#include "JumpLineManager.h" JumpLineManager::JumpLineManager(quint16 from, quint16 to) : m_start(from), m_end(to) { qDebug() << "JumpLineManager(from:"<= from && src <= to && dest >= from && dest <= to) { if (!m_jumpmap.contains(jump)) { // qDebug() << "JumpLineManager::addJump: Added Jump from" << uint16ToHex(src) << "to" << uint16ToHex(dest) << ", Type:" << type; m_jumpmap.insert(jump,type); } else { qDebug() << "JumpLineManager::addJump: Not adding duplicate jump:" << uint16ToHex(src) << "," << uint16ToHex(dest); } } else { qDebug() << "JumpLineManager::addJump: Address range is out of bounds"; } } void JumpLineManager::dumpJumps() const { dumpJumps(m_jumpmap); } void JumpLineManager::dumpJumps(JumpMap map) const { qDebug() << "JumpLineManager::dumpJumps()\n JumpTable:"; QMapIterator it(map); while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); QString jumptypelabel; if (it.value() == IsUnknownJump) { jumptypelabel = "Unknown Jump"; } if (it.value() == IsJMP) { jumptypelabel = "JMP"; } if (it.value() == IsBranch) { jumptypelabel = "Branch"; } if (it.value() == IsJSR) { jumptypelabel = "JSR"; } if (it.value() == IsBRA) { jumptypelabel = "BRA"; } qDebug() << " Jump from" << uint16ToHex(it.key().first) << "to" << uint16ToHex(it.key().second) << jumptypelabel; } } JumpLines JumpLineManager::buildJumpLines() { qDebug() << "A"; m_channelsAtAddress.clear(); m_jumplines.m_maxChannel = 0; QMapIterator it(m_jumpmap); while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); TJump range = it.key(); JumpLine jl; jl.type = it.value(); jl.from = range.first; jl.to = range.second; int channel = findBestChannel(jl); setChannelForJumpLine(channel,jl); m_jumplines.jumpLines.append(jl); m_jumplines.m_maxChannel = qMax(m_jumplines.m_maxChannel, channel); } qDebug() << "A"; return m_jumplines; } int JumpLineManager::findBestChannel(JumpLine &jl) { qDebug() << "findBestChannel()"; if (m_jumplines.jumpLines.count() == 0) { return 0; } int potentialChannel = 0; bool foundChannel = false; while (!foundChannel) { qDebug() << "Tryning potential channel" << potentialChannel; bool matched = false; for (quint16 addr = jl.min(); addr <= jl.max(); addr++) { // If any of these addresses contain the potential channel, move on if (m_channelsAtAddress[addr].contains(potentialChannel)) { matched = true; } } if (matched) { potentialChannel++; matched = false; } else { foundChannel = true; } } return potentialChannel; } void JumpLineManager::setChannelForJumpLine(int channel, JumpLine &jl) { jl.channel = channel; for (quint16 addr = jl.min(); addr <= jl.max(); addr++) { m_channelsAtAddress[addr].append(channel); } } void JumpLineManager::dumpJumpLines() const { foreach (JumpLine jl, m_jumplines.jumpLines) { qDebug() << " JumpLine from:" << uint16ToHex(jl.from) << " to:" << uint16ToHex(jl.to) << "channel: " << jl.channel << " type:" << jl.type; } } bool JumpLineManager::doJumpsIntersect(TJump &A, TJump &B) const { if (A == B) return false; if (isLineWithinRange(A.first,B) || isLineWithinRange(A.second,B)) return true; if (isLineWithinRange(B.first,A) || isLineWithinRange(B.second,A)) return true; return false; } bool JumpLineManager::isLineWithinRange(quint16 line, TJump &jm) const { quint16 min = qMin(jm.first,jm.second); quint16 max = qMax(jm.first,jm.second); return (line > min && line < max); } QList JumpLines::jumpLinesAtAddress(quint16 addrs) { QList list; foreach (JumpLine jl, jumpLines) { if (addrs >= jl.min() && addrs <= jl.max()) { list.append(jl); } } return list; }