# The Eight Bit Algorithmic Language ![picture](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/78/8_ball_face.jpg) The Eight Bit Algorithmic Language for Apple II, Commodore 64 and VIC20 Includes: - Interpreter - Bytecode Compiler - Virtual Machine # Table of Contents - [Intro](#intro) - [Getting Started](#getting-started) - [Building the Code](#building-the-code) - [EightBall Language Reference and Tutorial](#eightball-language-reference-and-tutorial) - [Variables](#variables) - [Expressions](#expressions) - [Flow Control](#flow-control) - [Subroutines](#subroutines) - [Code Format](#code-format) - [Bits and Pieces](#bits-and-pieces) - [Input and Output](#input-and-output) - [Line Editor](#line-editor) - [EightBall Compiler and Virtual Machine](#eightball-compiler-and-virtual-machine) - [VM Internals](#vm-internals) - [Interpreter/Compiler Internals](#interpreter--compiler-internals) - [Data Types](#data-types) - [Code Examples](#code-examples) # Intro ## What is EightBall? EightBall is an interpreter and bytecode compiler for a novel structured programming language. It runs on a number of 6502-based vintage systems and may also be compiled as a 32 bit Linux executable. The system also includes a simple line editor and the EightBall Virtual Machine, which runs the bytecode generated by the compiler. ## Design Philosophy EightBall tries to form a balance of the following qualities, in 20K or so of 6502 code: * Statically typed * Provides facilities which encourage structured programming ... * ... Yet makes it easy to fiddle with hardware (PEEK and POKE and bit twiddling) * Keep the language as simple and small as possible ... * ... While providing powerful language primitives and encapsulation in subroutines, allowing the language to be extended by writing EightBall routines * When in doubt, do it in a similar way to C! ## Supported Systems The following 6502-based systems are currently supported: * Apple II - EightBall runs under ProDOS and uses upper/lowercase text. It should run on 64K Apple IIe, IIc or IIgs. It can probably run on Apple II/II+ with an 80 column card, but this has not been tested. * Commodore 64 - EightBall should run on any C64. * Commodore VIC-20 - EightBall runs on a VIC-20 with 32K of additional RAM. * Linux - EightBall also runs on Linux. ## Licence Free Software licenced under GPL v3. ## Roadmap EightBall is an ongoing development project. See the project roadmap [here](https://github.com/bobbimanners/EightBall/wiki/Roadmap). This is a free software / open source project and I invite anyone interested to participate via GitHub. # Getting Started There are executables and disk images available to download for Apple II, Commodore 64 and VIC-20. These may be run on real hardware or one of the many emulators that are available. The language itself is documented in this file. The best way to learn is to study example programs. Disk images: - `test.dsk` - ProDOS 2.4.1 bootable disk with EightBall for Apple IIe Enhanced, //c, IIgs. - `test.d64` - Commodore 1541 disk images with EightBall for VIC20 and C64. ## Apple II I used ADTPro to copy `test.dsk` to a real Disk II 140K floppy. A solid state drive such as CFFA3000 should also work. It is also possible to run the EightBall system using the MAME Apple II emulation under Linux. To run the main EightBall executable, which includes the line editor, interpreter and bytecode compiler, choose to start `EIGHTBALL.SYSTEM` from within the ProDOS launcher. You can then enter and run the [test program](#simple-test-program) below. One you have entered the test program and run it in the interpreter, you can compile it to bytecode as follows: ``` comp quit ``` The compiled code is written to the file `bytecode` on the floppy diskette containing the EightBall system. If you then invoke the EightBall Virtual Machine `EBVM.SYSTEM`, it will load and execute this bytecode. The VM is much faster than the interpreter. ## Commodore 64 For the Commodore 64, the file `test.d64` can be written to a real C1541 floppy, or to a solid state drive such as SD2IEC. It is also possible to run the EightBall system using the Vice C64 emulator under Linux. To run the main EightBall executable, which includes the line editor, interpreter and bytecode compiler, run `8BALL64.PRG` as follows: ``` LOAD"8BALL64.PRG",8 RUN ``` You can then enter and run the [test program](#simple-test-program) below. One you have entered the test program and run it in the interpreter, you can compile it to bytecode as follows: ``` comp quit ``` The compiled code is written to the file `bytecode` on the floppy diskette containing the EightBall system. (Note that if this file already exists an error will occur. This is a known deficiency which I will address in due coure.) If you then invoke the EightBall Virtual Machine `8BALLVM64.PRG`, it will load and execute this bytecode. The VM is much faster than the interpreter. ``` LOAD"8BALLVM64.PRG",8 RUN ``` ## VIC 20 For the Commodore VIC20 (plus 32K expansion RAM), the file `test.d64` can be written to a real C1541 floppy, or to a solid state drive such as SD2IEC. It is also possible to run the EightBall system using the Vice VIC20 emulator under Linux. To run the main EightBall executable, which includes the line editor, interpreter and bytecode compiler, run `8BALL20.PRG` as follows: ``` LOAD"8BALL20.PRG",8 RUN ``` You can then enter and run the [test program](#simple-test-program) below. One you have entered the test