AppleIIAsm-Collection/documentation/AppleIIAsm Library Collection Technical Manual/0.6.1/14.0

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2021-06-01 21:26:57 +00:00
# Disk #9: High Resolution Graphics
The HiRes collection contains macros and subroutines for plotting and displaying high resolution graphics. This includes macros to:
- Flip between HiRes pages, both as working pages and viewing pages
- Plot a single HiRes pixel
- Fill the HiRes page with a given color
- Plot horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines
- Plot text characters to the HiRes screen, individually or as a string
- Plot entire bytes to the HiRes screen, easily allowing for the plotting of tiles
| --------- | ---------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------- | -------- | ------ | ----- |
| `HBSET` | none | ]1 = X position<br />]2 = Y position<br />]3 = color | Set a byte on the HiRes page | NZCV | 54 | 37 |
| `HBGET` | none | ]1 = X position<br />]2 = Y position | Get a byte value from the HiRes page | NZCV | 49 | 30 |
| `HVIEWPG` | none | ]1 = Page number | Set the viewing HiRes page | NZCV | 19 | 14 |
| `HWORKPG` | none | ]1 = Page number | Set the working HiRes page | NZCV | 27 | 20 |
| `HPLOT` | `HRPLOT` | ]1 = X position<br />]2 = Y position<br />]3 = Color | Plot a single pixel to the HiRes page | NZCV | 348+ | 14 |
| `HCLR` | `HCLEAR` | ]1 = Color | Fill the HiRes page with the specified color | NZCV | 96+ | 5 |
| `HLIN` | `HRHLINE` | ]1 = X origin<br />]2 = X destination<br />]3 = Y position<br />]4 = Color | Plot a horizontal line to the HiRes page | NZCV | 494+ | 34 |
| `VLIN` | `HRVLINE` | ]1 = Y origin<br />]2 = Y destination<br />]3 = X position<br />]4 = Color | Plot a vertical line to the HiRes page | NZCV | 449+ | 30 |
| `LINE` | `HRBLINE` | ]1 = X origin<br />]2 = Y origin<br />]3 = X Destination<br />]4 = Y destination<br />]5 = Color | Plot a diagonal line to the HiRes page | NZCV | 825+ | 42 |
| `HCHAR` | | ]1 = X position<br />]2 = Y position<br />]3 = byte to print | Plot a text character to the HiRes page | NZCV | 432+ | 296 |
| `HSTR` | | ]1 = X position<br />]2 = Y position<br />]3 = String address<br />]4 = Offset value | Plot a string of text characters to the HiRes page | NZCV | 767+ | 37 |