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* *
* Fast Apple II Graphics *
* By Andy McFadden *
* Version 0.3, Aug 2015 *
* *
* Point and line functions *
* (Included by FDRAW.S) *
* *
* Developed with Merlin-16 *
* *
* Draw a single point in the current color.
]hbasl equ zptr0
ldy in_y0
lda ylooklo,y
sta ]hbasl
lda ylookhi,y
ora g_page
sta ]hbasl+1
ldx in_x0l ;x coord, lo
lda in_x0h ;>= 256?
beq :lotabl ;no, use the low table
ldy div7hi,x
lda mod7hi,x
bpl :plotit ;always
BREAK ;debug
:lotabl ldy div7lo,x
lda mod7lo,x
* Plot the point. The byte offset (0-39) is in Y,
* the bit offset (0-6) is in A.
lda colorline,y ;start with color pattern
eor (]hbasl),y ;flip all bits
and andmask,x ;clear other bits
eor (]hbasl),y ;restore ours, set theirs
sta (]hbasl),y
* Draw a line between two points.
]hbasl equ zptr0
]xposl equ zloc0 ;always left edge
]xposh equ zloc1
]ypos equ zloc2 ;top or bottom
]deltaxl equ zloc3
]deltaxh equ zloc4
]deltay equ zloc5
]count equ zloc6
]counth equ zloc7
]diff equ zloc8
]diffh equ zloc9
]andmask equ zloc10
]wideflag equ zloc11 ;doesn't really need DP
* We use a traditional Bresenham run-length approach.
* Run-slicing is possible, but the code is larger
* and the increased cost means it's only valuable
* for longer lines. An optimal solution would switch
* approaches based on line length.
* Start by identifying where x0 or x1 is on the
* left. To make life simpler we always work from
* left to right, flipping the coordinates if
* needed.
* We also need to figure out if the line is more
* than 255 pixels long -- which, because of
* inclusive coordinates, means abs(x0-x1) > 254.
lda in_x1l ;assume x0 on left
sbc in_x0l
beq checkvert ;low bytes even, check hi
lda in_x1h
sbc in_x0h
bcs lx0left
* x1 is on the left, so the values are negative
* (hi byte in A, lo byte in X)
lx0right eor #$ff ;invert hi
sta ]deltaxh ;store
eor #$ff ;invert lo
sta ]deltaxl
inc ]deltaxl ;add one for 2s complement
bne :noinchi ;rolled into high byte?
inc ]deltaxh ;yes
:noinchi lda in_x1l ;start with x1
sta ]xposl
lda in_x1h
sta ]xposh
lda in_y1
sta ]ypos
sbc in_y0 ;compute deltay
jmp lncommon
lda in_x1h ;diff high bytes
sbc in_x0h ;(carry still set)
blt lx0right ;width=256, x0 right
bne lx0left ;width=256, x0 left
jmp vertline ;all zero, go vert
* (branch back from below)
* This is a purely horizontal line. We farm the job
* out to the raster fill code for speed. (There's
* no problem with the line code handling it; its just
* more efficient to let the raster code do it.)
ldy ]ypos
sty rast_top
sty rast_bottom
lda ]xposl
sta rastx0l,y
adc ]deltaxl ;easier to add delta back
sta rastx1l,y ; in than sort out which
lda ]xposh ; arg is left vs. right
sta rastx0h,y
adc ]deltaxh
sta rastx1h,y
jmp FillRaster
* x0 is on the left, so the values are positive
lx0left stx ]deltaxl
sta ]deltaxh
lda in_x0l ;start with x0
sta ]xposl
lda in_x0h
sta ]xposh
lda in_y0 ;and y0
sta ]ypos
sbc in_y1 ;compute deltay
* Value of (starty - endy) is in A, flags still set.
bcs :posy
eor #$ff ;negative, invert
adc #$01
sta ]deltay
lda #$e8 ;INX
bne gotdy
_lmb beq phorizontal
sta ]deltay
lda #$ca ;DEX
gotdy sta _hmody
sta _vmody
sta _wmody
do 0 ;***** for regression test
ldx #$01
lda ]deltaxh
bne :iswide
lda ]deltaxl
cmp #$ff ;== 255?
