* AUXMEM.INIT.S * (c) Bobbi 2021 GPL v3 * * Initialization code running in Apple //e aux memory * 08-Nov-2022 ResetType OSBYTE set * 09-Nov-2022 Current language re-entered, reset on Power/Hard Reset * 12-Dec-2022 Copy loop uses OSvars, single byte for MODBRA jump. * 15-Dec-2022 Added check for *FX200,2/3 force PowerOn reset. * BUG: If Ctrl-Break pressed during a service call, wrong ROM gets paged in *********************************************************** * BBC Micro 'virtual machine' in Apple //e aux memory *********************************************************** MAXROM EQU $F9 ; Max sideways ROM number FXLANG EQU BYTEVARBASE+$FC ; Current language FXRESET EQU BYTEVARBASE+$FD ; Last Reset type FXOPTIONS EQU BYTEVARBASE+$FF ; Startup options ZP1 EQU $90 ; $90-$9f are spare Econet space ; so safe to use ZP2 EQU $92 ZP3 EQU $94 MOSSHIM ORG AUXMOS ; MOS shim implementation * * Shim code to service Acorn MOS entry points using * Apple II monitor routines * This code is initially loaded into aux mem at AUXMOS1 * Then relocated into aux LC at AUXMOS by MOSINIT * * Initially executing at $2000 until copied to $D000 * * When first run from loading from disk: * Code will be at $2000-$4FFF, then copied to $D000-$FFFF * When Ctrl-Reset pressed: * AUX RESET code jumps to MAIN $D000 * MOSINIT SEI ; Ensure IRQs disabled LDX #$FF ; Initialize Alt SP to $1FF TXS * Ensure memory map set up: STA WRCARDRAM ; Make sure we are writing aux STA 80STOREOFF ; Make sure 80STORE is off STA SET80VID ; 80 col on STA CLRALTCHAR ; Alt charset off STA PAGE2 ; PAGE2 LDA LCBANK1 ; LC RAM Rd/Wt, 1st 4K bank LDA LCBANK1 * (Move these later to prevent brief glimpse of screen with code in it?) LDY #$00 ; $00=Soft Reset :MODBRA SEC ; Changed to CLC after first run BCC :NORELOC ; Subsequent run, skip to code * Copy code to high memory, (OSCTRL)=>source, (OSLPTR)=>dest :RELOC LDA #AUXMOS1 STA OSCTRL+1 STY OSLPTR+0 ; Y=0 from earlier LDA #>AUXMOS ; AUXMOS is always &xx00 STA OSLPTR+1 :L1 LDA (OSCTRL),Y ; Copy from source STA (OSLPTR),Y ; to dest INY BNE :L1 ; Do 256 bytes INC OSCTRL+1 ; Update source INC OSLPTR+1 ; Update dest BMI :L1 ; Loop until wrap past &FFFF * :L2 LDA MOSVEND-AUXMOS+AUXMOS1-256,Y STA $FF00,Y ; Copy MOS API and vectors INY ; to proper place BNE :L2 LDA #$18 ; CLC opcode, next time around, we're STA :MODBRA ; already in high memory LDY #$02 ; $02=PowerOn * We only change one byte to protect against a RESET happening halfway between * two bytes being changed, leaving the code inconsistant. :NORELOC JMP MOSHIGH ; Ensure executing in high memory from here * From here onwards we are always executing at $D000 onwards * Y=ResetType MOSHIGH SEI ; Ensure IRQs disabled LDX #$FF TXS ; Initialise stack LDA FX200VAR ; Check *FX200 AND #$02 ; Check if bit 1 set BEQ :SCLR0 ; No, keep existing ResetType TAY ; Otherwise, force to PowerOn reset :SCLR0 PHY ; Stack ResetType LDA FXLANG ; A=Language LDY FXSOFTOK ; Y=Soft