program and run it in the interpreter, you can compile it to bytecode as follows: ``` comp quit ``` The compiled code is written to the file `bytecode` on the floppy diskette containing the EightBall system. (Note that if this file already exists an error will occur. This is a known deficiency which I will address in due coure.) If you then invoke the EightBall Virtual Machine `8BALLVM20.PRG`, it will load and execute this bytecode. The VM is much faster than the interpreter. ``` LOAD"8BALLVM20.PRG",8 RUN ``` ## Simple Test Program Here is a simple test program you can enter to play with EightBall when getting started: ``` :i0 byte b=0 for b=1:10 pr.msg "Hello world ..."; pr.dec b; pr.nl endfor end . ``` I have included the line editor commands to begin inserting text `:i0` and to leave the editor and return to the interpreter (a single period on its own.) You can list the program using the `:l` (the letter Ell, not the number 1!) command and run it using the EightBall interpreter using the `run` command. # Building the Code ## Build Toolchain I am building EightBall using `cc65` v2.15 on Ubuntu Linux. The Linux version of EightBall is currently being built using `gcc` v7.3.0. It should build with whatever version of `gcc` you have to hand. In order to build Apple diskette images I use the open source Apple Commander tool. ADTPro is an awesome tool for transferring disk images to a real Apple II via a serial (RS-232) cable. In order to build Commodore 1541 diskette images, I use the `c1541` tool that comes with the open source VICE emulator. I find the VICE emulator useful for testing on the Commodore C64 and VIC20 pathforms. MAME provides a useful Apple //e enhanced emulation. Links to these projects: - [cc65](http://github.com/cc65/cc65) - [Apple Commander](http://applecommander.sourceforge.net/) - [VICE](http://vice-emu.sourceforge.net/) - [MAME](http://mamedev.org/) - [ADTPro](http://adtpro.com/) ## Build Procedure I use Ubuntu Linux (18.04 at the current time.) It should also be possible to build the project using any relatively recent Linux distribution. First clone the repository from GitHub. ``` $ git clone https://github.com/bobbimanners/EightBall.git ``` Then, edit the `Makefile` to adjust the paths to point to your local installation of the cc65 compiler. If you wish to build disk images for Apple and Commodore machines, you will need to adjust the paths to point to your local installation of Apple Commander or VICE (for the `c1541` tool). ``` $ cd EightBall $ vi Makefile ``` Once you are satisfied with the `Makefile`, building the software is simple: ``` $ make ``` This will build executables for Linux using `gcc` and for 6502 targets using `cc65`. The build targets are as follows: - `eightball` - Editor/interpreter/compiler for Linux (32 bit). - `eightball.system` - Editor/interpreter/compiler for Apple IIe Enhanced and compatibles - `8ball64.prg` - Editor/interpreter/compiler for C64. - `8ball20.prg` - Editor/interpreter/compiler for VIC20. - `eightballvm` - Virtual machine runtime for Linux (32 bit). - `ebvm.system` - Virtual machine runtime for Apple IIe Enhanced and compatibles - `8ballvm64.prg` - Virtual machine runtime for C64. - `8ballvm20.prg` - Virtual machine runtime for VIC20. - `test.dsk` - Test diskette image for Apple II. - `test.d64` - Test diskette image for Commdore C64 and VIC20. ## First Run (on Linux) First start the EightBall editor/interpreter/compiler: ``` $ ./eightball ``` To load and run the unit test script within the EightBall interpreter: ``` :r"unittest.8b" run ``` Then to compile it, and save the bytecode to the file `bytecode`: ``` comp quit ``` And finally, to run the bytecode under the VM: ``` $ ./eightballvm ``` ## Running Apple //e Version with MAME You will have to find the Apple II ROMs online for use with MAME. To start MAME and boot from `test.dsk`: ``` $ mame -w apple2ee -sl6 diskii -floppydisk1 test.dsk ``` Look [here](#apple-ii) for further instructions. ## Running C64 Version with VICE To start the `x64` emulator: ``` $ x64 -8 test.d64 ``` Note that EightBall scripts on Commodore platforms must be encoded in PETSCII rather than ASCII. `unittest.8bp` is a PETSCII version of `unittest.8b` (created automatically using the Linux `tr` tool - see `Makefile` for details of how this is done.) Look [here](#commodore-64) for further instructions. ## Running VIC20 Version with VICE To start the `xvic` emulator: ``` $ xvic -mem all -drive8type 1541 -8 test.d64 ``` Note that EightBall scripts on Commodore platforms must be encoded in PETSCII rather than ASCII. Look [here](#vic-20) for further instructions. ## Unit Tests There is a unit test script `unittest.8b` written in EightBall. It is quite large so it does not load in all 8-bit platforms. Deleting the comments would help! However I usually test using the Linux EightBall environment, so large scripts are less of a problem. Currently the script loads and runs on C64, but not Apple II or VIC20 (due to lack of memory for the source code.) # EightBall Language Reference and Tutorial ## Variables ### Simple Types EightBall has two basic types: byte (8 bits) and word (16 bits). word counter = 1000 byte xx = 0 Variables must be declared before use. Variables **must** be initialized. The first four letters of the variable name are significant, any letters after that are simply ignored by the parser. Variables of type word are also used to store pointers (there is no pointer type in EightBall). ### Arrays Arrays of byte and word may be declared as follows. The mandatory initializer is used to initialize all elements: word myArray[100] = 1 byte storage[10] = 0 **_At present, only 1D arrays are supported, but this will be expanded in future releases._** **Array dimensions must be literal constants. Expressions are not parsed in this case.