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2018-09-17 01:01:16 +00:00
; External command for DAVEX
; modchk -- compare the last-mod dates on
; two files (most useful with
; wildcards)
; by Dave Lyons, 13-Jun-87
; Converted to Merlin 28-Jan-90 DAL
; still version 1.0, but requires Davex 1.0 now
; modchk is typically used like this (to make
; sure all source (.s) files have been compiled
; since they were last changed):
; modchk =.s = -o
; modchk file1 file2 [-o] [-n] [-s] [-q]
; l e a u
; d w m i
; e e e
; r t
; Output: if no parameters are given, a report
; of the following form appears:
; <file1> <relation> <file2>
; Relation is "<" or "=" or ">"
; If one or more of -o, -n, or -s is given,
; file1 is printed only if the relationship
; holds. For example, modchk =.s = -n prints
; the names of all source files that are newer
; than their corresponding object files.
; If -q is given, modchk does not complain when
; file2 does not exist.
; If one of the files has no modification
; date/time, a warning is displayed.
; Converted to MPW IIgs 21-Sep-92 DAL
.include "Common/2/Globals2.asm"
.include "Common/2/Apple.Globals2.asm"
.include "Common/2/Mli.globals2.asm"
.include "Common/Macros.asm"
.segment "CODE_A000"
orgadr = $A000
; org orgadr
MyVersion = $10
MinVersion = $10
.byte $ee,$ee
.byte MyVersion,MinVersion
.byte %00000000 ;hardware req
.addr descr
.addr orgadr
.addr start
.byte 0,0,0,0
; parameters here
.byte 0,t_wildpath
.byte 0,t_wildpath
.byte $80+'o',t_nil
.byte $80+'n',t_nil
.byte $80+'s',t_nil
.byte $80+'q',t_nil
.byte 0,0
descr: pstr "compare last-mod dates of files"
; dum xczpage ;32 locations
path1 = xczpage ;ds 2
path2 = path1+2 ;ds 2
count = path2+2 ;ds 1
; dend
jmp xProDOS_err
start: nop ;disable wildcard-exp printing
lda #0
jsr xgetparm_n
sta path1+1
sty path1
sta info1_path+1
sty info1_path
lda #1
jsr xgetparm_n
sta path2+1
sty path2
sta info2_path+1
sty info2_path
jsr mli
.byte mli_gfinfo
.addr info1_parms
bcs outa_here
jsr mli
.byte mli_gfinfo
.addr info2_parms
bcc got_both
cmp #err_filnotfnd
bne outa_here
lda #'q'+$80
jsr xgetparm_ch
bcc quiet
jsr printp2
jsr xmess
cstr_cr " does not exist!"
quiet: rts
lda info1_mdate
ora info1_mdate+1
ora info1_mtime
ora info1_mtime+1
bne got1
jsr printp1
jsr xmess
cstr_cr ": no mod date/time available"
got1: lda info2_mdate
ora info2_mdate+1
ora info2_mtime
ora info2_mtime+1
bne got2
jsr printp2
jmp no_date
got2: jsr compare
lda #0
sta count
lda #'o'+$80
jsr xgetparm_ch
bcs skip1
inc count
skip1: lda #'n'+$80
jsr xgetparm_ch
bcs skip2
inc count
skip2: lda #'s'+$80
jsr xgetparm_ch
bcs skip3
inc count
skip3: lda count
bne specific
; (file1) <?> (file2)
jsr printp1
lda #' '+$80
jsr cout
jsr print_rel
lda #' '+$80
jsr cout
jsr printp2
jmp crout
beq print_eq
bcs print_gr
lda #'<'+$80
jmp cout
lda #'>'+$80
jmp cout
lda #'='+$80
jmp cout
beq cmp_equal
bcs cmp_firstnew
; first is older
lda #'o'+$80
jsr xgetparm_ch
bcs fergit_it
jsr printp1
jmp crout
; equal
lda #'s'+$80
jsr xgetparm_ch
bcc print_it
; first is newer
lda #'n'+$80
jsr xgetparm_ch
bcc print_it
; [TODO] Y2K ??? see 'update' logic
lda info1_mdate+1
cmp info2_mdate+1
bne didcmp
lda info1_mdate
cmp info2_mdate
bne didcmp
lda info1_mtime+1
cmp info2_mtime+1
bne didcmp
lda info1_mtime
cmp info2_mtime
didcmp: rts
info1_parms: .byte 10
info1_path: .res 2
info1_access: .res 1
info1_ftype: .res 1
info1_aux: .res 2
info1_stype: .res 1
info1_blocks: .res 2
info1_mdate: .res 2
info1_mtime: .res 2
info1_cdate: .res 2
info1_ctime: .res 2
info2_parms: .byte 10
info2_path: .res 2
info2_access: .res 1
info2_ftype: .res 1
info2_aux: .res 2
info2_stype: .res 1
info2_blocks: .res 2
info2_mdate: .res 2
info2_mtime: .res 2
info2_cdate: .res 2
info2_ctime: .res 2
lda path1+1
ldy path1
jmp xprint_path
lda path2+1
ldy path2
jmp xprint_path