* AUXMEM.INIT.S * (c) Bobbi 2021 GPL v3 * * Initialization code running in Apple //e aux memory *********************************************************** * BBC Micro 'virtual machine' in Apple //e aux memory *********************************************************** ZP1 EQU $90 ; $90-$9f are Econet space ; so safe to use ZP2 EQU $92 ZP3 EQU $94 * COL,ROW needs to be in X,Y order * TO DO: will be moved to VDU space COL EQU $96 ; Cursor column ROW EQU $97 ; Cursor row STRTBCKL EQU $9D STRTBCKH EQU $9E MOSSHIM ORG AUXMOS ; MOS shim implementation * * Shim code to service Acorn MOS entry points using * Apple II monitor routines * This code is initially loaded into aux mem at AUXMOS1 * Then relocated into aux LC at AUXMOS by MOSINIT * * Initially executing at $3000 until copied to $D000 MOSINIT LDX #$FF ; Initialize Alt SP to $1FF TXS STA $C005 ; Make sure we are writing aux STA $C000 ; Make sure 80STORE is off LDA $C08B ; LC RAM Rd/Wt, 1st 4K bank LDA $C08B :MODBRA BRA :RELOC ; NOPped out on first run BRA :NORELOC LDA #$EA ; NOP opcode STA :MODBRA STA :MODBRA+1 :RELOC LDA #AUXMOS1 STA A1H LDA #EAUXMOS1 STA A2H LDA #AUXMOS STA A4H :L1 LDA (A1L) STA (A4L) LDA A1H CMP A2H BNE :S1 LDA A1L CMP A2L BNE :S1 BRA :S4 :S1 INC A1L BNE :S2 INC A1H :S2 INC A4L BNE :S3 INC A4H :S3 BRA :L1 :S4 LDA #MOSVEC-MOSINIT+AUXMOS1 STA A1H LDA #MOSVEND-MOSINIT+AUXMOS1 STA A2H LDA #MOSAPI STA A4H :L2 LDA (A1L) STA (A4L) LDA A1H CMP A2H BNE :S5 LDA A1L CMP A2L BNE :S5 BRA :S8 :S5 INC A1L BNE :S6 INC A1H :S6 INC A4L BNE :S7 INC A4H :S7 BRA :L2 :NORELOC :S8 STA $C00D ; 80 col on STA $C003 ; Alt charset off STA $C055 ; PAGE2 JMP MOSHIGH ; Ensure executing in high memory here MOSHIGH SEI LDX #$FF TXS ; Initialise stack INX ; X=$00 TXA :SCLR STA $0000,X ; Clear Kernel memory STA $0200,X STA $0300,X INX BNE :SCLR LDX #ENDVEC-DEFVEC-1 :INITPG2 LDA DEFVEC,X ; Set up vectors STA $200,X DEX BPL :INITPG2 JSR KBDINIT ; Returns A=startup MODE JSR VDUINIT ; Initialise VDU driver JSR PRHELLO LDA #7 JSR OSWRCH JSR OSNEWL CLC JMP BYTE8E PRHELLO LDA #HELLO JSR PRSTR JMP OSNEWL BYTE00XX BEQ BYTE00A ; OSBYTE 0,0 - generate error LDX #$0A ; $00 = identify Host RTS ; %000x1xxx host type, 'A'pple BYTE00A BRK DB $F7 HELLO ASC 'Applecorn MOS 2021-09-09 snapshot' DB $00 ; Unify MOS messages