** Array elements begin from 0, so the array `storage` above has elements from 0 to 9. storage[0] = 0; ' First element storage[9] = 99; ' Last element ## Expressions ### Constants Constants may be decimal: byte a = 10 word w = 65535 word q = -1 or hex: byte a = $0a word w = $face ### Operators EightBall supports most of C's arithmetic, logical and bitwise operators. They have the same precedence as in C as well. Since the Commodore machines do not have all the ASCII character, some substitutions have been made (shown in parenthesis below.) EightBall also implements 'star operators' for pointer dereferencing which will also be familiar to C programmers. #### Arithmetic * Addition: binary `+` * Subtraction: binary `-` * Multiplication: binary `*` * Division: binary `/` * Modulus: binary `%` * Power: binary `^` * Negation: unary prefix `-` #### Logical * Logical equality: binary `==` * Logical inequality: binary `!=` * Logical greater-than: binary `>` * Logical greater-than-or-equal: binary `>=` * Logical less-than: binary `<` * Logical less-than-or-equal: binary `<=` * Logical and: binary `&&` * Logical or: binary `||` (binary `##` on CBM) * Logical not: unary `!` #### Bitwise * Bitwise and: binary `&` * Bitwise or: binary `|` (binary `#` on CBM) * Bitwise xor: binary `!` * Left shift: binary `<<` * Right shift: binary `>>` * Bitwise not: unary prefix `~` (unary prefix `.` on CBM) #### Address-of Operator The `&` prefix operator returns a pointer to a variable which may be used to read and write the variable's contents. The operator may be applied to scalar variables, whole arrays and individual elements of arrays. word w = 123; word A[10] = 0; pr.dec &w; ' Address of scalar w pr.dec &A; ' Address of start of array A pr.dec &A[2] ' Address of third element of array A #### 'Star Operators' EightBall provides two 'star operators' which dereference pointers in a manner similar to the C star operator. One of these (`*`) operates on word values, the other (`^`) operates on byte values. Each of the operators may be used both for reading and writing through pointers. Here is an example of a pointer to a word value: word val = 0; ' Real value stored here word addr = &val; ' Now addr points to val *addr = 123; ' Now val is 123 pr.dec *addr; ' Recover the value via the pointer pr.nl Here is an example using a pointer to byte. This is similar to `PEEK` and `POKE` in BASIC. word addr = $c000; ' addr points to hex $c000 byte val = ^addr; ' Read value from $c000 (PEEK) ^val = 0; ' Set value at $c000 to zero (POKE) ### Parenthesis Parenthesis may be used to control the order of evaluation, for example: pr.dec (10+2)*3; ' Prints 36 pr.dec 10+2*3; ' Prints 16 ### Operator Precedence | Precedence Level | Operators | Example | Example CBM | | ---------------- | ------------------ | -------- | ----------- | | 11 (Highest) | Prefix Plus | +a | | | | Prefix Minus | -a | | | | Prefix Star | *a | | | | Prefix Caret | ^a | | | | Prefix Logical Not | !a | | | | Prefix Bitwise Not | ~a | .a | | 10 | Power of | a ^ b | | | | Divide | a / b | | | | Multiply | a * b | | | | Modulus | a % b | | | 9 | Add | a + b | | | | Subtract | a - b | | | 8 | Left Shift | a << b | | | | Right Shift | a >> b | | | 7 | Greater Than | a > b | | | | Greater Than Equal | a >= b | | | | Less Than | a < b | | | | Less Than Equal | a <= b | | | 6 | Equality | a == b | | | | Inequality | a != b | | | 5 | Bitwise And | a & b | | | 4 | Bitwise Xor | a ! b | | | 3 | Bitwise Or | a \| b | a # b | | 2 | Logical And | a && b | | | 1 (Lowest) | Logical Or | a \|\| b | a ## b | ## Flow Control EightBall supports a 'structured' programming style by providing multi-line `if`/`then`/`else` conditionals, `for` loops and `while` loops. Note that the `goto` statement is not supported! ### Conditionals Syntax is as follows: if z == 16 pr.msg "Sweet sixteen!" pr.nl endif Or, with the optional `else` clause: if x < 2 pr.msg "okay" pr.nl else pr.msg "too many"; pr.nl toomany = toomany + 1; endif ### For Loops Syntax is as per the following example: for count = 1 : 10 pr.dec count pr.nl endfor ### While Loops These are quite flexible, for example: while bytes < 255 call getbyte() bytes = bytes + 1 endwhile ## Subroutines ### Simple Subroutine Declaration EightBall allows named subroutines to be defined, for example: sub myFirstSubroutine() pr.msg "Hello"; pr.nl endsub All subroutines must end with `endsub` statement. A subroutine may return a `word` value to the caller using the `return` statement. sub mySecondSubroutine() return 2 endsub If the flow of execution hits the `endsub` (without first encountering a `return` statement) then 0 is returned to the caller. ### Simple Subroutine Invocation The subroutine above can be called as follows: call myFirstSubroutine() When `myFirstSubroutine` hits a `return` or `endsub` statement, the flow of execution will return to the statement immediately following the `call`. ### Local Variables Each subroutine has its own local variable scope. If a local variable is declared with the same name as a global variable, the global will not be available within the scope of the subroutine. When