prefix -- change prefix syntax: prefix ex: prefix /disk/dir prefix x/y prefix %help prefix .62blah prefix m= /mydisk/dir1 .61 Changes the prefix (which is displayed as your prompt in Davex). (Typing 'prefix' with no pathname makes your prefix empty; this is not usually desirable.) Note that an IMPLIED prefix command is done if you type a complete pathname (including one starting with "%" or ".xx"), or if a partial pathname is found in your scan list. If a partial pathname is given, it is appended to the current prefix. So "prefix letters" when your prefix is already "/disk" will make your prefix "/disk/letters". You can also set your prefix just by typing the name of a directory. The process is not quite the same--if you type a partial pathname, Davex uses your scan list to find the directory. It follows the same rules as for launching SYS or S16 files, but if it finds a DIR, it just sets your prefix. For example, if the first entry in your scan list is "*", you can always change to a subdirectory of the current directory just by typing the subdirectory's name (unless that name is an internal Davex command!). (see also: origin, up, top, over, scan)