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Bobbi Webber-Manners 2021-09-05 21:51:04 -04:00 committed by GitHub
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commit ae90ac8a3c

View File

@ -110,9 +110,42 @@ calls. This means that Applecorn works directly with ProDOS volumes, such
as floppy disks, mass storage devices and even network connected drives
using ADT's VEDrive.
Since Acorn's DFS allows filenames beginning with a digit, while ProDOS
#### HostFS Pathnames
Pathnames used within Applecorn are regular ProDOS paths. The
directory separator is forward slash `/` and every ProDOS filesystem has
a volume name which is used to access the top level ('volume') directory.
For example, a volume with the name 'TEST' would be mounted under ProDOS
as `/TEST`.
Applecorn adds a few extra features to ProDOS paths, as follows:
- A notation is provided for physical drive numbers, identifed by slot (1-7)
and drive (0 or 1). This is very useful when you insert a floppy disk
with an unknown volume name. The syntax for physical device specifiers
is a colon followed by two digits - one for the slot number and the other
for the drive number. So, for example, `:61` would refer to slot 6,
drive 1. Applecorn uses the ProDOS `ON_LINE` MLI call to find the
volume associated with the physical device. If slot 6, drive 1, contains
the volume 'FLOPPY', then a path `:S61/TESTFILE` will be converted to
- Support is provided for easily accessing the parent directory. This
may be denoted using `..` (like Linux or Windows) or `^` (like BBC ADFS.)
The parent directory notation is only supported at the beginning of
pathnames, but it may be applied multiple times to navigate further up
the tree. Some examples:
- `/H1/APPLECORN` - absolute path
- `APPLECORN` - relative path
- `^` - parent dir
- `..` - parent dir (alternate form)
- `\^/^` - up two levels
- `../..` - up two levels (alternate form)
- `^/MYSTUFF` - file or directory in parent
- Since Acorn's DFS allows filenames beginning with a digit, while ProDOS
requires names to begin with an alphabetic character, Applecorn prefixes
any filenames beginning with a digit with the letter 'N'.
any file or directory names beginning with a digit with the letter 'N'.
An Applecorn path such as `/FOO/0DIR/50DIR/FILE01` would be converted to
`/FOO/N0DIR/N50DIR/FILE01`, for example, in order to make it a legal
ProDOS path.
### Star Commands
@ -124,45 +157,41 @@ again and recover your program with `OLD`.
Specifically it lists the version of Applecorn MOS and the name of the current
language ROM.
`*CAT` (or `*.`) - Simple listing of the files in the current directory.
`*CAT [dirpath]` (or `*. [dirpath]`) - Simple listing of the files in the
specified directory, or the current working directory ('current prefix') if
no directory argument is given.
`*EX` - Detailed listing of files in the current directory showing load
address, length and permissions.
`*DIR pathname` - Allows the current directory to be changed to any ProDOS
path. Either `^` or `..` may be used to specify the parent directory.
A colon followed by a digit representing the slot and a digit representing
the drive may be used to specify a physical drive. `*CD` and `*CHDIR` are
synonyms for `*DIR`.
`*DIR dirpath` - Allows the current directory to be changed to any ProDOS
path. `*CD` and `*CHDIR` are synonyms for `*DIR`.
Some examples:
- `*DIR /H1/APPLECORN` - absolute path
- `*DIR APPLECORN` - relative path
- `*DIR ^` - go to parent dir
- `*DIR ..` - go to parent dir (alternate form)
- `*DIR ^/^` - go up two levels
- `*DIR ../..` - go up two levels (alternate form)
- `*DIR ^/SIBLING` - move to sibling directory
- `*DIR :61` - set directory to volume in slot 6, drive 1
- `*DIR :71/UTILS` - set directory to the `UTILS` subdir on the volume
in slot 7, drive 1.
`*LOAD filename SSSS` - Load file `filename` into memory at hex address
`*LOAD filepath SSSS` - Load file `filename` into memory at hex address
`SSSS`. If the address `SSSS` is omitted then the file is loaded to the
address stored in its aux filetype.
`*SAVE filename SSSS EEEE` - Save memory from hex address `SSSS` to hex
address `EEEE` into file `filename`. The start address `SSSS` is
`*SAVE filepath SSSS EEEE` - Save memory from hex address `SSSS` to hex
address `EEEE` into file `filepath`. The start address `SSSS` is
recorded in the aux filetype.
`*RUN filename` - Load file `filename` into memory at the address stored
`*RUN filepath` - Load file `filepath` into memory at the address stored
in its aux filetype and jump to to it. This is used for loading and
starting machine code programs.
`*DELETE filename` - Delete file `filename` from disk.
`*DELETE pathname` - Delete file `pathname` from disk. This command
can also delete directories, provided they are empty.
`*RENAME oldfilename newfilename` - Rename file `oldfilename` to
`*RENAME oldpathname newpathname` - Rename file or directory `oldpathname`
to `newpathname`.
`*DRIVE :sd` - Switch to the specified physical drive. This is equivalent
to using `*DIR` but does not allow subdirectories to be specified. The
working directory will be set to the volume directory corresponding to
the physical device specified.
`*FREE :sd` - Shows blocks used and blocks free on the specified physical
`*CDIR dirname` - create directory `dirname`. `*MKDIR` is a synonym.
@ -172,21 +201,21 @@ starting machine code programs.
## How to Build
Applecorn is built natively on the Apple //e using the Merlin 8 assembler
v2.58. It may also be built using Merlin-32 on Windows, Linux or Mac if
preferred. (Note: I am currently using Merlin-16 3.53 on my 65816-equipped
//e. This version permits sligtly longer comments so it may be necessary
to trim some comments to get the code to compile in Merlin 8. Applecorn
may also be built using Merlin-32 on Windows, Linux or MacOS.)
Applecorn is built natively on the Apple //e using the Merlin 16 assembler
v3.53 (requires a 65816 though.) It may also be built using Merlin-32 on
Windows, Linux or Mac if preferred. The code should also assemble on
Merlin-8 2.58 provided some of the longer comments are trimmed (Merlin-16
allows longer lines.)
In Merlin-8:
In Merlin-16 (Merlin-8 in parenthesis, where different):
- Press `D` for disk commands and enter the prefix of the build directory:
- Press `L` to load a file and enter the filename `APPLECORN`.
- Merlin will enter the editor automatically (or press `E`). Issue the
following command a the editor's `:` prompt: `asm`
- Merlin will enter the editor automatically (or press `E`). Open Apple-A
starts assembly. (Merlin-8: Issue the following command a the editor's
`:` prompt: `asm`
- Once assembly is complete, enter the command `q` to quit the editor.
- Press `Q` to quit Merlin-8.
- Press `Q` to quit Merlin.
## Theory of Operation