// // Author: Jeremy Rand // Date: July 20, 2012 // // This is the implementation for the Curta emulator UI. // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "curtaModel.h" #include "joystick.h" #include "curtaUI.h" // Extern symbols for graphics drivers extern char a2e_hi; typedef int8_t tAction; #define ACTION_OPERAND_SHIFT_LEFT 0 #define ACTION_OPERAND_SHIFT_RIGHT 1 #define ACTION_OPERAND_INC 2 #define ACTION_OPERAND_DEC 3 #define ACTION_RESULT_SHIFT_LEFT 4 #define ACTION_RESULT_SHIFT_RIGHT 5 #define ACTION_ADD 6 #define ACTION_SUBTRACT 7 #define ACTION_CLEAR 8 #define ACTION_NULL 9 #define OPERAND_COLOR COLOR_WHITE #define OPERAND_OFFSET 4 #define SLIDER_BAR_COLOR COLOR_BLUE #define SELECTED_SLIDER_BAR_COLOR COLOR_VIOLET #define SLIDER_COLOR COLOR_ORANGE #define SELECTED_SLIDER_COLOR COLOR_BLACK #define SLIDER_X_BORDER 8 #define SLIDER_Y_BORDER 15 #define SLIDER_BAR_WIDTH 12 #define SLIDER_BAR_HEIGHT 130 #define SLIDER_BAR_SPACING 20 #define SLIDER_X_OFFSET 2 #define SLIDER_Y_OFFSET 1 #define SLIDER_WIDTH 8 #define SLIDER_HEIGHT 11 #define SLIDER_Y_SPACING (SLIDER_HEIGHT + (2 * SLIDER_Y_OFFSET)) // Bad news here. This code in this module uses the defines for the // number of digits in counter and result except for this display // buffer and the offsets into it. The code assumes a specific size. // It doesn't really have to. I could build the template string at // runtime and even statically allocate the buffer based on a formula // of the sizes, but that just seemed too much work. Fix it if you // want to change the width of these fields static char displayBuffer[] = "\n\n" "Counter: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0\n" " Result: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0\n" " ^"; #define COUNTER_OFFSET 25 #define RESULT_OFFSET 50 #define BASE_OFFSET 103 static void playSound(int8_t freq, int8_t duration) { while (duration > 0) { asm ("STA %w", 0xc030); while (freq > 0) { freq--; } duration--; } } static void updateCounter(void) { tDigitPos pos; char *ptr = &(displayBuffer[COUNTER_OFFSET]); for(pos = NUM_COUNTER_DIGITS - 1; pos >= 0; pos--) { *ptr = GET_COUNTER_DIGIT(pos) + '0'; ptr+=2; } } static void updateResult(void) { tDigitPos pos; char *ptr = &(displayBuffer[RESULT_OFFSET]); for(pos = NUM_RESULT_DIGITS - 1; pos >= 0; pos--) { *ptr = GET_RESULT_DIGIT(pos) + '0'; ptr+=2; } ptr = &(displayBuffer[BASE_OFFSET]); for(pos = BASE_POS_MAX - 1; pos >= BASE_POS_MIN; pos--) { if (pos == basePos) { *ptr = '^'; } else { *ptr = ' '; } ptr+=2; } } static void printState(void) { updateCounter(); updateResult(); puts(displayBuffer); } static void drawSlider(char xPos, tDigit digit, char color) { tgi_setcolor(color); tgi_bar(xPos + SLIDER_X_OFFSET, SLIDER_Y_BORDER + SLIDER_Y_OFFSET + (SLIDER_Y_SPACING * digit), xPos + SLIDER_X_OFFSET + SLIDER_WIDTH, SLIDER_Y_BORDER + SLIDER_Y_OFFSET + (SLIDER_Y_SPACING * digit) + SLIDER_HEIGHT); } static void drawBar(char xPos, tDigit digit, bool isSelected) { char barColor = SLIDER_BAR_COLOR; char sliderColor = SLIDER_COLOR; if (isSelected) { barColor = SELECTED_SLIDER_BAR_COLOR; sliderColor = SELECTED_SLIDER_COLOR; } // Draw slider bar