the subroutine returns, the local variables are destroyed. byte val = 10; ' Global byte variable sub myThirdSubroutine() byte w[10] = 0; ' Local array byte i = 0; ' Local byte iterator for i=0 : 9 w[i] = val; ' Using both local and global variables endfor endsub Just like in C, a local variable can 'hide' a global of the same name: word hideme = 10; call obscuredByClouds() end sub obscuredByClouds() word hideme = 100; pr.dec hideme; pr.nl; ' Prints 100 (val of local), not 10 (val of global) endsub ### Argument Passing Subroutines may take `byte` or `word` arguments, using the following syntax: sub withArgs(byte flag, word val1, word val2) ' Do stuff return 0 endsub This could be called as follows: word ww = 0; byte b = 0; call withArgs(b, ww, ww+10) When `withArgs` runs, the expression passed as the first argument (`b`) will be evaluated and the value assigned to the first formal argument `flag`, which will be created in the subroutine's local scope. Similarly, the second argument (`ww`) will be evaluated and the result assigned to `val1`. Finally, `ww+10` will be evaluated and assigned to `val2`. Argument passing is by value, which means that `withArgs` can modify `flag`, `val1` or `val2` freely without the changes being visible to the caller. ### Function Invocation Subroutines may be invoked within an expression. In this case, the subroutine is executed and the value returned is evaluated within the expression in which it appears. For example, the following subroutine: sub adder(word a, word b) return a+b endsub Could be used in an expression like this: pr.dec adder(10, 5); ' Prints 15 or like this: word res = adder(2, 3); pr.dec res; ' Prints 5 Functions may invoke themselves recursively. ### Passing by Reference Passing by reference allows a subroutine to modify a value passed to it. EightBall does this using pointers, in a manner that will be familiar to C programmers. Here is `adder` implemented using this pattern: sub adder(word a, word b, word resptr) *resptr = a+b endsub Then to call it: word result call adder(10, 20, &result) This code takes the address of variable `result` using the ampersand operator and passes it to subroutine `adder` as `resptr`. The subroutine then uses the star operator to write the result of the addition of the first two arguments (10 + 20 in this example) to the word pointed to by `resptr`. Unlike C, there are no special pointer types. Pointers must be stored in a `word` variable, since they do not fit in a `byte`. Pointers are dereferenced using the `*` operator to reference words or the `^` operator to reference bytes. Here is an example of using a pointer to byte: word xx = 0 call poke(&xx, 10) pr.dec xx; pr.nl; ' Should print 10 end sub poke(word addr, byte val) ^addr = val endsub ### Passing an Array by Reference **Warning: This is currently not implemented in the compiler, only the interpreter.** It is frequently useful to pass an array into a subroutine. It is not very useful to use pass by value for arrays, since this may mean copying a large object onto the stack. For these reasons, EightBall implements a special pass by reference mode for array variables, which operates in a manner similar to C. Here is an example of a function which takes a regular variable and an array: sub clearArray(byte arr[], word sz) word i = 0 for i = 0 : sz-1 arr[i] = 0 endfor endsub This may be invoked like this: word n = 10 byte A[n] = 99 call clearArray(A, n) Note that the size of the array is not specified in the subroutine definition - any size array may be passed. Note also that the corresponding argument in the `call` is simply the array name (no [] or other annotation is permitted.) This mechanism effectively passes a pointer to the array contents 'behind the scenes'. ### End Statement The `end` statement marks the normal end of execution. This is often used to stop the flow of execution running off the end of the main program and into the subroutines (which causes an error): call foo() pr.msg "Done!"; pr.nl end sub foo() pr.msg "foo"; pr.nl endsub ## Code Format ### Whitespace, Semicolon Separators EightBall code can be arranged however you wish. For example, this: word w = 0; for w = 1 : 10; pr.dec w; pr.nl; endfor is identical to this: word w = 0 for w = 1 : 10 pr.dec w; pr.nl endfor Semicolons **must** be used to separate multiple statements on a line (even loop contructs as seen in the first example above.) Indentation of the code (as shown in the examples in this manual) is optional, but encouraged. ### Comments Comments are introduced by the single quote character. A full line comment may be entered as follows: ' This is a comment If you wish to comment after a statement, note that a semicolon is required to separate the statement and the comment: pr.msg "Hello there"; ' Say hello!!! ## Bits and Pieces ### Run Stored Program Simple: run Program runs until it hits an `end` statement, an error occurs or it is interrupted by the user. ### Compile Stored Program comp The program in memory is compiled to EightBall VM bytecode. This is written to a file `bytecode`. The `bytecode` file may be executed using the EightBall Virtual Machine that is part of this package. ### Quit EightBall quit Returns to ProDOS on Apple II, or to CBM BASIC on C64/VIC20. ### Clear Stored Program new ### Clear All Variables clear ### Show All Variables vars Variables are shown in tabular form. The letter 'b' indicates byte type, while 'w' indicates word type. For scalar