* MAINMEM.MISC.S * (c) Bobbi 2021 GPLv3 * * Miscellaneous routines used by main memory code. * Copy 512 bytes from BLKBUF to AUXBLK in aux LC COPYAUXBLK >>> ALTZP ; Alt ZP & Alt LC on LDY #$00 :L1 LDA BLKBUF,Y STA $C005 ; Write aux mem STA AUXBLK,Y STA $C004 ; Write main mem CPY #$FF BEQ :S1 INY BRA :L1 :S1 LDY #$00 :L2 LDA BLKBUF+$100,Y STA $C005 ; Write aux mem STA AUXBLK+$100,Y STA $C004 ; Write main mem CPY #$FF BEQ :S2 INY BRA :L2 :S2 >>> MAINZP ; Alt ZP off, ROM back in RTS * Search FILEREFS for value in A FINDBUF LDX #$00 :L1 CMP FILEREFS,X BEQ :END INX CPX #$04 BNE :L1 LDX #$FF ; $FF for not found :END RTS * Check if file exists * Return A=0 if doesn't exist, A=1 file, A=2 fir EXISTS LDA #MOSFILE STA GINFOPL+2 JSR GETINFO ; GET_FILE_INFO BCS :NOEXIST LDA GINFOPL+7 ; Storage type CMP #$0D BCS :DIR ; >= $0D LDA #$01 ; File RTS :DIR LDA #$02 RTS :NOEXIST LDA #$00 RTS * Copy FILEBLK to AUXBLK in aux memory * Preserves A COPYFB PHA LDX #$00 :L1 LDA FILEBLK,X TAY >>> ALTZP ; Alt ZP and LC TYA STA AUXBLK,X >>> MAINZP ; Back to normal INX CPX #18 ; 18 bytes in FILEBLK BNE :L1 PLA RTS * Get file info GETINFO JSR MLI DB GINFOCMD DW GINFOPL RTS * Set file info SETINFO LDA #$07 ; SET_FILE_INFO 7 parms STA GINFOPL JSR MLI DB SINFOCMD DW GINFOPL ; Re-use PL from GFI LDA #$0A ; GET_FILE_INFO 10 parms STA GINFOPL RTS * Create disk file * Uses filename in MOSFILE CRTFILE JSR MLI ; GET_TIME DB GTIMECMD LDA #MOSFILE STA CREATEPL+2 LDA #$C3 ; Open permissions STA CREATEPL+3 LDA $BF90 ; Current date STA CREATEPL+8 LDA $BF91 STA CREATEPL+9 LDA $BF92 ; Current time STA CREATEPL+10 LDA $BF93 STA CREATEPL+11 JSR MLI DB CREATCMD DW CREATEPL RTS * Open disk file OPENFILE JSR MLI DB OPENCMD DW OPENPL RTS * Close disk file CLSFILE JSR MLI DB CLSCMD DW CLSPL RTS * Read 512 bytes into BLKBUF RDFILE JSR MLI DB READCMD DW READPL RTS * Write data in BLKBUF to disk WRTFILE JSR MLI DB WRITECMD DW WRITEPL RTS * Put ProDOS prefix in PREFIX GETPREF JSR MLI DB GPFXCMD DW GPFXPL RTS * Map of file reference numbers to IOBUF1..4 FILEREFS DB $00,$00,$00,$00