* MAINMEM.SHR.S * (c) Bobbi 2022 GPLv3 * * Routines for drawing bitmapped text and graphics in SHR mode * on Apple IIGS (640x200 4 colour, or 320x200 16 colour.) * * This code is in main memory only to save space in aux LC. * ****************************************************************************** * Data in bank $E1 ****************************************************************************** SHRFONTXPLD EQU $A000 ; Explode SHR font to $E1:A000 ****************************************************************************** SHRPIXELS DB $00 ; Main memory copy of VDUPIXELS SHRVDUQ DS 16 ; Main memory copy of VDUQ SHRGFXMASK DB $00 ; Colour mask for point plotting SHRGFXACTION DB $00 ; GCOL action for point plotting * Explode font to generate SHRFONTXPLD table * This is 2 bytes x 8 rows for each character in 640 mode * or 4 bytes x 8 rows for each character in 320 mode SHRXPLDFONT >>> ENTMAIN LDA #SHRFONTXPLD STA A3H LDA #$E1 ; Memory bank $E1 STA A4L LDA #32 ; First char number :L1 JSR SHRXPLDCHAR ; Explode char A INC A CMP #128 ; 96 chars in FONT8 BNE :L1 >>> XF2AUX,SHRV22RET RTS * Explode one character to location pointed to by A3L * On entry: A - character to explode SHRXPLDCHAR PHA SEC SBC #32 STA A1L ; A*8 -> A1L/H STZ A1H ASL A1L ROL A1H ASL A1L ROL A1H ASL A1L ROL A1H CLC ; FONT8+A*8 -> A1L/H LDA A1L ADC #FONT8 STA A1H LDY #$00 ; First row of char :L1 LDA (A1L),Y ; Load row of font JSR SHRXPLDROW INY ; Next row of font CPY #$08 ; Last row? BNE :L1 PLA RTS * Explode one pixel row of user defined graphics char SHRUSERCHAR >>> ENTMAIN LDA #SHRFONTXPLD STA A3H LDA #$E1 ; Bank $E1 STA A4L LDA SHRVDUQ+0 ; Character number CMP #32 ; < 32? Then bail out BCC :DONE SEC ; Otherwise, subtract 32 SBC #32 TAY LDA #16 ; Bytes/char in 640 mode LDX SHRPIXELS ; Pixels per byte CPX #$02 ; 2 is 320-mode (MODE 1) BNE :S0 LDA #32 ; Bytes/char in 320 mode :S0 STA :INCREMENT :L0 CPY #$00 BEQ :S1 CLC LDA A3L ADC :INCREMENT STA A3L LDA A3H ADC #$00 STA A3H DEY BRA :L0 :S1 LDY #$00 :L1 LDA SHRVDUQ+1,Y ; Row of pixels JSR SHRXPLDROW INY CPY #$08 ; Last row? BNE :L1 :DONE >>> XF2AUX,VDU23RET :INCREMENT DB $00 * Explode one row of pixels. Used by SHRXPLDCHAR & SHRUSERCHAR * On entry: A contains row of font data SHRXPLDROW LDX SHRPIXELS ; Pixels per byte CPX #$02 ; 2 is 320-mode (MODE 1) BNE :S1 JSR SHRCHAR320 BRA :S2 :S1 JSR SHRCHAR640 :S2 LDX SHRPIXELS ; Pixels per byte CPX #$02 ; 2 is 320-mode (MODE 1) BNE :S3 