More docs and cleanup.

This commit is contained in:
Lee Fastenau 2017-05-01 21:35:50 -07:00
parent 96bc50b42a
commit 0a67e7180f

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@ -157,13 +157,10 @@ iterate subroutine
sta (altData),y
lda #1
eor currentPage
sta currentPage
jsr initUpdPtrs
jsr toggleDataPages
lda #fieldHeight-1
sta .row
.rowLoop jsr getRow
.rowLoop jsr getTextRow
lda #fieldWidth-1
sta .column
.columnLoop ldy .column ; get neighbor bit flags
@ -200,7 +197,7 @@ iterate subroutine
lda #0
sta (altData),y
.continue ldy .column
lda #0
sta (mainData),y
@ -235,10 +232,10 @@ iterate subroutine
.end rts
updateData subroutine
jsr initUpdPtrs
jsr toggleDataPages
lda #fieldHeight-1
sta .row
.rowLoop jsr getRow
.rowLoop jsr getTextRow
lda #fieldWidth-1
sta .column
.columnLoop ldy #0 ; .column
@ -276,8 +273,10 @@ updateData subroutine
bpl .rowLoop
initUpdPtrs subroutine ; Initializes the relevant data pointers
lda currentPage
toggleDataPages subroutine ; toggles the current data page and sets up the pointers
lda #1
eor currentPage
sta currentPage
bne .page1
.page0 lda <#datapg0_lastRow
sta mainData
@ -307,7 +306,7 @@ initScreen subroutine
sta .dataoffset ; save it
lda #fieldHeight-1 ; load the field height
sta .row ; save in row counter
.1 jsr getRow ; update textRow (A = row)
.1 jsr getTextRow ; update textRow (A = row)
lda #fieldWidth-1 ; load the field width (reset every new row)
sta .column ; save in column counter
ldy .dataoffset
@ -345,44 +344,14 @@ initScreen subroutine
.row equ .-1
bpl .1
.bit ds.b 1
; inputs:
; ?
; outputs:
; ?
setPoint subroutine
jsr getRow
lda #charOn
sta (textRow),y
; inputs:
; A = screen character code
; outputs:
; A = $FF, X = ?, Y = $FF
fillScreen subroutine
sta .char
lda #fieldHeight-1
sta .row
.1 jsr getRow
ldy #fieldWidth-1
.2 lda #0 ; .char
.char equ .-1
sta (textRow),y
bpl .2
dec .row
lda #0 ; .row
.row equ .-1
bpl .1
; inputs:
; A = row
; outputs:
; A = ?, X = A << 1
getRow subroutine
; A = ?, X = A << 1, textRow = address of first character in row A
getTextRow subroutine
lda textRowsTable,x
@ -394,14 +363,14 @@ getRow subroutine
makeRules subroutine ; Generate conway rules table
lda #$ff
sta .neighbors
.loop jsr getRule
.loop jsr getRule ; get the on/off char based on hamming weight of .neighbors...
ldx #0
.neighbors equ .-1
sta conwayRules,x
sta conwayRules,x ; ...and store it.
dec .neighbors
lda .neighbors
bne .loop
lda #charOff
lda #charOff ; index offset 0 special handling (0 bits = 0 neighbors = turn off)
sta conwayRules
@ -412,14 +381,14 @@ getRule subroutine ; Returns #charOn, #charOff, or
cmp #3
beq .on ; Exactly 3 neighbors, reproduces
bcs .off ; More than 3 neighbors, dies of overpopulation
lda #0 ; Else (exactly 2 neighbors), no change
lda #0 ; Else exactly 2 neighbors, no change
.off lda #charOff
.on lda #charOn
countBits subroutine ; Compute Hamming Weight (number of enabled bits) in A
countBits subroutine ; Compute Hamming Weight (number of enabled bits) in Accumulator
.f1 equ %01010101 ; see:
.f2 equ %00110011 ; (Takes approx. 1/2 the time compared to lsr/adc loop.)
.f3 equ %00001111
@ -465,7 +434,7 @@ countBits subroutine ; Compute Hamming Weight (number
; ------------------------------------
; Tables
; ------------------------------------
textRowsTable subroutine
textRowsTable subroutine ; Lookup table for text page 0 row addresses
.pg equ 1024
.y set 0
repeat 24
@ -474,7 +443,7 @@ textRowsTable subroutine
LOG_REGION "textRowsTable", textRowsTable, 0
if 0
if 1
initData dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000
dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%01000000,%00000000
dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000001,%01000000,%00000000
@ -532,14 +501,14 @@ dataSeg equ .
org dataSeg
align 256
conwayRules ds.b 256 ; Reserved for rules table
conwayRules ds.b 256 ; character lookup table goes here (see makeRules subroutine)
datapg0 ds.b dataWidth * dataHeight ; The start of data page 0 (padded)
datapg0_lastRow equ . - dataWidth - fieldWidth ; The last non-padding cell of data page 0 (topleft neighbor of last cell)
datapg0_tln equ . - [n_offset * 2] ; Top left neighbor of last non-padding cell of page 0
ds.b dataWidth * dataHeight ; data page 0
datapg0_lastRow equ . - dataWidth - fieldWidth ; first visible cell of the last row
datapg0_tln equ . - [n_offset * 2] ; topleft neighbor of the bottomright-most visible cell
datapg1 ds.b dataWidth * dataHeight ; The start of data page 1 (padded)
datapg1_lastRow equ . - dataWidth - fieldWidth ; The last non-padding cell of data page 1 (topleft neighbor of last cell)
datapg1_tln equ . - [n_offset * 2] ; Top left neighbor of last non-padding cell of page 1
ds.b dataWidth * dataHeight ; data page 1
datapg1_lastRow equ . - dataWidth - fieldWidth ; first visible cell of the last row
datapg1_tln equ . - [n_offset * 2] ; topleft neighbor of the bottomright-most visible cell
echo "conwayRules:", conwayRules