beq :iswide
ldx #$00 ;notwide
:iswide stx $300
lda ]xposl
sta $301
lda ]xposh
sta $302
lda ]ypos
sta $303
ldx ]deltaxl
stx $304
ldx ]deltaxh
stx $305
ldx ]deltay
stx $306
lda _hmody
and #$20 ;nonzero means inc,
sta $307 ; zero means dec
fin ;*****
* At this point we have the initial X position in
* ]startxl/h, the initial Y position in ]starty,
* deltax in ]deltaxl, deltay in ]deltay, and we've
* tweaked the Y-update instructions to either INC or
* DEC depending on the direction of movement.
* The next step is to decide whether the line is
* horizontal-dominant or vertical-dominant, and
* branch to the appropriate handler.
* The core loops for horiz and vert take about
* 80 cycles when moving diagonally, and about
* 20 fewer when moving in the primary direction.
* The wide-horiz is a bit slower.
ldy #$01 ;set "wide" flag to 1
lda ]deltaxl
ldx ]deltaxh
bne horzdom ;width >= 256
cmp #$ff ;width == 255
beq horzdom
dey ;not wide
cmp ]deltay
bge horzdom ; for diagonal lines
jmp vertdom
* We could special-case pure-diagonal lines here
* (just BEQ a couple lines up). It does
* represent our worst case. I'm not convinced
* we'll see them often enough to make it worthwhile.
* horizontal-dominant
sty ]wideflag
sta ]count ;:count = deltax + 1
inc ]count
lsr ;:diff = deltax / 2
sta ]diff
* set Y to the byte offset in the line
* load the AND mask into ]andmask
ldx ]xposl
lda ]xposh ;>= 256?
beq :lotabl ;no, use the low table
ldy div7hi,x
lda mod7hi,x
bpl :gottab ;always
* BREAK ;debug
:lotabl ldy div7lo,x
lda mod7lo,x
lda andmask,x
sta ]andmask
* Set initial value for line address.
ldx ]ypos
lda ylooklo,x
sta ]hbasl
lda ylookhi,x
ora g_page
sta ]hbasl+1
lda ]wideflag ;is this a "wide" line?
beq :notwide ;nope, stay local
jmp widedom
:notwide lda colorline,y ;set initial color mask
sta _hlcolor+1
jmp horzloop
hrts rts
* bottom of loop, essentially
hnoroll sta ]diff ;3
hdecc dec ]count ;5 :count--
beq hrts ;2 :while (count != 0)
;= 7 or 10
* We keep the byte offset in the line in Y, and the
* line index in X, for the entire loop.
_hlcolor lda #$00 ;2 start with color pattern
_lmdh eor (]hbasl),y ;5 flip all bits
and ]andmask ;3 clear other bits
eor (]hbasl),y ;5 restore ours, set theirs
sta (]hbasl),y ;6 = 21
* Move right. We shift the bit mask that determines
* the pixel. When we shift into bit 7, we know it's
* time to advance another byte.
* If this is a shallow line we would benefit from
* keeping the index in X and just doing a 4-cycle
* indexed load to get the mask. Not having the
* line number in X makes the line calc more
* expensive for steeper lines though.
lda ]andmask ;3
asl ;2 shift, losing hi bit
eor #$80 ;2 set the hi bit
bne :noh8 ;3 cleared hi bit?
* We could BEQ away and branch back in, but this
* happens every 7 iterations, so on average it's
* a very small improvement. If we happen to branch
* across a page boundary the double-branch adds
* two more cycles and we lose.
iny ;2 advance to next byte
lda colorline,y ;4 update color mask
sta _hlcolor+1 ;4
lda #$81 ;2 reset
:noh8 sta ]andmask ;3 = 13 + ((12-1)/7) = 14
* Update error diff.
lda ]diff ;3
sec ;2
sbc ]deltay ;3 :diff -= deltay
bcs hnoroll ;2+ :if (diff < 0) ...
