Complete: can now build a file just like the "index" external command, including compressing 16 common bytes into 5 bits.

This commit is contained in:
Dave Lyons 2020-08-19 20:05:14 -07:00
parent 198ce1c4b4
commit 5eab184b85
1 changed files with 42 additions and 18 deletions

View File

@ -1,16 +1,11 @@
# [TODO] extract filename from pathname
# [TODO] check that we will not overflow the index into the text data
# [TODO] add the extra index entries if requested
# [TODO] what is the 4-byte length field in each entry? I don't think it's ever used, but traditionally the index command has set it to something.
# index create <index-size-in-bytes>
# index add <text-file-to-add> [additional-alias-for-this-file]
# index add <text-file-to-add> [additional-entry-name-aliases-for-this-file]
# Format of an indexed file is:
# +000 $00 DvxIdx $00
# +000 $00 DvxIdx $00
# +008 Offset_to_text (4 bytes)
# +012 Offset_to_index (4 bytes)
# +016 Offset_to_free_index_space (4 bytes)
@ -18,7 +13,7 @@
# +052 start of index
# Index is:
# length-pfx'd string, offset(4), length(4)
# length-pfx'd string, offset(4), uncompressed-length(4)
# :
# $00
@ -27,14 +22,21 @@
# only 5 bits (%1xxxx), and the remaining ones
# using 8 bits (%0xxxxxxx).
import sys, struct
import sys, struct, os.path
SixteenCommonBytes = " etoaisrn\x0dldhpcf" # Frozen for original format files (see index.asm and shell main.asm)
def Compress(ch):
fourBits = SixteenCommonBytes.find(chr(ch))
if fourBits != -1:
return "{:0>5b}".format(16 + fourBits)
return "{:0>8b}".format(ch)
verb = sys.argv[1]
indexFile = sys.argv[2]
if verb == "create":
indexSize = int(sys.argv[3])
print("We will create with size = " + str(indexSize))
offsetToIndex = 52
offsetOfText = offsetToIndex + indexSize
@ -47,7 +49,7 @@ if verb == "create":
outFile.write(struct.pack('i', 0)) # 8 four-byte integers: reserved - 1)
outFile.write(struct.pack('b', 0))
outFile.write(struct.pack('B', 0))
if verb == "add":
@ -55,8 +57,14 @@ if verb == "add":
addFilePath = sys.argv[3]
addFile = open (addFilePath, "r")
addLines = addFile.readlines()
addFileUncompressedSize = addFile.tell()
# Read offsetOfText -- the index can't extend that far # read offsetOfText from +008
data =
offsetOfText = int.from_bytes(data, "little")
# End-of-file offset is where we will put the new chunk of compressed text., 2) # end of file
offsetToNewText = outFile.tell()
@ -65,30 +73,46 @@ if verb == "add":
data =
freeIndexSpace = int.from_bytes(data, "little")
print("freeIndexSpace = ", freeIndexSpace)
# Write new index entry: length-byte, string name, 4-byte offset to start of text, 4-byte length of (compressed?) text
entryName = addFilePath # [TODO] extract just the filename portion
entryName = os.path.basename(addFilePath).lower()
outFile.write(struct.pack('b', len(entryName)))
outFile.write(struct.pack('B', len(entryName)))
outFile.write(bytes(entryName, "utf8"))
outFile.write(struct.pack('i', offsetToNewText))
outFile.write(struct.pack('i', 0x77777777)) # [TODO] write the length
outFile.write(struct.pack('i', addFileUncompressedSize))
# Optionally write additional index entries for the same text we are adding.
for extraName in sys.argv[4:]:
outFile.write(struct.pack('B', len(extraName)))
outFile.write(bytes(extraName, "utf8"))
outFile.write(struct.pack('i', offsetToNewText))
outFile.write(struct.pack('i', addFileUncompressedSize))
# Update freeIndexSpace in file
freeIndexSpace = outFile.tell()
if freeIndexSpace >= offsetOfText:
print("Error: Overflowed the available index space")
outFile.write(struct.pack('i', freeIndexSpace))
# Write the new text
outBinary = ""
for line in addLines:
for ch in line.rstrip():
outFile.write(bytes(ch, "utf8"))
outFile.write(struct.pack('b', 13)) # carriage return
outFile.write(struct.pack('b', 0))
outBinary += Compress(ord(ch))
outBinary += Compress(13) # carriage return
outBinary += Compress(0)
while len(outBinary) > 0:
if len(outBinary) < 8:
outBinary = (outBinary + "0000000")[0:8]
byte = int(outBinary[0:8], 2)
outBinary = outBinary[8:]
outFile.write(struct.pack('B', byte))