// // Author: Jeremy Rand // Date: July 20, 2012 // // This is the implementation for the Curta emulator model. // #include #include "curtaModel.h" tDigit operand[NUM_OPERAND_DIGITS]; tDigit result[NUM_RESULT_DIGITS]; tDigit counter[NUM_COUNTER_DIGITS]; tDigitPos basePos; tDigitPos selectedOperand; static operandChangeNotif operandCallback = NULL; void clearDevice(void) { tDigitPos pos; for (pos = 0; pos < NUM_RESULT_DIGITS; pos++) { result[pos] = 0; } for (pos = 0; pos < NUM_COUNTER_DIGITS; pos++) { counter[pos] = 0; } } void initDevice(operandChangeNotif callback) { tDigitPos pos; operandCallback = callback; clearDevice(); basePos = 0; selectedOperand = 0; for (pos = 0; pos < NUM_OPERAND_DIGITS; pos++) { result[pos] = 0; } } void incOperandPos(tDigitPos pos) { if (!IS_VALID_OPERAND_POS(pos)) return; if (operand[pos] == 9) return; operand[pos]++; if (operandCallback != NULL) operandCallback(pos); } void decOperandPos(tDigitPos pos) { if (!IS_VALID_OPERAND_POS(pos)) return; if (operand[pos] == 0) return; operand[pos]--; if (operandCallback != NULL) operandCallback(pos); } void shiftOperandPos(bool left) { tDigitPos newPos = selectedOperand; tDigitPos oldPos = selectedOperand; if (left) { newPos++; if (!IS_VALID_OPERAND_POS(newPos)) { return; } } else { newPos--; if (!IS_VALID_OPERAND_POS(newPos)) { return; } } selectedOperand = newPos; if (operandCallback != NULL) { operandCallback(oldPos); operandCallback(newPos); } } void shiftResultPos(bool left) { tDigitPos newPos = basePos; if (left) { newPos++; if (!IS_VALID_BASE_POS(newPos)) return; } else { newPos--; if (!IS_VALID_BASE_POS(newPos)) return; } basePos = newPos; } static void subOperation(tDigit *digits, tDigitPos pos, tDigitPos maxPos, tDigit toSub) { if (toSub == 0) return; if (pos >= maxPos) return; digits[pos]-=toSub; while (digits[pos] < 0) { digits[pos]+=10; subOperation(digits, pos+1, maxPos, 1); } } static void addOperation(tDigit *digits, tDigitPos pos, tDigitPos maxPos, tDigit toAdd) { if (toAdd == 0) return; if (pos >= maxPos) return; digits[pos]+=toAdd; while (digits[pos] > 9) { digits[pos]-=10; addOperation(digits, pos+1, maxPos, 1); } } void crank(bool isSubtract) { tDigitPos pos; if (isSubtract) { subOperation(counter, basePos, NUM_COUNTER_DIGITS, 1); for (pos = 0; pos < NUM_OPERAND_DIGITS; pos++) { subOperation(result, basePos+pos, NUM_RESULT_DIGITS, operand[pos]); } } else { addOperation(counter, basePos, NUM_COUNTER_DIGITS, 1); for (pos = 0; pos < NUM_OPERAND_DIGITS; pos++) { addOperation(result, basePos+pos, NUM_RESULT_DIGITS, operand[pos]); } } }