CLC ; 320 mode: add 4 to A3L LDA A3L ADC #$04 STA A3L LDA A3H ADC #$00 STA A3H BRA :S4 :S3 CLC ; 640 mode: add 2 to A3L LDA A3L ADC #$02 STA A3L LDA A3H ADC #$00 STA A3H :S4 RTS * Explode one pixel row of font in 320 mode * 4 bytes per char, 4 bits per pixel * On entry: A contains row of font data SHRCHAR320 PHY ; Preserve Y LDY #$00 ; Dest byte index :L0 STZ A2L LDX #$00 ; Source bit index :L1 ASL ; MS bit -> C PHP ; Preserve C ROL A2L ; C -> LS bit PLP ; Recover C PHP ROL A2L ; C -> LS bit PLP ; Recover C PHP ROL A2L ; C -> LS bit PLP ; Recover C ROL A2L ; C -> LS bit INX CPX #$02 ; Processed two bits of font? BNE :L1 PHA ; Preserve partially shifted font LDA A2L STA [A3L],Y PLA ; Recover partially shifted font INY CPY #$04 ; Done 4 bytes? BNE :L0 PLY ; Recover Y RTS * Explode one pixel row of font in 640 mode * 2 bytes per char, 2 bits per pixel * On entry: A contains row of font data SHRCHAR640 PHY ; Preserve Y LDY #$00 ; Dest byte index :L0 STZ A2L LDX #$00 ; Source bit index :L1 ASL ; MS bit -> C PHP ; Preserve C ROL A2L ; C -> LS bit PLP ; Recover C ROL A2L ; C -> LS bit INX CPX #$04 BNE :L1 PHA ; Preserve partially shifted font LDA A2L STA [A3L],Y PLA ; Recover partially shifted font INY CPY #$02 ; Done 2 bytes? BNE :L0 PLY ; Recover Y RTS * Plot actions: PLOT k,x,y * k is in SHRVDUQ+4 * x is in SHRVDUQ+5,SHRVDUQ+6 * y is in SHRVDUQ+7,SHRVDUQ+8 * * Plot actions: * $00+x - move/draw lines * $40+x - plot point * $50+x - fill triangle * $60+x - fill rectangle * $90+x - draw circle * $98+x - fill circle * * TODO: Only does point plotting ATM SHRPLOT >>> ENTMAIN JSR SHRCOORD ; Convert coordinates LDX A2L ; Screen row (Y-coord) LDA SHRROWSL,X ; Look up addr (LS byte) STA A3L ; Stash in A3L LDA SHRROWSH,X ; Look up addr (MS byte) STA A3H ; Stash in A3H LDA #$E1 ; Bank $E1 STA A4L LDX A1L ; Store X-coord for later LSR A1H ; Divide by 4 ROR A1L LSR A1H ROR A1L LDY A1L ; Index into row of pixels LDA SHRPIXELS ; Pixels per byte CMP #$02 ; 2 is 320-mode (MODE 1) BNE :MODE0 TXA LSR AND #$01 ; Keep LSB bit only TAX ; Index into :BITS320 LDA :BITS320,X ; Get bit pattern for pixel to set BRA :DOPLOT :MODE0 TXA AND #$03 ; Keep LSB two bits only TAX ; Index into :BITS640 LDA :BITS640,X ; Get bit pattern for pixel to set :DOPLOT PHA LDA SHRGFXACTION ; GCOL action AND #$0007 ; Avoid table overflows ASL TAX PLA ; Recover bit pattern JMP (:PLOTTBL, X) ; Jump using jump table :BITS320 DB %11110000 ; Bit