markpmlim 1c9cf23863 Apple II Double Hires Converter
A Swift playground demo to convert Apple Double Hires graphics files for display in an NSView
2018-09-24 18:46:06 +08:00

160 lines
6.5 KiB

An instance of this class will convert the data passed into a 24-bit RGB raw bitmap.
The caller can access the instantiated CGImage object through its "cgImage" property.
import Cocoa
import PlaygroundSupport
public class DHGRConverter {
public var cgImage: CGImage?
var baseOffsets = [Int](repeating:0, count:192)
func generateBaseOffsets() {
var groupOfEight, lineOfEight, groupOfSixtyFour: Int
// Both HGR and DHGR graphics have 192 vertical lines.
// The screen lines of both types of graphics also have the same starting base offsets.
for line in 0..<192 {
lineOfEight = line % 8 // 8 lines
groupOfEight = (line % 64) / 8 // 8 groups of 8 lines
groupOfSixtyFour = line / 64 // 3 groups of 64 lines
baseOffsets[line] = lineOfEight * 0x0400 + groupOfEight * 0x0080 + groupOfSixtyFour * 0x0028
for line in 0..<192 {
let baseStr = String(format: "%04x", baseOffsets[line])
print("\(line) $:\(baseStr)")
func reverseBits(_ bitPattern: UInt8) -> UInt8 {
var newValue:UInt8 = 0
for i:UInt8 in 0..<8 {
if bitPattern & (1 << i) != 0 {
newValue |= (1 << (7-i))
newValue >>= 4
return newValue
struct Pixel {
var r: UInt8
var g: UInt8
var b: UInt8
let colorValues: [UInt8] = [
0, 0, 0, // 0 - Black
206, 15, 49, // 1 - Magenta 0x72, 0x26, 0x06 Deep Red
156, 99, 1, // 2 - Brown 0x40, 0x4C, 0x04
255, 70, 0, // 3 - Orange 0xE4, 0x65, 0x01
0, 99, 49, // 4 - Dark Green 0x0E, 0x59, 0x40
82, 82, 82, // 5 - Gray 0x80, 0x80, 0x80
0, 221, 2, // 6 - Green 0x1B, 0xCB, 0x01
255, 253, 4, // 7 - Yellow 0xBF, 0xCC, 0x80
2, 19, 156, // 8 - Dark Blue 0x40, 0x33, 0x7F
206, 49, 206, // 9 - Violet 0xE4, 0x34, 0xFE Purple
173, 173, 173, // A - Grey 0x80, 0x80, 0x80
255, 156, 156, // B - Pink 0xF1, 0xA6, 0xBF
49, 49, 255, // C - Blue 0x1B, 0x9A, 0xFE
99, 156, 255, // D - Light Blue 0xBF, 0xB3, 0xFF
49, 253, 156, // E - Aqua 0x8D, 0xD9, 0xBF
255, 255, 255] // F - White 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF
var colorTable = [Pixel]()
public init(data srcData: Data) {
// Prepare the color table as an array of 16 RGB color entries for easier access.
for i in stride(from: 0, to: 48, by: 3) {
let color = Pixel(r: colorValues[i+0],
g: colorValues[i+1],
b: colorValues[i+2])
// We assume the A2FC file is saved as 2 separate blobs of data
// The data from aux bank ($2000-$3FFFF) is saved first
// followed by data from the main bank ($2000-$3FFFF)
let bir = NSBitmapImageRep(bitmapDataPlanes: nil,
pixelsWide: 560,
pixelsHigh: 384,
bitsPerSample: 8,
samplesPerPixel: 3,
hasAlpha: false,
isPlanar: false,
colorSpaceName: NSDeviceRGBColorSpace,
bytesPerRow: 560 * 3, // 1680 bytes
bitsPerPixel: 24)
// Get the pointer to the memory allocated.
// The size of the memory block should be 560x3x384 bytes.
let bm = bir?.bitmapData
for row in 0..<192 {
let lineOffset = baseOffsets[row]
var srcPixels = [Pixel](repeating:Pixel(r: 0, g: 0, b: 0), count: 140)
var pixelIndex = 0
var destPixels = [Pixel](repeating:Pixel(r: 0, g: 0, b: 0), count: 560)
// Each time thru the loop below, 4 bytes are consumed to produce 7 RGB pixels.
// Since the loop executes 20 times, a total of 7x20=140 RGB pixels are produced
// for every screen line of data.
for col in stride(from: 0, to: 40, by: 2) {
// Extract 2 bytes from Auxiliary bank & 2 from the Main bank.
let aux0 = (srcData[lineOffset+col+0])
let aux1 = (srcData[lineOffset+col+1])
let main0 = (srcData[0x2000+lineOffset+col+0])
let main1 = (srcData[0x2000+lineOffset+col+1])
var bitPatterns = [UInt8](repeating: 0x00, count: 7)
// Compute seven (4-bit) patterns from the 4 bytes.
bitPatterns[0] = aux0 & 0x0f
bitPatterns[1] = ((main0 & 0x01) << 3) | ((aux0 & 0x70) >> 4)
bitPatterns[2] = ((main0 & 0x1E) >> 1)
bitPatterns[3] = ((aux1 & 0x03) << 2) | ((main0 & 0x60) >> 5)
bitPatterns[4] = ((aux1 & 0x3C) >> 2)
bitPatterns[5] = ((main1 & 0x07) << 1) | ((aux1 & 0x40) >> 6)
bitPatterns[6] = ((main1 & 0x78) >> 3)
// Use the bit patterns to index the color table and obtain 7 RGB pixels.
for i in 0..<7 {
let colorPixel = colorTable[Int(reverseBits(bitPatterns[i]))]
srcPixels[pixelIndex] = colorPixel
pixelIndex += 1
} // col
// When we reach here, the 560 bits have been converted into a row of 140 RGB pixels.
// Proceed convert the row into one with 560 RGB pixels.
// Each color pixel is quadruple in size.
for k in 0..<140 {
let pixel = srcPixels[k]
destPixels[4*k+0] = pixel
destPixels[4*k+1] = pixel
destPixels[4*k+2] = pixel
destPixels[4*k+3] = pixel
} // k
// Double the number of rows.
let evenIndex = 2 * row * 560 * 3
let oddIndex = (2 * row + 1) * 560 * 3
for k in 0..<560 {
let pixel = destPixels[k]
bm?[evenIndex+3*k+0] = pixel.r
bm?[evenIndex+3*k+1] = pixel.g
bm?[evenIndex+3*k+2] = pixel.b
bm?[ oddIndex+3*k+0] = pixel.r
bm?[ oddIndex+3*k+1] = pixel.g
bm?[ oddIndex+3*k+2] = pixel.b
} // k
} // row
cgImage = bir?.cgImage