* MAINMEM.AUDIO.S * (c) Bobbi 2022 GPLv3 * * Applecorn audio code * COUNTER DW $0000 ; Centisecond counter * Sound buffers * Four bytes are enqueued for each note, as follows: * - MS byte of channel number * - LS byte of channel number * - Frequency * - Duration SNDBUFSZ EQU 21 ; FOR 4 NOTES + spare byte SNDBUF0 DS SNDBUFSZ SNDBUF1 DS SNDBUFSZ SNDBUF2 DS SNDBUFSZ SNDBUF3 DS SNDBUFSZ * Pointers for circular buffers * Buffers 4-7 correspond to audio channels 0 to 3 * Buffers 0-3 are currently unused SND0STARTIDX DB $00 ; Start indices for sound bufs SND1STARTIDX DB $00 SND2STARTIDX DB $00 SND3STARTIDX DB $00 STARTINDICES EQU SND0STARTIDX - 4 SND0ENDIDX DB $00 ; End indices for sound bufs SND1ENDIDX DB $00 SND2ENDIDX DB $00 SND3ENDIDX DB $00 ENDINDICES EQU SND0ENDIDX - 4 * Envelope buffers 0-3 ENVBUF0 DS 13 ; 13 bytes not including env num ENVBUF1 DS 13 ENVBUF2 DS 13 ENVBUF3 DS 13 * Offsets of parameters in each envelope buffer ENVT EQU 0 ; Len of step in 1/100 sec ENVPI1 EQU 1 ; Change pitch/step section 1 ENVPI2 EQU 2 ; Change pitch/step section 2 ENVPI3 EQU 3 ; Change pitch/step section 3 ENVPN1 EQU 4 ; Num steps section 1 ENVPN2 EQU 5 ; Num steps section 2 ENVPN3 EQU 6 ; Num steps section 3 ENVAA EQU 7 ; Attack: change/step ENVAD EQU 8 ; Decay: change/step ENVAS EQU 9 ; Sustain: change/step ENVAR EQU 10 ; Release: change/step ENVALA EQU 11 ; Target at end of attack ENVALD EQU 12 ; Target at end of decay * Time remaining for current note, in 1/20th of second CHANTIMES DB $00 DB $00 DB $00 DB $00 * Envelope number for current note. $FF if no envelope. CHANENV DB $FF DB $FF DB $FF DB $FF * Envelope step counter for current note. * This is used in order to invoke the envelope processing at the requested * rate in 1/100th of a second. CHANCTR DB $00 DB $00 DB $00 DB $00 * Pitch envelope section (0..4) PITCHSECT DB $00 DB $00 DB $00 DB $00 * Step within pitch envelope section PITCHSTEP DB $00 DB $00 DB $00 DB $00 * Current pitch CURRPITCH DB $00 DB $00 DB $00 DB $00 * Amplitude envelope section (0..4) AMPSECT DB $00 DB $00 DB $00 DB $00 * Current amplitude CURRAMP DB $00 DB $00 DB $00 DB $00 * Get address of sound buffer * On entry: X is buffer number (4..7) * On exit: A1L,A1H points to start of buffer * Called with interrupts disabled GETBUFADDR LDA :BUFADDRL,X STA A1L LDA :BUFADDRH,X STA A1H RTS :BUFADDRL DB $00 DB $00 DB $00 DB $00 DB SNDBUF0 DB >SNDBUF1 DB >SNDBUF2 DB >SNDBUF3 DB $00 * Insert value into buffer (API same as Acorn MOS INSV) * On entry: A is value, X is buffer number. * On exit: A, X, Y preserved. C clear on success. INS PHP ; Save flags, turn off interrupts SEI PHY PHA LDY ENDINDICES,X ; Get input pointer INY ; Next byte CPY #SNDBUFSZ BNE :NOTEND ; See if it's the end LDY #0 ; If so, wraparound :NOTEND TYA ; New input pointer in A CMP STARTINDICES,X ; See if buffer is full BEQ :FULL LDY ENDINDICES,X ; Current position STA ENDINDICES,X ; Write updated input pointer JSR GETBUFADDR ; Buffer address into A1L,A1H PLA ; Get value to write back STA (A1L),Y ; Write to buffer PLY PLP ; Restore flags CLC ; Exit with carry clear RTS :FULL PLA ; Restore A PLY PLP ; Restore flags SEC ; Exit with carry set RTS * Entry point to INS for