tgi_setcolor(barColor); tgi_bar(xPos, SLIDER_Y_BORDER, xPos + SLIDER_BAR_WIDTH, SLIDER_Y_BORDER + SLIDER_BAR_HEIGHT); // Draw slider drawSlider(xPos, digit, sliderColor); } static void drawText(char xPos, tDigit digit) { char buffer[2]; // Clear old text tgi_setcolor(COLOR_BLACK); tgi_bar(xPos, 0, xPos + SLIDER_BAR_WIDTH, SLIDER_Y_BORDER - 1); // Draw text label buffer[0] = digit + '0'; buffer[1] = '\0'; tgi_setcolor(OPERAND_COLOR); tgi_outtextxy(xPos + OPERAND_OFFSET, 0, buffer); } static void changeOperand(tDigitPos pos, tDigit oldValue, tDigit newValue) { char xPos; char barColor = SELECTED_SLIDER_BAR_COLOR; char sliderColor = SELECTED_SLIDER_COLOR; if (!IS_VALID_OPERAND_POS(pos)) return; xPos = SLIDER_X_BORDER + (SLIDER_BAR_SPACING * (NUM_OPERAND_DIGITS - pos - 1)); playSound(100, 10); drawText(xPos, newValue); drawSlider(xPos, oldValue, SELECTED_SLIDER_BAR_COLOR); drawSlider(xPos, newValue, SELECTED_SLIDER_COLOR); } static void changeSelectedOperand(tDigitPos pos) { char xPos; tDigit digit; if (!IS_VALID_OPERAND_POS(pos)) return; digit = GET_OPERAND_DIGIT(pos); xPos = SLIDER_X_BORDER + (SLIDER_BAR_SPACING * (NUM_OPERAND_DIGITS - pos - 1)); drawBar(xPos, digit, IS_SELECTED_OPERAND(pos)); } static void drawOperand(tDigitPos pos) { char xPos; tDigit digit; if (!IS_VALID_OPERAND_POS(pos)) return; digit = GET_OPERAND_DIGIT(pos); xPos = SLIDER_X_BORDER + (SLIDER_BAR_SPACING * (NUM_OPERAND_DIGITS - pos - 1)); drawText(xPos, digit); drawBar(xPos, digit, IS_SELECTED_OPERAND(pos)); } static tAction getNextAction(void) { static bool firstCall = true; static tJoyPos oldJoyPos; static unsigned int possibleActions = 0xffff; tJoyState joyState; tAction result = ACTION_NULL; if (firstCall) { oldJoyPos = JOY_POS_CENTER; firstCall = false; return result; } getJoystickState(&joyState); if ((joyState.position != JOY_POS_CENTER) && (joyState.position != JOY_POS_DOWN)) { if (possibleActions == (1 << ACTION_ADD)) { playSound(400, 10); } if (possibleActions == (1 << ACTION_SUBTRACT)) { playSound(100, 10); } } if (joyState.position == oldJoyPos) { return result; } else if (oldJoyPos == JOY_POS_CENTER) { if (joyState.position == JOY_POS_LEFT) { if (joyState.button0) { possibleActions = (1 << ACTION_RESULT_SHIFT_LEFT); } else { possibleActions = (1 << ACTION_OPERAND_SHIFT_LEFT); } } else if (joyState.position == JOY_POS_RIGHT) { if (joyState.button0) { possibleActions = (1 << ACTION_RESULT_SHIFT_RIGHT); } else { possibleActions = (1 << ACTION_OPERAND_SHIFT_RIGHT); } } else if (joyState.position == JOY_POS_UP) { possibleActions = (1 << ACTION_OPERAND_DEC); } else if (joyState.position == JOY_POS_DOWN) { possibleActions = (1 << ACTION_OPERAND_INC); if (joyState.button0) { possibleActions |= (1 << ACTION_SUBTRACT); } else if (joyState.button1) { possibleActions |= (1 << ACTION_CLEAR); } else { possibleActions |= (1 << ACTION_ADD); } } } else { if (possibleActions & (1 << ACTION_OPERAND_SHIFT_LEFT)) { if (joyState.position == JOY_POS_CENTER) { result = ACTION_OPERAND_SHIFT_LEFT; } else { possibleActions &= (~(1 << ACTION_OPERAND_SHIFT_LEFT)); } } if (possibleActions & (1 << ACTION_OPERAND_SHIFT_RIGHT)) { if (joyState.position == JOY_POS_CENTER) { result = ACTION_OPERAND_SHIFT_RIGHT; } else { possibleActions &= (~(1 << ACTION_OPERAND_SHIFT_RIGHT)); } } if (possibleActions & (1 << ACTION_OPERAND_INC)) { if (joyState.position == JOY_POS_CENTER) { result = ACTION_OPERAND_INC; } else { possibleActions &= (~(1 << ACTION_OPERAND_INC)); } } if (possibleActions & (1 << ACTION_OPERAND_DEC)) { if (joyState.position == JOY_POS_CENTER) { result = ACTION_OPERAND_DEC; } else { possibleActions &= (~(1 << ACTION_OPERAND_DEC)); } } if (possibleActions & (1 << ACTION_RESULT_SHIFT_LEFT)) { if (joyState.position == JOY_POS_CENTER) { result = ACTION_RESULT_SHIFT_LEFT; } else { possibleActions &= (~(1 << ACTION_RESULT_SHIFT_LEFT)); } } if (possibleActions & (1 << ACTION_RESULT_SHIFT_RIGHT)) { if (joyState.position == JOY_POS_CENTER) { result = ACTION_RESULT_SHIFT_RIGHT; } else { possibleActions &= (~(1 << ACTION_RESULT_SHIFT_RIGHT)); } } if (possibleActions & (1 << ACTION_ADD)) { if ((joyState.position == JOY_POS_DOWN) && (oldJoyPos == JOY_POS_DOWN_RIGHT)) { result = ACTION_ADD; possibleActions = 0; } else if (joyState.position != oldJoyPos + 1) { possibleActions &= (~(1 << ACTION_ADD)); } } else if (possibleActions & (1 << ACTION_SUBTRACT)) { if ((joyState.position == JOY_POS_DOWN) && (oldJoyPos == JOY_POS_DOWN_RIGHT)) { result = ACTION_SUBTRACT; possibleActions = 0; } else if (joyState.position != oldJoyPos + 1) { possibleActions &= (~(1 << ACTION_SUBTRACT)); } } else if (possibleActions & (1 << ACTION_CLEAR)) { if ((joyState.position == JOY_POS_DOWN) && (oldJoyPos == JOY_POS_DOWN_RIGHT)) { result = ACTION_CLEAR; possibleActions = 0; } else if (joyState.position != oldJoyPos + 1) { possibleActions &= (~(1 << ACTION_CLEAR)); } else if ((joyState.position == JOY_POS_UP_LEFT) || (joyState.position == JOY_POS_DOWN_RIGHT)) { playSound(100, 50); } } if (joyState.position == JOY_POS_CENTER) { possibleActions = -1; } } oldJoyPos = joyState.position; return result; } void initUI(void) { // Install drivers tDigitPos pos; initDevice(changeOperand, changeSelectedOperand); tgi_install(&a2e_hi); tgi_init(); tgi_clear(); for (pos = 0; pos < NUM_OPERAND_DIGITS; pos++) { drawOperand(pos); } // Mixed text and graphics mode asm ("STA %w", 0xc053); printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"); printState(); } bool processNextEvent(void) { bool timeToQuit = false; // Exit on ESC if ((kbhit()) && (cgetc() == 27)) { timeToQuit = true; } switch (getNextAction()) { case ACTION_NULL: break; case ACTION_OPERAND_SHIFT_LEFT: shiftOperandPos(true); break; case ACTION_OPERAND_SHIFT_RIGHT: shiftOperandPos(false); break; case ACTION_OPERAND_INC: incOperandPos(selectedOperand); break; case ACTION_OPERAND_DEC: decOperandPos(selectedOperand); break; case ACTION_RESULT_SHIFT_LEFT: shiftResultPos(true); playSound(100,10); printState(); playSound(200,20); break; case ACTION_RESULT_SHIFT_RIGHT: shiftResultPos(false); playSound(100,10); printState(); playSound(200,20); break; case ACTION_ADD: crank(false); printState(); break; case ACTION_SUBTRACT: crank(true); printState(); break; case ACTION_CLEAR: clearDevice(); printState(); break; } return timeToQuit; } void shutdownUI(void) { // Uninstall drivers tgi_uninstall(); }