fp -- text formatter (EXTERNAL) (Based on an early version of FreePrinter by Elliot Lifson) syntax: fp [-1] [-c] ex: como &;fp mypaper -1 fp -c [Note--'fp' is offered in its current form because it is better than nothing. It isn't cleanly implemented and may have some problems. It isn't going to crash your system or fry your disk, but I wouldn't recommend trying to print your thesis with it.] Outputs formatted text generated from text and imbedded "dot commands" in a file. -c prints credits; -1 is the same as including ".sp1" in the file. The dot commands 'fp' recognizes are similar to the ones AppleWriter recognizes. They are (defaults in parentheses): .lm# (10) -- left margin .rm# (70) -- right margin .pm# (0) -- paragraph margin (may be negative) .tm# (0) -- top margin .tl ("") -- top line text (*=delimeter) .li# (1) -- line spacing (NOT IMPLEMENTED) .sp# (0) -- single page (1=prompt for each page) .pi# (66) -- page interval: # of lines per page .pl# (60) -- printed lines per page .lj -- left justify (default) .cj -- center justify .rj -- right justify .fj -- fill justify (left and right) .ff -- formfeed -- begin new page .ff# -- begin new page if fewer than # lines remain on this page # is a number from 0 to 255. Most values can be ADJUSTED up or down by putting a "+" or "-" in front of the number. Example: .lm+5 moves left margin right 5 spaces