2018-09-16 21:01:16 -04:00

668 lines
13 KiB

; External command for Davex
; sysalias -- create an alias for a SYS file
; or S16 file
; The alias will be an executable file whose
; only function is to launch the original
; file, after possibly setting the prefix
; and passing startup-file information to
; the target.
; This permits SYS and S16 files to appear
; to be in several places at once without
; actually taking up much disk space, and
; it also makes it easy to launch apps with
; convenient prefixes and startup pathnames.
; Modified 7-Jul-87 DL ==> v1.1
; -p allowed; specifies prefix
; Modified 12-Dec-87 DL ==> v1.2
; -s allowed; specifies startup path
; Modified 15-Oct-89 DL ==> Merlin source
; Modified 16-Oct-89 DL ==> v1.3
; "Catalyst buffer" changed to "startup buffer"
; If startup buffer is large, creates a
; smaller one instead of giving up
; Creates aliases for S16 files, which
; can set prefix, send Open message,
; and Quit to original app
; Converted to MPW IIgs 21-Sep-92 DAL
; Known bugs:
; The created Alias file should probably check
; to make sure the file it's running is STILL
; a SYS file & STILL has a Startup buffer
.include "Common/2/Globals2.asm"
.include "Common/2/Apple.Globals2.asm"
.include "Common/2/Mli.globals2.asm"
.include "Common/Macros.asm"
.segment "CODE_A000"
orgadr = $A000
; org orgadr
; Hard-coded offsets into TheImage
S16ImageOffset = $0167
S16OpenOffset = $02DB
thePathOffset = $00E5
thePrefixOffset = $0126
S16QuitToOffset = $0251
S16PrefixOffset = $0292
myVersion = $13
minVersion = $10
.byte $ee,$ee
.byte myVersion,minVersion
.byte %00000000 ;hardware req
.addr descr
.addr orgadr
.addr start
.byte 0,0,0,0
; parameters here
.byte 0,t_path
.byte 0,t_path
.byte $80+'p',t_path
.byte $80+'s',t_path
.byte 0,0
descr: pstr "create alias for SYS or S16 file"
; dum xczpage
path1 = xczpage ;ds 2
path2 = path1+2 ;ds 2
stpath = path2+2 ;ds 2
pfxptr = stpath+2 ;ds 2
s16_flag = pfxptr+2 ;ds 2
; dend
myerror: jmp xProDOS_err
; get info on 1st file to make sure it
; exists and is SYS or S16
lda #0
jsr xgetparm_n
sta path1+1
sty path1
sta info_path+1
sty info_path
lda #10
sta info_parms
jsr mli
.byte mli_gfinfo
.addr info_parms
bcs myerror
lsr s16_flag
lda info_ftype
cmp #$FF
beq is_sys
cmp #$B3
bne not_s16
ror s16_flag
bmi is_sys ;always
not_s16: jsr xmess
.byte cr
asc "*** not a SYS or S16 file"
.byte cr,0
jmp xerr
; create a SYS sysalias file
lda #1
jsr xgetparm_n
sta path2+1
sty path2
sta cr_path+1
sty cr_path
jsr mli
.byte mli_create
.addr create_parms
bcc createdok
jmp xProDOS_err
bit s16_flag
bmi skip_sysbuff
lda #$ef
sta TheImage+4
jsr startup_sz
cmp #69
bcc sysb_ok
jsr xmess
asc "(note: creating smaller startup buffer)"
.byte cr,0
lda #68
sta TheImage+5
cmp #0
beq no_sysbuff
dec TheImage+4 ;make $EE!