patterns for pixel .. DB %00001111 ; .. within byte :BITS640 DB %11000000 ; Bit patterns for pixel .. DB %00110000 ; .. within byte DB %00001100 DB %00000011 :PLOTTBL DW SHRPLOTSET ; Jump table for GCOL actions DW SHRPLOTOR DW SHRPLOTAND DW SHRPLOTXOR DW SHRPLOTNOT DW SHRPLOTNOP DW SHRPLOTCLR DW SHRPLOTNOP * Plot the specified colour (GCOL action 0) * Pixel bit pattern in A SHRPLOTSET TAX ; Keep copy of bit pattern EOR #$FF ; Invert bits AND [A3L],Y ; Load existing byte, clearing pixel STA A1L TXA ; Get bit pattern back AND SHRGFXMASK ; Mask to set colour ORA A1L ; OR into existing byte STA [A3L],Y ; Write to screen >>> XF2AUX,GFXPLOTRET RTS * OR with colour on screen (GCOL action 1) * Pixel bit pattern in A SHRPLOTOR AND SHRGFXMASK ; Mask to set colour ORA [A3L],Y ; OR into existing byte STA [A3L],Y ; Write to screen >>> XF2AUX,GFXPLOTRET RTS * AND with colour on screen (GCOL action 2) * Pixel bit pattern in A SHRPLOTAND TAX ; Keep copy of bit pattern AND [A3L],Y ; Mask bits to work on STA A1L TXA ; Get bit pattern back AND SHRGFXMASK ; Mask to set colour AND A1L ; AND with screen data STA A1L TXA ; Get bit pattern back EOR #$FF ; Invert AND [A3L],Y ; Mask remaining bits ORA A1L ; Combine STA [A3L],Y ; Write to screen >>> XF2AUX,GFXPLOTRET RTS * XOR with colour on screen (GCOL action 3) * Pixel bit pattern in A SHRPLOTXOR AND SHRGFXMASK ; Mask to set colour EOR [A3L],Y ; EOR into existing byte STA [A3L],Y ; Write to screen >>> XF2AUX,GFXPLOTRET RTS * NOT colour on screen (GCOL action 4) * Pixel bit pattern in A SHRPLOTNOT TAX ; Keep copy of bit pattern STX A1L LDA [A3L],Y ; Load existing byte EOR #$FF ; Negate / invert existing byte AND A1L ; Mask with bit pattern STA A1L TXA ; Get bit pattern back EOR #$FF ; Invert bits AND [A3L],Y ; Mask remaining bits ORA A1L ; Combine STA [A3L],Y ; Write to screen >>> XF2AUX,GFXPLOTRET RTS * NO-OP (GCOL action 5) * Pixel bit pattern in A SHRPLOTNOP >>> XF2AUX,GFXPLOTRET RTS * Clear (GCOL action 6) * Pixel bit pattern in A, and also at top of stack SHRPLOTCLR EOR #$FF ; Invert bits AND [A3L],Y ; Load existing byte, clearing pixel STA [A3L],Y ; Write to screen >>> XF2AUX,GFXPLOTRET RTS * Convert high-resolution screen coordinates * from 1280x1024 to 620x200 or 320x200 * On return: X-coordinate in A1L/H, Y-coordinate in A2L (A2H=0) SHRCOORD PHP ; Disable interrupts SEI CLC ; 65816 native mode XCE REP #$30 ; 16 bit M & X MX %00 ; Tell Merlin * X-coordinate in