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2018-09-17 01:01:16 +00:00
; BRUN pathname -- run a BIN file at its AUXTYPE
; address. The BIN file must NOT assume that
; anything in particular is around.
; This SYS file was originally written to let
; Kyan Pascal users run the Kyan compiler and
; editor from Davex.
; by Dave Lyons
; 10-Sep-86
; Modified 12-Dec-87 DL
; to support BIN files that RTS rather than
; QUITting. Also, 'brun' will regain
; control (and QUIT) on a JMP to $3D0, $3D3,
; or $BE00. A BRK is stored at $BE03 and
; $BE70 just in case.
; Converted to MPW IIgs 20-Sep-92 DAL
.segment "CODE_2000"
orgadr = $2000
; org orgadr
.include "Common/2/Apple.Globals2.asm"
.include "Common/2/Mli.globals2.asm"
rdkey = $fd0c
.define _(char) char | $80
2018-09-17 01:01:16 +00:00
filebuff = $bb00
runwhere = $b800
diff1 = runwhere-orgadr
jmp image2
.byte $ee,$ee,65
thePath: .byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ;10 zeroes
.byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ;10 zeroes
.byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ;10 zeroes
.byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ;10 zeroes
.byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ;10 zeroes
.byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ;10 zeroes
.byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ;10 zeroes
image2 = *
lda reset+1
sta reset+2 ; make reset reboot
jsr normal
jsr f8rom_init
jsr setkbd
jsr setvid
jsr home
2018-09-17 01:01:16 +00:00
lda $c000
cmp #_'8'
2018-09-17 01:01:16 +00:00
beq yes80
cmp #_'3'
2018-09-17 01:01:16 +00:00
bne no80colmn
yes80: lda #$c3
ldy #0
sta $37
sty $36
sta kbdstrb ;clear kbd
jsr crout
2018-09-17 01:01:16 +00:00
no80colmn = *
lda reset+1
sta reset+2
2018-09-17 01:01:16 +00:00
lda #0
sta level
ldx #0
copyme: lda $2000,x
sta runwhere,x
lda $2100,x
sta runwhere+$100,x
lda $2200,x
sta runwhere+$200,x
bne copyme
jmp continue+diff1
i_error: pha
jsr home
2018-09-17 01:01:16 +00:00
jsr prbyte
jsr bell1
jsr bell1
jsr rdkey
2018-09-17 01:01:16 +00:00
OutaHere = *
jsr mli
.byte mli_bye
.addr bye_parms+diff1
;;; brk
.byte 0
bye_parms: .byte 4,0,0,0,0,0,0
continue = *
; GetInfo to find the AuxType & load the file there
; (make sure it's a BIN file)
jsr mli
.byte mli_gfinfo
.addr info_parms+diff1
bcs i_error
lda info_ftype+diff1
cmp #tBIN
beq is_bin
lda #$ff
bne i_error
is_bin: lda info_aux+1+diff1
ldy info_aux+diff1
sta read_addr+1+diff1
sty read_addr+diff1
; now open it
jsr mli
.byte mli_open
.addr i_openp+diff1
bcs i_error
lda i_ref+diff1
sta i_ref2+diff1
sta i_ref3+diff1
jsr mli
.byte mli_read
.addr i_readp+diff1
bcs i_error
jsr mli
.byte mli_close
.addr i_closep+diff1
ldy thePath+diff1
cppath280: lda thePath+diff1,y
sta $280,y
cpy #<-1
bne cppath280
; Be careful--it might try to call BASIC.SYSTEM stuff!
lda #0
sta $be03
sta $be70
lda #$4c ;jmp
sta $3d0
sta $3d3
sta $be00
lda #<(byebye+diff1)
sta $3d1
sta $3d4
sta $be01
lda #>(byebye+diff1)
sta $3d2
sta $3d5
sta $be02
jsr RunTheThing+diff1
byebye: cld
jmp OutaHere+diff1
RunTheThing: jmp (read_addr+diff1)
i_openp: .byte 3
.addr thePath+diff1
.addr filebuff
i_ref: .byte 0
i_readp: .byte 4
i_ref2: .byte 0
.addr 0
.addr $ffff
.addr 0
i_closep: .byte 1
i_ref3: .byte 0
info_parms: .byte 10
.addr thePath+diff1
.byte 0 ;access
info_ftype: .byte 0
.addr 0 ;aux
.byte 0 ;sttype
.addr 0 ;blocks
.addr 0,0,0,0 ;date/time