; If -s given, copy path into startup buffer
lda #'s'+$80
jsr xgetparm_ch
bcs no_stpath
sta stpath+1
sty stpath
; copy startup path into one of the images
bit s16_flag
bmi stuff_s16st
; stuff SYS startup buffer
ldy #0
lda (stpath),y
cmp TheImage+5
bcs StPathBig
copystp: lda (stpath),y
sta TheImage+6,y
bpl copystp
jmp no_stpath
StPathBig: jsr xmess
.byte cr
asc "*** startup path too big for buffer"
.byte cr,0
jmp xerr
stuff_s16st = *
ldy #0
lda (stpath),y
cmp #64
bcs StPathBig
stuff16a: lda (stpath),y
sta TheImage+S16OpenOffset,y
bpl stuff16a
no_stpath = *
; copy name of 1st file into thePath
; in code image
ldy #0
lda (path1),y
copyname: lda (path1),y
sta TheImage+thePathOffset,y
sta TheImage+S16QuitToOffset,y
cpy #-1
bne copyname
; copy prefix into buffer if -p given
lda #'p'+$80
jsr xgetparm_ch
bcs nopfx
sta pfxptr+1
sty pfxptr
ldy #0
lda (pfxptr),y
cmp #64
bcc pfxShort
jsr xmess
.byte cr
asc "*** prefix too long"
.byte cr,0
jmp xerr
pfxShort = *
copyPfx: lda (pfxptr),y
sta TheImage+thePrefixOffset,y
sta TheImage+S16PrefixOffset,y
cpy #-1
bne copyPfx
nopfx = *
; open 2nd file & write it
lda path2+1
ldy path2
jsr open
sta write_ref
sta write_ref2
bit s16_flag
bmi write16
jsr mli
.byte mli_write
.addr write_parms
bcc writ
err0: jmp xProDOS_err
write16: jsr mli
.byte mli_write
.addr write_s16
bcs err0
writ: lda write_ref
jsr close
lda path2+1
ldy path2
sta info_path+1
sty info_path
lda #7
sta info_parms
jsr mli
.byte mli_sfinfo
.addr info_parms
bcc set
jmp xProDOS_err
set = *
write_parms: .byte 4
write_ref: .res 1
.addr TheImage
.addr image_end-image
.addr 0
write_s16: .byte 4
write_ref2: .res 1
.addr TheImage+s16imageOffset
.addr s16image_end-s16image
.addr 0
create_parms: .byte 7
cr_path: .res 2
.byte %11000011 ;unlocked
.byte $00 ;type $00 initially
.addr 0 ;auxtype
.byte 1 ;sttype
.addr 0,0 ;date/time
info_parms: .res 1
info_path: .res 2
.res 1 ;access
info_ftype: .res 1
.res 2 ;aux
.res 1 ;sttype
.res 2 ;blocks
.addr 0,0,0,0 ;date/time
open: sta open_path+1
sty open_path
jsr mli
.byte mli_open
.addr open_parms
bcc opened
proerr: jmp xProDOS_err
opened: lda open_ref
open_parms: .byte 3
open_path: .res 2
.addr filebuff
open_ref: .res 1
; close (a)
close: sta close_ref
jsr mli
.byte mli_close
.addr close_parms
close_parms: .byte 1
close_ref: .res 1
; get size of SYS startup buffer
startup_sz = *
lda path1+1
ldy path1
jsr open
sta read_ref
jsr mli
.byte mli_read
.addr read_parms
bcc read_ok
jmp xProDOS_err
read_ok: lda read_ref
jsr close
lda pagebuff
cmp #$4c
bne sysb_0
lda #$ee
cmp pagebuff+3
bne sysb_0
cmp pagebuff+4
bne sysb_0
lda pagebuff+5
sysb_0: lda #0
read_parms: .byte 4
read_ref: .byte 1
.addr pagebuff
.addr 10
.addr 0
; IMAGE -- this code is written to the alias
; file, with or without a valid startup buffer
; and with the name of the original file
; inserted at the end.
; The code will copy itself to $1000 and execute
; there.
TheImage: proc export
image: proc export, temporg $1000
;diff1 = $1000-image
;diff2 = $2000-image
jmp image2+$1000 ;+diff2
.byte $ee,$00 ;maybe made into $ee
.byte 0 ;cb size
.byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ;10 zeroes
.byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ;10 zeroes
.byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ;10 zeroes
.byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ;10 zeroes
.byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ;10 zeroes
.byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ;10 zeroes
.byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ;10 zeroes
image2 = *
ldx #0
copyme: lda $2000,x
sta $1000,x
lda $2100,x
sta $1100,x
bne copyme
jmp continue ; +diff1
i_error: pha
jsr $fc58
jsr $fdda
jsr $fbdd
jsr $fbdd
jsr $fd0c
jsr mli
.byte mli_bye
.addr bye_parms ; +diff1
;;; brk
.byte 0
bye_parms: .byte 4,0,0,0,0,0,0
continue = *
lda thePrefix ; +diff1
beq noSetP
jsr mli
.byte mli_setpfx
.addr i_setp ; +diff1
bcs i_error
noSetP = *
jsr mli
.byte mli_open
.addr i_openp ; +diff1
bcs i_error
lda i_ref ; +diff1
sta i_ref2 ; +diff1
sta i_ref3 ; +diff1
jsr mli
.byte mli_read
.addr i_readp ; +diff1
bcs i_error
jsr mli
.byte mli_close
.addr i_closep ; +diff1
