# AppleIIAsmLib A general purpose ASM libriary for the Apple II. Assembled in Merlin 8 Pro. # Updates __17-DEC-2019__ - Currently working on version 0.6.0, which includes: - an updated architecture - deliberate use of markdown for documentation - with the eventual goal of translating it to Madoko, a markdown variant that allows for more visual control on a printend page - Still transforming entire disk system to adhere to a singular software architecture. - Added Alias macros for 8080 and z80 instruction sets. - Major changes to Disk 1, including merger of REQUIRED and COMMON libraries __27-SEP-2019__ - As of version 0.5.0, updates will occur on a disk-by-disk basis (as well as appropriate changes to the documentation). - version 0.5.0 pretty much breaks any prior work that used the library. While future updates won't be so extreme, now that a stable system is in place, this is to be expected in any update prior to an official version 1.0. - The main documentation has been moved to a .docx and pdf file, rather than here, due to the length of the document. In the future, this file will be changed to a more open format, as well as converted into a hard-copy friendly design. ## Documentation - You can find documentation to the current version being revised, 0.6.0, [in the documentation section](https://github.com/nathanriggs/AppleIIAsmLib/blob/master/documentation/0.6.0/0_3_Table_of_Contents_GH.md) - You can find documentation for the current stable version, 0.5.0, [also in the appropriate documentation section](https://github.com/nathanriggs/AppleIIAsmLib/blob/master/documentation/0.5.0/)