code running in aux MAININS >>> ENTMAIN PHY ; Y->X after transfer PLX JSR INS PHP ; Flags->A before transfer back PLA >>> XF2AUX,INSHNDRET * Remove value from buffer or examine buffer (API same as Acorn MOS REMV) * NOTE OS1.20 has a bug in the EXAMINE path * On entry: X is buffer number, V=1 if only examination is requested * On exit: If examination, A next byte, X preserved, Y=next byte * If removal, A undef, X preserved, Y=value of byte removed * If buffer already empty C=1, else C=0 REM PHP ; Save flags, turn off interrupts SEI LDA STARTINDICES,X ; Output pointer for buf X CMP ENDINDICES,X BEQ :EMPTY ; Buffer is empty TAY ; Buffer pointer into Y JSR GETBUFADDR ; Buffer address into A1L,A1H LDA (A1L),Y ; Read byte from buffer PHA ; Stash for later BVS :EXAM ; If only examination, done INY ; Next byte CPY #SNDBUFSZ BNE :NOTEND ; See if it's the end LDY #0 ; If so, wraparound :NOTEND TYA STA STARTINDICES,X ; Set output pointer PLY ; Char read from buffer PLP CLC ; Success RTS :EXAM PLA ; Char read from buffer TAY ; BUGFIX: Omitted on OS1.20 PLP CLC ; Success RTS :EMPTY PLP SEC ; Buffer already empty RTS * Remove value from buffer according to audio channel (0-4) * On entry: X is audio channel number * On exit: A undef, X preserved, Y value of byte removed REMAUDIO PHX ; Preserve X TXA ; Audio channel X->A ORA #$04 ; Convert to queue number TAX ; Queue number ->X CLV ; Remove byte from queue JSR REM PLX ; Recover original X RTS * Inspect value in buffer according to audio channel (0-4) * On entry: X is audio channel number * On exit: A next byte, X preserved, Y offset to next char PEEKAUDIO PHX ; Preserve X TXA ; Audio channel X->A ORA #$04 ; Convert to queue number TAX ; Queue number ->X BIT :RTS ; Set V, inspect queue JSR REM PLX ; Recover original X :RTS RTS * Count space in buffer or purge buffer (API same as Acorn MOS CNPV) * On entry: X is buffer number. V set means purge, V clear means count. * C set means space left, C clear means entries used * On exit: For purge, X & Y are preserved. * For count, value in X (Y=0). * A undef. V,C flags preserved. CNP PHP ; Preserve flags BVS :PURGE ; Purge if V set SEC ; Compute space used LDA ENDINDICES,X SBC STARTINDICES,X BPL :POS ; No wrap-around CLC ; Wrap-around - add SNDBUFSZ ADC #SNDBUFSZ :POS LDY #$00 ; MSB of count always zero PLP ; Recover flags BCS :CNTREM ; If C set on entry, count remainder TAX ; Return value in X RTS :CNTREM EOR #$FF ; Negate and add SNDBUFSZ SEC ADC #SNDBUFSZ TAX ; Return value in X RTS :PURGE LDA ENDINDICES,X ; Eat all buffer contents STA STARTINDICES,X STZ CHANTIMES-4,X ; Set to zero time remaining PLP ; Recover flags RTS * Entry point to CNP for code running in aux MAINCNP >>> ENTMAIN PHY ; Y->X after transfer PLX PHA ; A->flags after transfer PLP BVS :PURGE JSR CNP ; Count space PHX ; X->Y for transfer back PLY >>> XF2AUX,CNPHNDRET1 ; Return for counting :PURGE JSR CNP ; Purge buffer PHX ; X->Y for transfer back PLY >>> XF2AUX,CNPHNDRET2 ; Return for purging * Process releasing of notes once chord is complete. * On entry: A chord sequence number, X audio channel * Preserves all registers CHORD PHA PHX PHY * * Part 1: Count all notes at head of queues with seq