lda $1005 ;startup buff sz
beq i_nocopy
lda $1006
beq i_nocopy
i_copycb: lda $1006,y
sta $2006,y
cpy #-1
bne i_copycb
i_nocopy = *
ldy thePath ; +diff1
cppath280: lda thePath,y ; +diff1
sta $280,y
cpy #-1
bne cppath280
jmp $2000
i_openp: .byte 3
.addr thePath ; +diff1
.addr $C00
i_ref: .byte 0
i_readp: .byte 4
i_ref2: .byte 0
.addr $2000
.addr $ffff
.addr 0
i_closep: .byte 1
i_ref3: .byte 0
i_setp: .byte 1
.addr thePrefix ; +diff1
thePath: .byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
.byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
.byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
.byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
.byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
.byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
.byte 0,0,0,0,0
.byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
.byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
.byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
.byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
.byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
.byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
.byte 0,0,0,0,0
export s16image
hex ED0100000000000070010000FF0A0402
hex 00000100000000000000000000000000
hex 00000100000000002C00400020202020
hex 20202020202020202020202020202020
hex F2700100004BABADE600F00A22A800E1
hex 090098000000AD2F0129FF00F06B4848
hex F4000018690A00488D9E0048A2020222
hex 0000E1F400C04848A20209220000E168
hex 8DA000688DA200B040F40000F42701AD
hex A20048ADA00048F40000AD9E0048A202
hex 28220000E1F40100F40100ADA20048AD
hex A00048A20115220000E1ADA20048ADA0
hex 0048A20210220000E122A800E1290090
hex 0000000000A5000000000000000000E6
hex 000000000000000000
hex 51
export S16QuitTo
hex 000033343536
hex 37383132333435363738313233343536
hex 37383132333435363738313233343536
hex 37383132333435363738313233343536
hex 37383132333435363738
hex 50
Export S16Prefix
hex 0000333435
hex 36373831323334353637383132333435
hex 36373831323334353637383132333435
hex 36373831323334353637383132333435
hex 3637383132333435363738
hex 4F
hex 0000000001000000
export S16Open
S16Open: hex 000033343536373831323334
hex 35363738313233343536373831323334
hex 35363738313233343536373831323334
hex 35363738313233343536373831323334
hex 3536373800F504000D009800F502F045
hex 002701F504008A009000F504009000A5
hex 00F504009A00E600F70F000000000C03
hex 12243C40484B4F56676B767A00
export s16image_end
; keep s16image
;* S16 launcher image for Davex 8 sysalias command
;* Dave Lyons, 15-Oct-89
;* Optionally does a SET_PREFIX(0,...)
;* Optionally does a MessageCenter(Add,1,...)
;* Does a QUIT
;Kool start
;tool = $e10000
;P16 = $e100a8
; phk
; plb
;* set prefix 0
; lda PrefixPath
; beq noSetPfx
; jsl p16
; dc i'$0009'
; dc i4'PfxParms'
;noSetPfx anop
;* add message 1 to MessageCenter
; lda OpenPath
; and #$00ff
; beq noMessage
; pha
; pha ;space for result
; pea 0
; clc
; adc #10
; pha ;size = pathlen + 10
; sta theLength
; pha ;space for user id
; ldx #$0202 ;MMStartUp()
; jsl tool
; pea $C000 ;locked+fixed
; pha
; pha
; ldx #$0902 ;NewHandle
; jsl tool
; pla
; sta theHand
; pla
; sta theHand+2
; bcs noMessage
; pea OpenBlock|-16
; pea OpenBlock
; lda theHand+2
; pha
; lda theHand
; pha
; pea 0
; lda theLength
; pha
; ldx #$2802 ;PtrToHand
; jsl tool
; pea 1 ;add message
; pea 1 ;type 1
; lda theHand+2
; pha
; lda theHand
; pha
; ldx #$1501 ;MessageCenter act type msg
; jsl tool
; lda theHand+2
; pha
; lda theHand
; pha
; ldx #$1002 ;DisposeHandle
; jsl tool
;noMessage anop
;* quit to the destination S16 (or EXE?) file
; jsl p16
; dc i'$0029'
; dc i4'QuitParms'
; brk 0
;QuitParms dc i4'QuitPath'
; dc i'0,0'
;PfxParms dc i'0'
; dc i4'PrefixPath'
;theLength dc i'0'
;theHand dc i4'0'
; dc c'Q'
;QuitPath dc i1'0,0'
; dc c'345678123456781234567812345678'
; dc c'12345678123456781234567812345678'
; dc c'P'
;PrefixPath dc i1'0,0'
; dc c'345678123456781234567812345678'
; dc c'12345678123456781234567812345678'
; dc c'O'
;OpenBlock dc i4'0'
; dc i'1' ;msg type 1
; dc i'0' ;Open (not Print)
;OpenPath dc i1'0,0'
; dc c'345678123456781234567812345678'
; dc c'12345678123456781234567812345678'
; dc i1'0'
; end