variables, the value is shown. For arrays, the dimension(s) are shown. ### Show Free Space free The free space available for variables and for program text is shown on the console. ## Input and Output Only console I/O is supported at present. File I/O is planned for a later release. ### Console Output #### pr.msg Prints a literal string to the console: pr.msg "Hello world" #### pr.dec Prints an unsigned decimal value to the console: pr.dec 123/10 #### pr.dec.s Prints a signed decimal value to the console: pr.dec.s 12-101 #### pr.hex Prints a hexadecimal value to the console (prefixed with '$'): pr.hex 1234 #### pr.nl Prints a newline to the console: pr.nl #### pr.str Prints a byte array as a string to the console. The string is null terminated (so printing stops at the first 0 character): pr.str A; ' A is a byte array ### Console Input #### kbd.ch Allows a single character to be read from the keyboard. Be careful - this function assumes the argument passed to it a pointer to a byte value into which the character may be stored. byte c = 0 while 1 kbd.ch &c pr.ch c endwhile #### kbd.ln Allows a line of input to be read from the keyboard and to be stored to an array of byte values. This statement takes two arguments - the first is an array of byte values into which to write the string, the second is the maximum number of bytes to write. byte buffer[100] = 0; kbd.ln buffer, 100 pr.msg "You typed> " pr.str buffer pr.nl # Line Editor Eightball includes a simple line editor for editing program text. Programs are saved to disk in plain text format (ASCII on Apple II, PETSCII on CBM). Be warned that the line editor is rather primitive. However we are trying to save memory. Editor commands start with the colon character (:). ## Load from Disk To load a new source file from disk, use the `:r` 'read' command: :r "myfile.8b" ## Save to Disk To save the current editor buffer to disk, use the :w 'write' command: :w "myfile.8b" On Commodore systems, this must be a new (non-existing) file, or a drive error will result. ## Insert Line(s) Start inserting text before the specified line. The editor switches to insert mode, indicated by the '>' character (in inverse green on CBM). The following command will start inserting text at the beginning of an empty buffer: :i0 > One or more lines of code may then be entered. When you are done, enter a period '.' on a line on its own to return to EightBall immediate mode prompt. ## Append Line(s) Append is identical to the insert command described above, except that it starts inserting /after/ the specified line. This is often useful to adding lines following the end of an existing program. ## Delete Line(s) This command allows one or more lines to be deleted. To delete one line: :d33 or to delete a range of lines: :d10,12 ## Change Line This command allows an individual line to be replaced (like inserting a new line the deleting the old line). It is different to the insert and append commands in that the text is entered immediately following the command (not on a new line). For example: :c21:word var1=12 will replace line 21 with `word var1=12`. Note the colon terminator following the line number. Note that the syntax of this command is contrived to allow the CBM screen editor to work on listed output in a similar way to CBM BASIC. Code may be listed using the `:l` command and the screen may then be interactively edited using the cursor keys and return, just as in BASIC. ## List Line(s) This allows the program text to be listed to the console. Either the whole program may be displayed or just a range of lines. To show everything: :l To show a range of lines: :l0-20 (The command is the letter Ell, not the number 1!) # EightBall Compiler and Virtual Machine ## What is it? The EightBall Virtual Machine is a simple runtime VM for executing the bytecode produced by the EightBall compiler. The EightBall VM can run on 6502 systems (Apple II, Commodore VIC20, C64) or as a Linux process. ## How to use it? The EightBall system is split into two separate executables: - EightBall editor, interpreter and compiler - EightBall VM, which runs the code built by the compiler On Linux, the editor/interpreter/compiler is `eightball` and the Virtual Machine is `eightballvm`. On Apple II ProDOS, the editor/interpreter/compiler is `eightball.system` and the VM is `8bvm.system`. On Commodore VIC20, the editor/interpreter/compiler is `8ball20.prg` and the VM is `8ballvm20.prg`. On Commodore C64, the editor/interpreter/compiler is `8ball64.prg` and the VM is `8ballvm64.prg`. Here is how to use the compiler: - Start the main EightBall editor/interpreter/compiler program. - Write your program in the editor. - Debug using the interpreter (`run` command). - When it seems to work work okay, you can compile with the `comp` command. The compiler will dump an assembly-style listing to the console and also write the VM bytecode to a binary file called `bytecode`. If all goes well, no inscrutable error messages will be displayed. Then you can run the VM program for your platform. It will load the bytecode from the file `bytecode` and execute it. Running compiled code under the Virtual Machine is much faster than the interpreter (and also more memory efficient.) ## VM Internals ### VM Architecture The EightBall Virtual machine has the following features: - 16 level evaluation stack. Each cell on the evaluation stack is 16 bits. - Call stack. This stack is byte-orientated (rather than word-orientated like the