SHRVDUQ+5,+6 1280/2=640 LDA SHRVDUQ+5 LSR ; /2 STA A1L ; Result in A1L/H * Y-coordinate in SHRVDUQ+7,+8 1024*25/128=200 :Y LDA SHRVDUQ+7 ASL ; *2 ADC SHRVDUQ+7 ; *3 ASL ; *6 ASL ; *12 ASL ; *24 ADC SHRVDUQ+7 ; *25 * Clever speedup trick thanks to Kent Dickey @ A2Infinitum * now we have valid data in acc[15:7], and we want to shift right 7 bits to * get acc[8:0] as the valid bits. If we left shift one bit and xba, * we get acc[7:0] in the proper bits, so we just have to bring the bit we * just shifted out back * See: https://apple2infinitum.slack.com/archives/CA8AT5886/p1628877444215300 * for code on how to shift left 7 bits ASL ; AND #$FF00 ; Mask bits XBA ; Clever trick: fewer shifts STA A2L ; Into A2L/H SEC ; Back to emulation mode XCE MX %11 ; Tell Merlin PLP ; Normal service resumed RTS * Table of addresses of SHR rows (in reverse order) SHRROWSL DB <$9c60 DB <$9bc0 DB <$9b20 DB <$9a80 DB <$99e0 DB <$9940 DB <$98a0 DB <$9800 DB <$9760 DB <$96c0 DB <$9620 DB <$9580 DB <$94e0 DB <$9440 DB <$93a0 DB <$9300 DB <$9260 DB <$91c0 DB <$9120 DB <$9080 DB <$8fe0 DB <$8f40 DB <$8ea0 DB <$8e00 DB <$8d60 DB <$8cc0 DB <$8c20 DB <$8b80 DB <$8ae0 DB <$8a40 DB <$89a0 DB <$8900 DB <$8860 DB <$87c0 DB <$8720 DB <$8680 DB <$85e0 DB <$8540 DB <$84a0 DB <$8400 DB <$8360 DB <$82c0 DB <$8220 DB <$8180 DB <$80e0 DB <$8040 DB <$7fa0 DB <$7f00 DB <$7e60 DB <$7dc0 DB <$7d20 DB <$7c80 DB <$7be0 DB <$7b40 DB <$7aa0 DB <$7a00 DB <$7960 DB <$78c0 DB <$7820 DB <$7780 DB <$76e0 DB <$7640 DB <$75a0 DB <$7500 DB <$7460 DB <$73c0 DB <$7320 DB <$7280 DB <$71e0 DB <$7140 DB <$70a0 DB <$7000 DB <$6f60 DB <$6ec0 DB <$6e20 DB <$6d80 DB <$6ce0 DB <$6c40 DB <$6ba0 DB <$6b00 DB <$6a60 DB <$69c0 DB <$6920 DB <$6880 DB <$67e0 DB <$6740 DB <$66a0 DB <$6600 DB <$6560 DB <$64c0 DB <$6420 DB <$6380 DB <$62e0 DB <$6240 DB <$61a0 DB <$6100 DB <$6060 DB <$5fc0 DB <$5f20 DB <$5e80 DB <$5de0 DB <$5d40 DB <$5ca0 DB <$5c00 DB <$5b60 DB <$5ac0 DB <$5a20 DB <$5980 DB <$58e0 DB <$5840 DB <$57a0 DB <$5700 DB <$5660 DB <$55c0 DB <$5520 DB <$5480 DB <$53e0 DB <$5340 DB <$52a0 DB <$5200 DB <$5160 DB <$50c0 DB <$5020 DB <$4f80 DB <$4ee0 DB <$4e40 DB <$4da0 DB <$4d00 DB <$4c60 DB <$4bc0 DB <$4b20 DB <$4a80 DB <$49e0 DB <$4940 DB <$48a0 DB <$4800 DB <$4760 DB <$46c0 DB <$4620 DB <$4580 DB <$44e0 DB <$4440 DB <$43a0 DB <$4300 DB <$4260 DB <$41c0 DB <$4120 DB <$4080 DB <$3fe0 DB <$3f40 DB <$3ea0 DB <$3e00 DB <$3d60 DB <$3cc0 DB <$3c20 DB <$3b80 DB <$3ae0 DB <$3a40 DB <$39a0 DB <$3900 DB <$3860 DB <$37c0 DB <$3720 DB <$3680 DB <$35e0 DB <$3540 DB <$34a0 DB <$3400 DB <$3360 DB <$32c0 DB <$3220 DB <$3180 DB <$30e0 DB <$3040 DB <$2fa0 DB <$2f00 DB <$2e60 DB <$2dc0 DB <$2d20 DB <$2c80 DB <$2be0 DB <$2b40 DB <$2aa0 DB <$2a00 DB <$2960 DB <$28c0 DB <$2820 DB <$2780 DB <$26e0 DB <$2640 DB <$25a0 DB <$2500 DB <$2460 DB <$23c0 DB <$2320 DB <$2280 DB <$21e0 DB <$2140 DB <$20a0 DB <$2000 SHRROWSH DB >$9c60 DB >$9bc0 DB >$9b20 DB >$9a80 DB >$99e0 DB >$9940 DB >$98a0 DB >$9800 DB >$9760 DB >$96c0 DB >$9620 DB >$9580 DB >$94e0 DB >$9440 DB >$93a0 DB >$9300 DB >$9260 DB >$91c0 DB >$9120 DB >$9080 DB >$8fe0 DB >$8f40 DB >$8ea0 DB >$8e00 DB >$8d60 DB >$8cc0 DB >$8c20 DB >$8b80 DB >$8ae0 DB >$8a40 DB >$89a0 DB >$8900 DB >$8860 DB >$87c0 DB >$8720 DB >$8680 DB >$85e0 DB >$8540 DB >$84a0 DB >$8400 DB >$8360 DB >$82c0 DB >$8220 DB >$8180 DB >$80e0 DB >$8040 DB >$7fa0 DB >$7f00 DB >$7e60 DB >$7dc0 DB >$7d20 DB >$7c80 DB >$7be0 DB >$7b40 DB >$7aa0 DB >$7a00 DB >$7960 DB >$78c0 DB >$7820 DB >$7780 DB >$76e0 DB >$7640 DB >$75a0 DB >$7500 DB >$7460 DB >$73c0 DB >$7320 DB >$7280 DB >$71e0 DB >$7140 DB >$70a0 DB >$7000 DB >$6f60 DB >$6ec0 DB >$6e20 DB >$6d80 DB >$6ce0 DB >$6c40 DB >$6ba0 DB >$6b00 DB >$6a60 DB >$69c0 DB >$6920 DB >$6880 DB >$67e0 DB >$6740 DB >$66a0 DB >$6600 DB >$6560 DB >$64c0 DB >$6420 DB >$6380 DB >$62e0 DB >$6240 DB >$61a0 DB >$6100 DB >$6060 DB >$5fc0 DB >$5f20 DB >$5e80 DB >$5de0 DB >$5d40 DB >$5ca0 DB >$5c00 DB >$5b60 DB >$5ac0 DB >$5a20 DB >$5980 DB >$58e0 DB >$5840 DB >$57a0 DB >$5700 DB >$5660 DB >$55c0 DB >$5520 DB >$5480 DB >$53e0 DB >$5340 DB >$52a0 DB >$5200 DB >$5160 DB >$50c0 DB >$5020 DB >$4f80 DB >$4ee0 DB >$4e40 DB >$4da0 DB >$4d00 DB >$4c60 DB >$4bc0 DB >$4b20 DB >$4a80 DB >$49e0 DB >$4940 DB >$48a0 DB >$4800 DB >$4760 DB >$46c0 DB >$4620 DB >$4580 DB >$44e0 DB >$4440 DB >$43a0 DB >$4300 DB >$4260 DB >$41c0 DB >$4120 DB >$4080 DB >$3fe0 DB >$3f40 DB >$3ea0 DB >$3e00 DB >$3d60 DB >$3cc0 DB >$3c20 DB >$3b80 DB >$3ae0 DB >$3a40 DB >$39a0 DB >$3900 DB >$3860 DB >$37c0 DB >$3720 DB >$3680 DB >$35e0 DB >$3540 DB >$34a0 DB >$3400 DB >$3360 DB >$32c0 DB >$3220 DB >$3180 DB >$30e0 DB >$3040 DB >$2fa0 DB >$2f00 DB >$2e60 DB >$2dc0 DB >$2d20 DB >$2c80 DB >$2be0 DB >$2b40 DB >$2aa0 DB >$2a00 DB >$2960 DB >$28c0 DB >$2820 DB >$2780 DB >$26e0 DB >$2640 DB >$25a0 DB >$2500 DB >$2460 DB >$23c0 DB >$2320 DB >$2280 DB >$21e0 DB >$2140 DB >$20a0 DB >$2000