number = A * STA :SEQ ; Sequence number looking for STZ :CNT ; Initialize counter LDX #3 ; Process all audio queues :L1 JSR PEEKAUDIO ; See byte at head of queue BCS :NEXT ; Empty queue AND #$0F ; Mask out hold nybble CMP :SEQ ; If matches .. BNE :NEXT INC :CNT ; .. count it :NEXT DEX BPL :L1 ; Next audio queue * * Part 2: If count = seq number + 1 * INC :SEQ ; Seq number + 1 LDA :CNT ; Compare with counter CMP :SEQ BEQ :RELCHORD ; Release notes :DONE PLY PLX PLA RTS * * Part 3: Overwrite seq numbers with zero to release notes. * :RELCHORD DEC :SEQ ; Put seq back how it was LDX #3 ; All audio queues :L2 JSR PEEKAUDIO ; See byte at head of queue BCS :NEXT2 ; Empty queue AND #$0F ; Mask out hold nybble CMP :SEQ ; See if matches BNE :NEXT2 ; Nope, skip PHX TXA ORA #$04 ; Convert to buffer number TAX JSR GETBUFADDR ; Audio buf addr -> A1L,A1H PLX LDA #$00 STA (A1L),Y ; Zero sync nybble (+ hold nybble) :NEXT2 DEX BPL :L2 ; Next audio queue BRA :DONE :SEQ DB $00 ; Sequence number :CNT DB $00 ; Counter * Called from Ensoniq interrupt handler - process audio queue * Should be called at 100Hz ENSQISR INC COUNTER+0 ; Increment centisecond timer BNE :S1 INC COUNTER+1 :S1 DEC :CNT ; Find every 5th cycle BNE :AT100HZ LDA #5 STA :CNT LDX #3 ; Process four audio queues :L1 LDA CHANTIMES,X ; Time remaining on current note BEQ :NONOTE ; No note playing DEC CHANTIMES,X BRA :NEXT :NONOTE JSR NONOTE ; Handle end note / release phase :PEEK JSR PEEKAUDIO ; Inspect byte at head of queue BCS :NEXT ; Nothing in queue ; NOTE: A contains HS byte of &HSFC AND #$0F ; Mask out hold nybble BNE :SYNCSET ; Do not play if sync != 0 * The following is paranoid maybe. Perhaps can be removed once I am debugged. *** PHX PHY INX ; Convert audio channel to buf num INX INX INX CLV ; Ask to count buffer CLC ; Ask for space used JSR CNP ; Go count it TXA PLY PLX CMP #3 ; At least 4 bytes used? BMI :NEXT * End paranoid section. *** JSR REMAUDIO ; Remove byte from queue JSR REMAUDIO ; Remove byte from queue TYA ; Amplitude or envelope -> A DEC A BPL :HASENV ; If +ve, value was 1,2,3.. INC A EOR #$FF ; Negate A INC A ; .. ASL ; Multiply by 16 ASL ASL ASL PHA ; Amplitude to stack LDA #$FF ; $FF means 'no envelope' STA CHANENV,X BRA :S2 :HASENV STA CHANENV,X ; Store envelope number LDA #$01 STA CHANCTR,X ; Set envelope step counter to 1 STZ PITCHSECT,X ; Start on pitch section 0 STZ PITCHSTEP,X ; Start on step 0 STZ AMPSECT,X ; Start on amplitude section 0 LDA #$00 ; Initial amplitude is zero PHA ; Zero amplitude to stack :S2 JSR REMAUDIO ; Remove byte from queue PHY ; Frequency JSR REMAUDIO ; Remove byte from queue TYA ; Duration STA CHANTIMES,X PLA ; Recover frequency STA CURRPITCH,X ; Store for pitch envelope STZ CURRAMP,X ; Amp envelope starts at zero PLY ; Recover amplitude JSR ENSQNOTE ; Start note playing :NEXT DEX BPL :L1 ; Next audio queue :AT100HZ ; Here on every call (100Hz) LDX #3 ; Iterate through channels :L2 LDA CHANENV,X ; Envelope for this channel? BMI :NOENV ; $FF means no envelope JSR ENVTICKS ; Handle envelope tick counter BCC :NOENV ; This cycle is not a tick JSR PITCHENV ; Process pitch envelope JSR ADSRENV ; Process amplitude envelope :NOENV DEX BPL :L2 ; Next