evaluation stack). It occupies most of system memory. - Program counter - 16 bits - Stack pointer - 16 bits - used to address the call stack - Frame pointer - 16 bits - makes addressing locals and parameters easier for subroutine code The evaluation stack is used for all computations. The VM offers a variety of instructions for maniplating the evaluation stack. All calculations, regardless of the type of the variables involved, is performed using 16 bit arithmetic. For shorthand, we define the names `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `T` for the top four slots in the evaluation stack. This notation is stolen from the world of HP RPN calculators. The call stack is used for all memory allocation within the virtual machine, as follows: - Global variables - Subroutine parameters - Local variables - Return address when calling subroutine - Parent frame pointer - used for unwinding the stack on `return` / `endsub` ### VM Instructions | Instruction | Description | |-------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------| | END | Terminate execution | | LDI | Pushes the following 16 bit word to the evaluation stack | | LDAW | Replaces X with 16 bit value pointed to by X. | | LDAB | Replaces X with 8 bit value pointed to by X. | | STAW | Stores 16 bit value Y in addr pointed to by X. Drops X and Y. | | STAB | Stores 8 bit value Y in addr pointed to by X. Drops X and Y. | | LDRW | Replaces X with 16 bit value pointed to by `X+FP+1`. | | LDRB | Replaces X with 8 bit value pointed to by `X+FP+1`. | | STRW | Stores 16 bit value Y in addr pointed to by `X+FP+1`. Drops X and Y.| | STRB | Stores 8 bit value Y in addr pointed to by `X+FP+1`. Drops X and Y. | | SWP | Swaps X and Y | | DUP | Duplicates X -> X, Y | | DUP2 | Duplicates X -> X,Z; Y -> Y,T | | DROP | Drops X | | OVER | Duplicates Y -> X,Z | | PICK | Duplicates stack level specified in `X+1` -> X | | POPW | Pop 16 bit value from call stack, push onto eval stack [X] | | POPB | Pop 8 bit value from call stack, push onto eval stack [X] | | PSHW | Push 16 bit value in X onto call stack. Drop X. | | PSHB | Push 8 bit value in X onto call stack. Drop X. | | SPTOFP | Copy stack pointer to frame pointer. (Enter function scope) | | FPTOSP | Copy frame pointer to stack pointer. (Release local vars) | | RTOA | Convert FP-relative address in X to absolute address | | INC | `X = X+1`. | | DEC | `X = X-1`. | | ADD | `X = Y+X`. Y is dropped. | | SUB | `X = Y-X`. Y is dropped. | | MUL | `X = Y*X`. Y is dropped. | | DIV | `X = Y/X`. Y is dropped. | | MOD | `X = Y%X`. Y is dropped . | | NEG | `X = -X` | | GT | `X = Y>X`. Y is dropped. | | GTE | `X = Y>=X`. Y is dropped. | | LT | `X = Y>X`. Y is dropped. | | JMP | Jump to address X. Drop X. | | BRC | If `Y!= 0`, jump to address X. Drop X, Y. | | JSR | Push PC to call stack. Jump to address X. Drop X. | | RTS | Pop call stack, jump to the address popped. | | PRDEC | Print 16 bit decimal in X. Drop X | | PRHEX | Print 16 bit hex in X. Drop X | | PRCH | Print character in X. Drop X | | PRSTR | Print null terminated string pointed to by X. Drop X | | PRMSG | Print literal string at PC (null terminated) | | KBDCH | Push character from keyboard onto eval stack | | KBDLN | Obtain line from keyboard and write to memory pointed to by Y. X contains the max number of bytes in buf. Drop X, Y. | | ### VM Memory Organization cc65 places the VM excutable code and static evaluation stack (32 bytes) in low memory. In an optimized virtual machine implementation, this would be placed in zero page. Virtual machine addresses correspond to physical machine addresses on 6502 systems. Under Linux, the virtual machine uses a 64K byte array as workspace, and addresses point into this space. The call stack grows down from top of memory. The bytecode is loaded at the start of memory. This location differs depending on the platform: - Apple II - 0x5000 - Commodore 64 - 0x3000 - Commodore VIC20 - 0x4000 These addresses are chosen to allow space for the EightBall VM executable, which loads below these addresses. These values can be tuned by inspecting the map files generated by cc65. ## Interpreter / Compiler Internals ### Relationship of Interpreter / Compiler EightBall was first implemented as an interpreted language (although the language design was always intended to permit compilation.) The bytecode compiler and virtual machine were added with v0.5 in April 2018. In order to use the least code possible, the compiler uses the same data structures as the interpreter, but in a different way. ### Interpreter Memory Organization cc65 places the executable code of the EightBall line editor / interpreter / compiler in low memory. The source code of the program is stored in plain ASCII (or PETSCII on Commodore systems) text in a buffer immediately above the EightBall executable code. Note that the lower bounds of this buffer have to be adjusted by hand in `eightball.c` when the code changes size. The size of the code segments generated by cc65 can be determined by inspecting the map file created by the compiler. (This is HEAP2 in `eightball.c`). #### Variables Global and local variables are allocated from the highest available memory address down. (This is HEAP1 in `eightball.c`). For each variable a small `var_t` header is stored, consisting of the first four characters of the name, a byte which records whether it is a `byte` or `word` variable and also the number of dimensions. If the number of dimensions is zero