(Type "help xxx" for more information, where "xxx" is one of the items listed below. For example, type "help cat" or "help ls" for information on the catalog command.) general info: topics help/? shareware/$ pathnames/path cmdline version working with volumes and directories: cat/ls init create/mkdir vstore online du eject/ej vrestore doscat miscellaneous: boot mon dt deschw echo/e cls/home rep err equal/= num setdate date ram3 viewdhr viewhr I/O redirection: como/> exec/< setting prefix (working directory): prefix/cd up top origin/or over finding and examining files and their attributes: cat/ls what ffind find wc info size modchk hdr tail ptype viewing contents of files: pg/more type blist dump strings expand tr fiddling with files: touch rename delete/rm tr copy/cp move update split lock unlock prot combine setstart sysalias filetype expand Davex environment: ftype dev scan config alias bye/quit brun index Apple IIgs only: conp gsbuff printers: pset iw2 spool wait mx80 fp como/> cls/home Use 'config' to find out what directory contains your help files. There may be information there not listed here. See Davex.Doc for discussion of general topics like wildcards and slot/drive shorthand.