Keys Ok INX ; X=$00 :SCLR STZ $0000,X ; Clear Kernel memory STZ $0200,X STZ $0300,X INX BNE :SCLR STA FXLANG ; Current language STY FXSOFTOK ; Soft key validity PLA STA FXRESET ; Set ResetType BEQ :INITPG2 ; Soft Reset, preserve settings DEX ; X=$FF STX FXLANG ; Current language=none STX FXSOFTOK ; Invalidate soft keys :INITPG2 LDX #ENDVEC-DEFVEC-1 :INITPG2LP LDA DEFVEC,X ; Set up vectors STA $200,X DEX BPL :INITPG2LP LDA CYAREG ; GS speed register AND #$80 ; Speed bit only STA GSSPEED ; In Alt LC for IRQ/BRK hdlr JSR ROMINIT ; Build list of sideways ROMs JSR KBDINIT ; Returns A=startup MODE JSR VDUINIT ; Initialise VDU driver JSR PRHELLO JSR OSNEWL LDA FXRESET ; Get ResetType BEQ :INITSOFT ; Soft reset, skip past LDA #7 ; Beep on HardReset/PowerReset JSR OSWRCH * * AppleII MOS beeps anyway, so we always get a Beep * APPLECORN startup -> BBC Beep * Press Ctrl-Reset -> AppleII Beep * * Find a language to enter :INITSOFT LDX FXLANG ; Get current language BPL INITLANG ; b7=ok, use it LDX ROMMAX ; Look for a language :FINDLANG JSR ROMSELECT ; Bring ROM X into memory BIT $8006 ; Check ROM type BVS INITLANG ; b6=set, use it DEX ; Step down to next ROM BPL :FINDLANG ; Loop until all tested ERRNOLANG BRK ; No language found DB $F9 ASC 'No Language' BRK * INITLANG CLC ; CLC=Entering from RESET * OSBYTE $8E - Enter language ROM ********************************* * X=ROM number to select, CC=RESET, CS=*COMMAND/OSBYTE * BYTE8E PHP ; Save CLC=RESET, SEC=Not RESET JSR ROMSELECT ; Bring ROM X into memory BIT $8006 BVC ERRNOLANG ; No language in this ROM LDA #$00 STA FAULT+0 LDA #$80 STA FAULT+1 LDY #$09 JSR PRERRLP ; Print ROM name with PRERR to set STY FAULT+0 ; FAULT pointing to version string JSR OSNEWL JSR OSNEWL STX FXLANG ; Set as current language ROM PLP ; Get entry type back LDA #$01 ; $01=Entering code with a header JMP ROMAUXADDR * OSBYTE $8F - Issue service call ********************************* * X=service call, Y=parameter * * SERVICE TAX ; Enter here with A=Service Num SERVICEX BYTE8F LDA $F4 ; Enter here with X=Service Number PHA ; Save current ROM *DEBUG LDA $E0 AND #$20 ; Test debug *OPT255,32 BEQ :SERVDEBUG CPX #$06 BEQ :SERVDONE ; If debug on, ignore SERV06 :SERVDEBUG *DEBUG TXA ; A=service number LDX ROMMAX ; Start at highest ROM :SERVLP JSR ROMSELECT ; Bring it into memory BIT $8006 BPL :SERVSKIP ; No service entry JSR $8003 ; Call service entry TAX BEQ :SERVDONE :SERVSKIP LDX $F4 ; Restore X=current ROM DEX ; Step down to next BPL :SERVLP ; Loop until ROM 0 done :SERVDONE PLA ; Get caller's ROM back PHX ; Save return from service call TAX JSR ROMSELECT ; Restore caller's ROM PLX ; Get return value back TXA ; Return in A and X and set EQ/NE RTS PRHELLO LDX #HELLO JSR OSPRSTR JMP OSNEWL BYTE00 BEQ BYTE00A ; OSBYTE 0,0 - generate error LDX #$0A ; Identify Host RTS ; %000x1xxx host type, 'A'pple BYTE00A BRK DB $F7 HELLO ASC 'Applecorn MOS 2022-01-08' DB $00 ; Unify MOS messages