then this indicates a scalar variable, otherwise it is an array of the specified number of elements. The `var_t` header also includes a two byte pointer to next, allowing them to be assembled into a linked list. Following the `var_t` header the actual variable data is stored: - One byte for a `byte` scalar - Two bytes for a `word` scalar - Two byte pointer to a block of `sz` bytes for a `byte[sz]` array - Two byte pointer to a block of `2*sz` bytes for a `word[sz]` array Normally when a global or local array is allocated, the data block immediately follows. However the pointer to the data block is exploited to allow the 'array pass by reference' feature to be implemented. In this case, the `var_t` header and the two byte datablock pointer is copied into the local frame (the pointer still refers to the original datablock of the array passed by reference.) #### Subroutines: Entry and Return, Local Variables and Parameters The interpreter maintains a pointer to the beginning of the local stack frame (`varslocal`) as well as to the beginning of the list (`varsbegin`) which allows the global variables to be located. When operating at the global scope (ie: not within a subroutine) `varslocal` points to `varsbegin`. When entering a subroutine a special `var_t` entry is made for a `word` variable using the otherwise illegal name `"----"` to mark the stack frame and this is pushed to the call stack. The value of this this variable is used to store the current value of `varslocal` (ie: the previous stack frame). This is used to unwind the stack when a subroutine exits. Local variables are allocated on HEAP1 in exactly the same way as globals. The variable search routine `getintvar()` knows to search the local variables and then (if within a subroutine) the globals also. The stack frame marks allow `getintvar()` to know where the globals end and the stack frame of the first subroutine begins. The interpreter creates a local variable for each parameter, copying the value provided by the caller. Parameters behave exactly like local variables, because they *are* local variables like any other. When leaving a subroutine with `return` or `endsub`, the interpreter uses the innermost stack frame (which, remember, records the stack frame of its calling subroutine) to unwind the stack. The local variables and the innermost stack frame are released and `varslocal` is set to point to the caller stack frame. Finally, the flow of control returns to the statement following the `call` (or the evaluation of the expression including the function continues, in the case of function invocation.) ### Compiler Memory Organization The compiler shares most of the infrastructure with the interpreter. The source code of the program is obviously still stored in HEAP2. The compiled bytecode is written to the beginning of HEAP1, starting from the lowest address and working up. Since no actual data is stored in HEAP1 when compiling (only `var_t` headers and addresses), it is hoped that there will be enough space for the compiled code without having it collide with the symbol tables (which are stored from the top of HEAP1 going down). #### Variables The main difference is that instead of storing global and local variables in HEAP1, the compiler uses the `var_t` data structures to keep track of the variable during compilation only - they serve as temporary symbol tables so the compiler can keep track of the address of all the variables in scope. Instead of the payload described above, the entries created by the compiler contain a pointer to the address of the variable in the virtual machine's address space. Within the VM there is no 'management overhead' for storing variables - a `word` is always two bytes, a `byte` always one byte. All of the housekeeping takes place within the compiler (which has to keep track of the address of every variable in scope.) The compiler has a simple allocator (managed by `rt_push_callstack()` and `rt_pop_callstack()`) that mimics the behaviour of the virtual machine, keeping track of the value of the stack pointer (SP). In the same way that the interpreter allocates all variables (global and local) on the call stack, the compiler uses the same strategy of allocating all variables on the call stack of the virtual machine ("VM call stack" from now on.) Since the compiler target memory allocator functions keep track of the VM SP register, the compiler is able to push values to the call stack and still know the addresses to be able to access them later. This can make the compiler output hard to read for humans however! #### Subroutines: Entry and Return, Local Variables and Parameters The EightBall Virtual Machine has a number of features which are intended to make it easier to implement subroutine call and return, argument passing etc. In particular, there is a special frame pointer (FP) register which is useful for easily accessing parameter and locals. Before generating code to enter a subroutine, the compiler ensures code has been generated to evaluate any parameters and push the result to the call stack. Then the compiler emits a `JSR` instruction to call the subroutine entry point. The virtual machine will automatically store the return address on the VM call stack and the VM program counter will be set to the entry point. On entry to the subroutine, the compiler will emit VM instruction `SPFP` which pushes the current value of the frame pointer (FP) to the VM call stack and copies the stack