Finally fixed edge logic problems.

This commit is contained in:
Lee Fastenau 2017-05-03 20:32:50 -07:00
parent 0a67e7180f
commit 9453ae6d22

View File

@ -108,6 +108,11 @@ y_bottomleft equ dataWidth*2
y_bottom equ dataWidth*2+1
y_bottomright equ dataWidth*2+2
topRow equ $FF ^ [ topleft | top | topright ]
bottomRow equ $FF ^ [ bottomleft | bottom | bottomright ]
leftColumn equ $FF ^ [ topleft | left | bottomleft ]
rightColumn equ $FF ^ [ topright | right | bottomright ]
; ------------------------------------
; Entry Point
; ------------------------------------
@ -158,11 +163,17 @@ iterate subroutine
jsr toggleDataPages
jsr clearBorders
lda #fieldHeight-1
sta .row
.rowLoop jsr getTextRow
lda #fieldWidth-1
sta .column
lda #0
ldy #y_top
sta (altData),y
ldy #y_topright
sta (altData),y
.columnLoop ldy .column ; get neighbor bit flags
lda (mainData),y ; at current data address
@ -196,11 +207,7 @@ iterate subroutine
.clearTopLeft ldy #y_topleft ; cell is disabled, so clear the topleft neighbor (just like it said above)
lda #0
sta (altData),y
.continue ldy .column
lda #0
sta (mainData),y
.continue sec
lda altData
sbc #1
sta altData
@ -297,6 +304,64 @@ toggleDataPages subroutine ; toggles the current data page
sta altDataH
.continue rts
clearBorders subroutine
.first set datapg{1} + dataWidth + 1
.last set datapg{1}_end - [dataWidth * 2] + 1
.clear set datapg{2}_end - [dataWidth * 2] + 1
ldx #fieldWidth
.hloop lda .first,x
and #topRow
sta .first,x
lda .last,x
and #bottomRow
sta .last,x
lda #0
sta .clear,x
bne .hloop
.firstAddr set ZPB0
.lastAddr set ZPB2
.first set datapg{1}_end - [dataWidth * 2] + 1
.last set .first + fieldWidth - 1
lda <#.first
sta <.firstAddr
lda >#.first
sta >.firstAddr
lda <#.last
sta <.lastAddr
lda >#.last
sta >.lastAddr
ldy #0
ldx #fieldHeight
.vloop lda (.firstAddr),y
and #leftColumn
sta (.firstAddr),y
lda (.lastAddr),y
and #leftColumn
sta (.lastAddr),y
lda #dataWidth
sbc <.firstAddr
lda #0
sbc >.firstAddr
lda #dataWidth
sbc <.lastAddr
lda #0
sbc >.lastAddr
bne .vloop
lda currentPage
bne .page1
.page0 CLEAR_BORDERS 0,1
.page1 CLEAR_BORDERS 1,0
initScreen subroutine
lda <#initData
sta mainData
@ -443,7 +508,7 @@ textRowsTable subroutine ; Lookup table for text page 0 r
LOG_REGION "textRowsTable", textRowsTable, 0
if 1
if 0
initData dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000
dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%01000000,%00000000
dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000001,%01000000,%00000000
@ -503,12 +568,14 @@ dataSeg equ .
align 256
conwayRules ds.b 256 ; character lookup table goes here (see makeRules subroutine)
ds.b dataWidth * dataHeight ; data page 0
datapg0 ds.b dataWidth * dataHeight ; data page 0
datapg0_lastRow equ . - dataWidth - fieldWidth ; first visible cell of the last row
datapg0_tln equ . - [n_offset * 2] ; topleft neighbor of the bottomright-most visible cell
datapg0_end equ .
ds.b dataWidth * dataHeight ; data page 1
datapg1 ds.b dataWidth * dataHeight ; data page 1
datapg1_lastRow equ . - dataWidth - fieldWidth ; first visible cell of the last row
datapg1_tln equ . - [n_offset * 2] ; topleft neighbor of the bottomright-most visible cell
datapg1_end equ .
echo "conwayRules:", conwayRules