;= 11 level, 10 up/down
adc ]deltaxl ;3 : diff += deltax
sta ]diff ;3
_hmody inx ;2 : ypos++ (or --)
lda ylooklo,x ;4 update hbasl after line
sta ]hbasl ;3 change
lda ylookhi,x ;4
_pg_or4 ora #$20 ;2
sta ]hbasl+1 ;3
bne hdecc ;3 = +27 this path -> 37
* horizontal: 10+21+14+11=56 cycles/pixel
* diagonal: 7+21+14+37=79 cycles/pixel
* Vertical-dominant line. Could go up or down.
ldx in_y0
cpx ]ypos ;starting at y0?
bne :endy0 ;yup
ldx in_y1 ;nope
:endy0 stx _vchk+1 ;end condition
lda ]deltay
sta ]diff ;:diff = deltay / 2
* set Y to the byte offset in the line
* load the AND mask into ]andmask
ldx ]xposl
lda ]xposh ;>= 256?
beq :lotabl ;no, use the low table
ldy div7hi,x
lda mod7hi,x
bpl :gottab ;always
BREAK ;debug
:lotabl ldy div7lo,x
lda mod7lo,x
lda andmask,x ;initial pixel mask
sta ]andmask
lda colorline,y ;initial color mask
sta _vlcolor+1
ldx ]ypos
jmp vertloop
* We keep the byte offset in the line in Y, and the
* line index in X, for the entire loop.
* Bottom of loop, essentially.
vnoroll sta ]diff ;3
lda ylooklo,x ;4
sta ]hbasl ;3
lda ylookhi,x ;4
_pg_or5 ora #$20 ;2
sta ]hbasl+1 ;3 = 16
_vlcolor lda #$00 ;2 start with color pattern
_lmdv eor (]hbasl),y ;5 flip all bits
and ]andmask ;3 clear other bits
eor (]hbasl),y ;5 restore ours, set theirs
sta (]hbasl),y ;6 = 21
_vchk cpx #$00 ;2 was this last line?
beq vrts ;2 yes, done
_vmody inx ;2 :ypos++ (or --)
* Update error diff.
lda ]diff ;3
sec ;2
sbc ]deltaxl ;3 :diff -= deltax
bcs vnoroll ;2 :if (diff < 0) ...
;= 10 vert, 9 move right
adc ]deltay ;3 : diff += deltay
sta ]diff ;3
* Move right. We shift the bit mask that determines
* the pixel. When we shift into bit 7, we know it's
* time to advance another byte.
lda ]andmask ;3
asl ;2 shift, losing hi bit
eor #$80 ;2 set the hi bit
beq :is8 ;2+ goes to zero on 8th bit
sta ]andmask ;3
bne vertloop ;3 = 21 + (18/7) = 24
:is8 iny ;2 advance to next byte
lda colorline,y ;4 update color
sta _vlcolor+1 ;4
lda #$81 ;2 reset
sta ]andmask ;3
bne vertloop ;3 = 18
vrts rts
* vertical: 3 + 16 + 21 + 6 + 10 = 56 cycles
* diagonal: 16 + 21 + 6 + 9 + 24 = 76 cycles
* "Wide" horizontally-dominant loop. We have to
* maintain error-diff and deltax as 16-bit values.
* Most of the setup from the "narrow" version carried
* over, but we have to re-do the count and diff.
* Normally we set count to (deltax + 1) and decrement
* to zero, but it's actually easier to set it equal
* to deltax and check for -1.
lda ]deltaxh ;:count = deltax
sta ]counth
ldx ]deltaxl
stx ]count
stx ]diff
lsr ;:diff = deltax / 2
ror ]diff
sta ]diffh
ldx ]ypos
lda colorline,y ;set initial color mask
sta _wlcolor+1
* We keep the byte offset in the line in Y, and the
* line index in X, for the entire loop.