pointer (SP) to the frame pointer (FP). This sets up the call frame allowing us to easily refer to the parameters and the local variables. The virtual machine makes this simple by providing special instructions `LDRW`, `LDRB`, `STRW` and `STRB` which load and store `word` and `byte` values to memory using addressing *relative* to the frame pointer FP. In this relative addressing mode, the parameters which were pushed to the call stack before entry have small *positive* valued addresses (FP + offset). Local variables are pushed to the call stack, which grows down as usual. As a result, the local variables will have small *negative* addresses relative to the frame pointer (FP - offset). At the same time, absolute addressing via instructions `LDAW`, `LDAB`, `STAW` and `STAB` can be used to access the global variables. On exit from the subroutine, the compiler emits code to evaluate the return value and leave it on the evaluation stack in the topmost slot (X). It then emits a `FPSP` instruction which copies the frame pointer (FP) to the stack pointer (SP) and restores the value of the frame pointer by popping a word from the call stack. Copying FP to SP has the effect of immediately releasing all of the space (local variables) allocated in the topmost stack frame. The stack pointer is then positioned to where the frame pointer is topmost, so it is available to be popped and restored to FP. The overall effect is to unwind the stack back to the calling stack frame. The return value is left on the evaluation stack. If the calling code does not use it, the compiler must issue a `DROP` instruction to discard it. #### Subroutine Call Linkage The compiler also maintains a linked list of subroutine calls and a linked list of subroutine entry points which are used for the final step of compilation - internal linkage. Subroutine calls and entry points are both represented using records of type `sub_t`, each of which contain the first eight characters of the subroutine name, a two byte address pointer and a two byte pointer to the next record. Currently, the compiler allocates these linked lists (anchored by `callsbegin` and `subsbegin`) in HEAP2, after the source code. This space is not freed until HEAP2 is purged using the `new` command, so some space is lost with each use of the `comp` command. ### Compiler Address Fixups When compiling EightBall code, there are instances where the generated code needs to jump or branch ahead, to some location within code that has yet to be generated. In this case, the compiler will emit the dummy address `$ffff` and will come back later to insert the correct address, once it is known. This is referred to as an "address fixup." #### Conditionals / While loops When compiling `if` / `endif` or `if` . `else`, `endif` conditionals, the compiler needs to generate code to branch forward to jump over the `if` or `else` code blocks. Similarly, for `while` / `endwhile` loops, the compiler needs to branch forward to jump over the loop body if the condition is false. In all these cases, the address fixup is computed when the destination code is generated. #### Subroutine Calls Another situation where address fixups are required is subroutine calls. When a subroutine is called, a new entry is recorded in the `callsbegin` linked list, containing the beginning of the subroutine name and a pointer to the VM address of the call address to be fixed up. When a subroutine definition is encountered, a new entry is recorded in the `subsbegin` linked list, again containing the subroutine name but this time with the address of the entry point. The final step of compilation involves iterating through the `callsbegin` list, looking up each subroutine name in the `subsbegin` list. If the name is found, then the dummy `$ffff` at the fixup address is replaced with the entry point of the filename. Otherwise a linkage error is (cryptically) reported. # Data Types A `byte` variable is one byte everywhere. A `word` variable is two bytes everywhere, except in the Linux interpreter (where is is 32 bit word, 4 bytes.) | Platform | Size in Bytes | |------------------|------------------| |6502 Interpreter | word 2, byte 1 | |6502 VM | word 2, byte 1 | |Linux Interpreter | word 4, byte 1 | |Linux VM | word 2, byte 1 | # Code Examples ## Hello World This one is obligatory: ``` pr.msg "Hello world!"; pr.nl end ``` You can omit the `end` statement if you like. ## Recursive Factorial This example shows how EightBall can support recursion. I should point out that it is much better to do this kind of thing using iteration, but this is a fun simple example: pr.dec fact(3); pr.nl end sub fact(word val) pr.msg "fact("; pr.dec val; pr.msg ")"; pr.nl if val == 0 return 1 else return val * fact(val-1) endif endsub `fact(3)` calls `fact(2)`, which calls `fact(1)`, then finally `fact(0)`. See `eightballvm.h` for technical details. ## Prime Number Sieve Here is the well-known Sieve of Eratosthenes algorithm for finding prime numbers, written in EightBall: ' Sieve of Eratosthenes ' Globals byte nr = 10 word n = nr * nr byte A[100] = 1 ' Has to be a literal pr.msg "Sieve of Eratosthenes ..."; pr.nl call doall() end sub doall() call sieve() call printresults() endsub sub sieve() word i = 0; word j = 0 for i = 2 : (nr - 1) if A[i] j = i * i while (j < n) A[j] = 0 j = j + i endwhile endif endfor endsub sub printresults() word i = 0 for i = 2 : (n - 1) if A[i] if i > 2 pr.msg ", " endif pr.dec i endif endfor pr.msg "." endsub