diff --git a/BUGS.md b/BUGS.md index ec6da7e..7a6b49a 100644 --- a/BUGS.md +++ b/BUGS.md @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ This is a list of the software bugs (as opposed to the bugs in the game that you * In order to get the wrong value in Y, I noticed that the segmentSpriteOffset was overwritten with the pattern 70 02 70 02, etc. * Something is trashing memory. * A spider moving left to right went off screen and left garbage on the RHS as it exited. I have only seen this once. I think it coincided with the player dying. + * I have just seen it again. I think the problem happens when the player dies on the extreme RHS of the screen (perhaps the LHS also but I have seen it on the RHS). I think the non game tile just beyond the bounds gets marked as dirty but is not put on the dirty non-game tiles list. So, it remains "dirty" forever and is never cleaned up. Once that happens, then if a spider traverses the tile, it leaves behind junk. diff --git a/BuGS/genData.pl b/BuGS/genData.pl index d0fb47f..4b15d1c 100755 --- a/BuGS/genData.pl +++ b/BuGS/genData.pl @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ $gEquates{"P2_LIVES_OFFSET"} = ($gEquates{"LHS_FIRST_TILE"} + ($gEquates{"LHS_NU $gEquates{"HIGH_SCORE_ONES_OFFSET"} = ($gEquates{"LHS_FIRST_TILE"} + ($gEquates{"LHS_NUM_TILES_WIDE"} * 13) + ($gEquates{"LHS_NUM_TILES_WIDE"} - 2)) * $gEquates{"SIZEOF_TILE_INFO"}; -$gEquates{"NUM_FLEA_FREQS"} = 80; +$gEquates{"NUM_FLEA_FREQS"} = 120; our @gTileDirty = ("TILE_STATE_CLEAN") x $gEquates{"TOTAL_NUM_TILES"}; our @gTileScreenOffset = (0) x $gEquates{"TOTAL_NUM_TILES"};