_wlcolor lda #$00 ;2 start with color pattern
_lmdw eor (]hbasl),y ;5 flip all bits
and ]andmask ;3 clear other bits
eor (]hbasl),y ;5 restore ours, set theirs
sta (]hbasl),y ;6 = 21
* Move right. We shift the bit mask that determines
* the pixel. When we shift into bit 7, we know it's
* time to advance another byte.
lda ]andmask ;3
asl ;2 shift, losing hi bit
eor #$80 ;2 set the hi bit
bne :not7 ;3 goes to zero on 8th bit
iny ; 2 advance to next byte
lda colorline,y ; 4 update color mask
sta _hlcolor+1 ; 4
lda #$81 ; 2 reset
:not7 sta ]andmask ;3 = 13 usually, 25 every 7
* Update error diff, which is a positive number. If
* it goes negative ("if (diff < 0)") we act.
lda ]diff
sbc ]deltay ;:diff -= deltay
bcs wnoroll ;didn't even roll low byte
dec ]diffh ;check hi byte
bpl wnoroll ;went 1->0, keep going
adc ]deltaxl ;: diff += deltax
sta ]diff
lda ]diffh
adc ]deltaxh
sta ]diffh
_wmody inx ;: ypos++ (or --)
lda ylooklo,x ;update hbasl after line
sta ]hbasl ; change
lda ylookhi,x
_pg_or6 ora #$20
sta ]hbasl+1
bne wdecc
wnoroll sta ]diff
wdecc dec ]count ;5 :count--
lda ]count ;3
cmp #$ff ;2
bne wideloop ;3 :while (count > -1)
dec ]counth ;low rolled, decr high
beq wideloop ;went 1->0, keep going
* Pure-vertical line. These are common in certain
* applications, and checking for it only adds two
* cycles to the general case.
ldx in_y0
ldy in_y1
cpx in_y1 ;y0 < y1?
blt :usey0 ;yes, go from y0 to y1
txa ;swap X/A
ldx in_y1
:usey0 stx ]ypos
sty _pvytest+1
ldx in_x0l ;xc lo
lda in_x0h ;>= 256?
beq :lotabl
ldy div7hi,x
lda mod7hi,x
bpl :gotit ;always
:lotabl ldy div7lo,x
lda mod7lo,x
* Byte offset is in Y, mod-7 value is in A.
:gotit tax
lda andmask,x
sta _pvand+1 ;this doesn't change
lda colorline,y
sta _pvcolor+1 ;nor does this
ldx ]ypos ;top line
* There's a trick where, when (linenum & 0x07) is
* nonzero, you just add 4 to hbasl+1 instead of
* re-doing the lookup. However, TXA+AND+BEQ
* followed by LDA+CLC+ADC+STA is 16 cycles, the same
* as our self-modified lookup, so it's not a win.
* (And if we used a second ylookhi and self-modded
* the table address, we could shave off another 2.)
* Main pure-vertical loop
lda ylooklo,x ;4
sta ]hbasl ;3
lda ylookhi,x ;4
_pg_or7 ora #$20 ;2
sta ]hbasl+1 ;3 (= 16)
_pvcolor lda #$00 ;2 start with color pattern
_lmdpv eor (]hbasl),y ;5 flip all bits
_pvand and #$00 ;2 clear other bits
eor (]hbasl),y ;5
sta (]hbasl),y ;6 (= 20)
inx ;2
_pvytest cpx #$00 ;2 done?
bne pverloop ;3 = 7
* 43 cycles/pixel
* Set the line mode according to in_arg
* A slightly silly feature to get xdraw lines
* without really working for it.
lda in_arg
beq :standard
* configure for xdraw
lda #$24 ;BIT dp
sta _lmb
sta _lmdh
sta _lmdv
sta _lmdw
sta _lmdpv
* configure for standard drawing
:standard lda #$f0 ;BEQ
sta _lmb
lda #$51 ;EOR (dp),y
sta _lmdh
sta _lmdv
sta _lmdw
sta _lmdpv