if self.surftype == 'PNG': if self.path == '-': self.surface.write_to_png(sys.stdout) else: self.surface.write_to_png(self.path) self.surface.finish() def process_cmd(self,command): cmd_code = command[0:2].lower() params = command[2:] try: getattr(self,cmd_code)(params) except AttributeError: sys.stderr.write("Unrecognized command code {}\n".format(cmd_code)) def read(self,inf): for line in inf.readlines(): line = line.strip() self.process_cmd(line) if __name__=='__main__': p = CairoPlotter(sys.stdout.buffer) p.read(sys.stdin) p.write()