audio queue CLC RTL :SYNCSET JSR CHORD ; See if chord can be released BRA :NEXT :CNT DB $05 ; Used to determine 20Hz cycles * Helper function for ENSQISR - called when no note playing * On entry: X is audio channel # NONOTE LDA CHANENV,X ; See if envelope is in effect CMP #$FF BNE :RELEASE ; Has envelope, start release phase LDY #$00 ; Zero volume LDA #$00 ; Zero freq JSR ENSQNOTE ; Silence channel Y RTS :RELEASE LDA #3 ; Phase 3 is release phase STA AMPSECT,X ; Force release phase RTS * Handle envelope tick counter * On entry: X is audio channel # * On return: CS if this cycle is an envelope tick, CC otherwise. * X is preserved ENVTICKS DEC CHANCTR,X ; Decrement counter BEQ :ZERO ; Expired CLC ; Not expired RTS :ZERO JSR RSTTICKS ; Reset counter SEC ; Counter had expired RTS * Reset envelope tick counter * On entry: X is audio channel # * On return: Sets CHANCTR,X to length of each step in 1/100ths RSTTICKS LDA CHANENV,X ; Get envelope number TAY JSR GETENVADDR ; Envelope address in A1L,A1H LDY #ENVT ; Parm for length of each step LDA (A1L),Y ; Get value of parm AND #$7F ; Mask out MSB STA CHANCTR,X ; Reset counter RTS * On entry: Y is envelope number * On return: A1L,A1H point to start of buffer for this envelope * X is preserved GETENVADDR LDA #ENVBUF0 STA A1H :L1 CPY #$00 ; See if Y is zero BEQ :DONE ; If so, we are done LDA A1L ; Add 13 to A1L,A1H CLC ADC #13 STA A1L LDA A1H ADC #00 STA A1H DEY ; Decr envelopes remaining BRA :L1 ; Go again :DONE RTS * Process pitch envelope * On entry: X is audio channel # * X is preserved PITCHENV LDA CHANENV,X ; Get envelope number TAY JSR GETENVADDR ; Addr of envelope -> A1L,A1H LDA PITCHSECT,X ; See what section we are in BEQ :SECT1 ; Section 1, encoded as 0 CMP #$01 BEQ :SECT2 ; Section 2, encoded as 1 CMP #$02 BEQ :SECT3 ; Section 3, encoded as 2 RTS ; Other section, do nothing :SECT1 LDY #ENVPI1 ; Parm: change pitch/step section 1 LDA (A1L),Y ; Get value of parm JSR UPDPITCH ; Update the pitch LDY #ENVPN1 ; Parm: num steps in section 1 LDA (A1L),Y ; Get value of parm CMP PITCHSTEP,X ; Are we there yet? BEQ :NXTSECT ; Yes! INC PITCHSTEP,X ; One more step RTS :SECT2 LDY #ENVPI2 ; Parm: change pitch/step section 2 LDA (A1L),Y ; Get value of parm JSR UPDPITCH ; Update the pitch LDY #ENVPN2 ; Parm: num steps in section 2 LDA (A1L),Y ; Get value of parm CMP PITCHSTEP,X ; Are we there yet? BEQ :NXTSECT ; Yes! INC PITCHSTEP,X ; One more step RTS :SECT3 LDY #ENVPI3 ; Parm: change pitch/step section 3 LDA (A1L),Y ; Get value of parm JSR UPDPITCH ; Update the pitch LDY #ENVPN3 ; Parm: num steps in section 3 LDA (A1L),Y ; Get value of parm CMP PITCHSTEP,X ; Are we there yet? BEQ :LASTSECT ; Yes! INC PITCHSTEP,X ; One more step RTS :NXTSECT INC PITCHSECT,X ; Next section STZ PITCHSTEP,X ; Back to step 0 of section RTS :LASTSECT LDY #ENVT ; Parm: length/step + autorepeat LDA (A1L),Y ; Get value of parm AND #$80 ; MSB is auto-repeat flag BEQ :NXTSECT ; Not repeating STZ PITCHSECT,X ; Go back to section 1 STZ PITCHSTEP,X ; Back to step 0 of section RTS * Update pitch value. Called by PITCHENV. * On entry: A - Change of pitch/step, X is audio channel # * X is preserved UPDPITCH STX OSCNUM CLC ADC CURRPITCH,X ; Add change to current STA CURRPITCH,X ; Update TAY JSR ENSQFREQ ; Update Ensoniq regs RTS * Process amplitude envelope * On entry: X is audio channel # * X is preserved ADSRENV LDA CHANENV,X ; Get envelope number TAY JSR GETENVADDR ; Addr of envelope -> A1L,A1H LDA AMPSECT,X ; See what section we are in BEQ :ATTACK ; Attack, encoded as 0 CMP #$01 BEQ :DECAY ; Decay, encoded as 1 CMP #$02 BEQ :SUSTAIN ; Sustain, encoded as 2 CMP #$03 BEQ :RELEASE ; Release, encoded as 3 RTS ; Otherwise nothing to do :ATTACK LDY #ENVAA ; Parm: attack change/step LDA (A1L),Y ; Get value of parm PHA LDY #ENVALA ; Parm: level at end of attack LDA (A1L),Y ; Get value of parm PLY JSR ADSRPHASE ; Generic ADSR phase handler BCS :NEXTSECT ; Phase done -> decay RTS :DECAY LDY #ENVAD ; Parm: delay change/step LDA (A1L),Y ; Get value of parm PHA LDY #ENVALD ; Parm: level at end of delay LDA (A1L),Y ; Get value of parm PLY JSR ADSRPHASE ; Generic ADSR phase handler BCS :NEXTSECT ; Phase done -> sustain RTS :SUSTAIN LDY #ENVAS ; Parm: delay change/step LDA (A1L),Y ; Get value of parm TAY LDA #$00 ; Target level zero JSR ADSRPHASE ; Generic ADSR phase handler RTS :RELEASE LDY #ENVAR ; Parm: attack change/step LDA (A1L),Y ; Get value of parm TAY LDA #$00 ; Target level zero JSR ADSRPHASE ; Generic ADSR phase handler BCS :FINISH ; Level is zero RTS :NEXTSECT INC AMPSECT,X ; Next section RTS :FINISH LDA #$FF ; Finished with envelope STA CHANENV,X RTS * Handle any individual phase of the ADSR envelope. Called by ADSRENV. * On entry: A - level at end of phase, X - audio channel, Y - change/step * On return: CS if end of phase, CC otherwise. X preserved. ADSRPHASE STX OSCNUM STA :TARGET ; Stash target level for later CPY #$00 ; Check sign of change/step BEQ :DONE ; Change/step is zero BMI :DESCEND ; Descending amplitude :ASCEND CMP CURRAMP,X ; Compare tgt with current level BNE :S1 ; Not equal to target, keep going SEC ; CS to indicate phase is done RTS :S1 TYA ; Change/step -> A CLC ADC CURRAMP,X ; Add change to current amp CMP :TARGET ; Compare with target BCS :CLAMP ; If target < sum, clamp to target BRA :UPDATE :DESCEND CMP CURRAMP,X ; Compare tgt with current level BNE :S2 ; Not equal to target, keep going SEC ; CS to indicate phase is done RTS :S2 TYA ; Change/step -> A CLC ADC CURRAMP,X ; Add change to current amp CMP :TARGET ; Compare with target BCC :CLAMP ; If target >= sum, clamp to target BRA :UPDATE :CLAMP LDA :TARGET ; Recover target level :UPDATE STA CURRAMP,X ; Store updated amplitude TAY ; Tell the Ensoniq JSR ENSQAMP :DONE CLC ; CC to indicate phase continues RTS :TARGET DB $00 ***************************************************************************** * Ensoniq DOC Driver for Apple IIGS Follows ... ***************************************************************************** * Ensoniq control registers ENSQSNDCTL EQU $C03C ENSQSNDDAT EQU $C03D ENSQADDRL EQU $C03E ENSQADDRH EQU $C03F * Initialize Ensoniq * Setup wavetable - one period of a square wave * Start timer on oscillator #4, silence oscillators 0 to 3 ENSQINIT LDX #3 LDA #$80 ; Initialize sound queues :L0 STZ SND0STARTIDX,X STZ SND0ENDIDX,X DEX BNE :L0 LDA ENSQSNDCTL ; Get settings ORA #$60 ; DOC