
44 lines
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spool -- spool files for later printing
syntax: spool [<pathname>] [-z] [-x <int1>]
ex: spool ?:txt
spool -z
spool -x3
Queues files for background printing. Wildcards are allowed. You
must remain in Davex until the printing completes, and you may not
redirect output to the printer (see 'como'), since that would make a
Use the 'config' command to set the slot 'spool' will print to.
'spool -z' Zaps the spool queue (cancels printing of all spooled
files) and formfeeds the printer.
'spool' shows a numbered list of files waiting to print.
'spool -x' cancels one file in the queue by number.
NOTE: The text of spooled files is sent directly to the printer.
This is fine for TXT files (and SRC files, and possibly some
other filetypes). It is NOT fine for AWP files (try it if you
want...it's sort of entertaining).
A future Davex version will probably support spooling AWP
files. For now, create a temporary file, 'pg' the AWP file
into it, and spool the temporary file. Example:
como temp;pg my.awp.file
spool temp
Spool does not work well with speech synthesizers; Davex does not have
control while the system is waiting for keyboard input. Speech
synthesizer users can use the 'wait' command to let spooled files
(SPOOL stands for Simultaneous Peripheral Operation On-Line.)