RAM, autoincrement on STA ENSQSNDCTL ; Set it LDA #$00 STA ENSQADDRL ; DOC RAM addr $0000 STA ENSQADDRH ; DOC RAM addr $0000 LDA #120 ; High value of square wave LDX #$00 :L1 STA ENSQSNDDAT ; 128 cycles of high value INX CPX #128 BNE :L1 LDA #80 ; Low value of square wave :L2 STA ENSQSNDDAT ; 128 cycles of low value INX CPX #0 BNE :L2 LDA #$5C ; GS IRQ.SOUND initialization STAL $E1002C LDA #ENSQISR STAL $E1002E LDA #$00 ; Bank $00 STAL $E1002F LDX #$E1 ; DOC Osc Enable register $E1 LDY #10 ; Five oscillators enabled JSR ENSQWRTDOC LDY #$00 ; Amplitude for osc #4 (timer) LDA #$20 ; Frequency for osc #4 (timer) LDX #$04 JSR ENSQNOTE ; Start oscillator 4 LDX #$A4 ; Control register for osc #4 LDY #$08 ; Free run, with IRQ, start JSR ENSQWRTDOC ; Fall through * Silence all channels ENSQSILENT LDY #$00 ; Amplitude LDA #$80 ; Frequency LDX #$03 :L1 JSR ENSQNOTE ; Initialize channel Y STZ CHANTIMES,X ; No note playing DEX BPL :L1 RTS * Configure an Ensoniq oscillator to play a note * On entry: X - oscillator number 0-3 , A - frequency, Y - amplitude * Preserves all registers ENSQNOTE PHA PHX PHY STX OSCNUM ; Stash oscillator number 0-3 PHA ; Stash orig freq TAY LDA FREQLOW,Y TAY ; Frequency value LS byte LDA #$00 ; DOC register base $00 (Freq Lo) JSR ADDOSC ; Actual register in X JSR ENSQWRTDOC PLA ; Get orig freq back TAY LDA FREQHIGH,Y TAY ; Frequency value MS byte LDA #$20 ; DOC register base $20 (Freq Hi) JSR ADDOSC ; Actual register in X JSR ENSQWRTDOC PLY ; Amplitude value PHY LDA #$40 ; DOC register base $40 (Volume) JSR ADDOSC ; Actual register in X JSR ENSQWRTDOC LDY #$00 ; Wavetable pointer $00 LDA #$80 ; DOC register base $80 (Wavetable) JSR ADDOSC ; Actual register in X JSR ENSQWRTDOC LDY #$00 ; Free run, no IRQ, start LDA #$A0 ; DOC register base $A0 (Control) JSR ADDOSC ; Actual register in X JSR ENSQWRTDOC LDY #$00 ; For 256 byte wavetable LDA #$C0 ; DOC register base $C0 (WT size) JSR ADDOSC ; Actual register in X JSR ENSQWRTDOC PLY PLX PLA RTS * Adjust frequency of note already playing * On entry: Y - frequency to set * Preserves X & Y ENSQFREQ PHX PHY ; Gonna need it again LDA FREQLOW,Y TAY ; Frequency value LS byte LDA #$00 ; DOC register base $00 (Freq Lo) JSR ADDOSC ; Actual register in X JSR ENSQWRTDOC PLY ; Get freq back PHY LDA FREQHIGH,Y TAY ; Frequency value MS byte LDA #$20 ; DOC register base $20 (Freq Hi) JSR ADDOSC ; Actual register in X JSR ENSQWRTDOC PLY PLX RTS * Adjust amplitude of note already playing * On entry: Y - amplitude to set * Preserves X & Y ENSQAMP PHX PHY ; Gonna need it again LDA #$40 ; DOC register base $00 (Freq Lo) JSR ADDOSC ; Actual register in X JSR ENSQWRTDOC PLY PLX RTS * Add oscillator number to value in A, return sum in X * Used by ENSQNOTE & ENSQFREQ ADDOSC CLC ADC OSCNUM TAX RTS OSCNUM DB $00 * Wait for Ensoniq to be ready ENSQWAIT LDA ENSQSNDCTL BMI ENSQWAIT RTS * Write to a DOC register * On entry: Value in Y, register in X * Preserves all registers ENSQWRTDOC PHA JSR ENSQWAIT ; Wait for DOC to be ready LDA ENSQSNDCTL AND #$90 ; DOC register, no autoincr ORA #$0F ; Master volume maximum STA ENSQSNDCTL STX ENSQADDRL ; Select DOC register STZ ENSQADDRH STY ENSQSNDDAT ; Write data PLA RTS