cybernesto 488d53094e VBL detection for the //c
Enabled VBL detection to be compatible with the Apple //c according to
the Apple II Technical Note #9 for the Apple //c:
2016-05-21 17:35:53 +02:00

771 lines
14 KiB

; @com.wudsn.ide.asm.hardware=APPLE2
; Code and graphics by TMR
; A quick, written-from-scratch copy of the Apple II intros F-15
; Strike Eagle by Black Bag and The Six Pack's Lantern Of D'Gamma.
; Coded for C64CrapDebunk.Wordpress.com
; Notes: this source is formatted for the ACME cross assembler from
; http://sourceforge.net/projects/acme-crossass/
; build.bat will call ACME to create an assembled file but something
; like CiderPress is needed to inject the file into a bootable disk
; image.
; Memory Map
; $0800 - $09ff work buffers for the text effect
; $0a00 - $17fd program code/data
; $2000 - $3fff bitmap data
; Select an output filename
!to "fdclone#060a00",plain
; Yank in binary data
* = $2000
char_data !binary "binary/c64cd_screen.raw"
; Constants
rd_vbl_bar = $c019 ; top bit clear means vblank
ptrig = $c070 ; clears vbl on the //c
setioudis = $c07e
clrioudis = $c07f
envbl = $c05b ; vbl enable for the //c
txtclr = $c050 ; select bitmap mode
txtset = $c051 ; select text mode
mixclr = $c052 ; full screen
mixset = $c053 ; split screen (last four lines are text)
txtpage1 = $c054 ; select text buffer 1 ($0400)
txtpage2 = $c055 ; select text buffer 2 ($0x00)
lores = $c056 ; display low res graphics
hires = $c057 ; display high res graphics
; Label assignments
sine_at_1 = $50
sine_temp = $51
logo_x = $52
logo_timer = $53
logo_count = $54
rnd_1 = $55
rnd_2 = $56
scroll_count = $57
scroll_timer = $58
scroll_pos = $59 ; two bytes used
; Work spaces for the text effect
text_buffer = $0200
effect_buffer = $0300
; Set origin point (must be the same as the last four bytes of !to)
* = $0a00
; Entry point for the code
entry sei
; Configure display mode
lda #$00
sta txtclr
sta hires
sta mixset
; Enable the VBL on the //c
sta clrioudis
sta envbl
sta setioudis
; Initialise the logo movement routine
lda #$00
sta logo_x
sta logo_timer
sta logo_count
; Clear the work spaces
ldx #$00
work_clear lda #$20
sta text_buffer,x
lda #$00
sta effect_buffer,x
bne work_clear
; Reset the text
jsr scroll_reset
lda #$00
sta scroll_count
sta scroll_timer
; Main loop
main_loop lda rd_vbl_bar
bpl main_loop
lda ptrig
; Update the upper colour bars
lda sine_at_1
adc #$02
sta sine_at_1
sta sine_temp
ldx #$00
bar_loop_1 lda sine_temp
adc #$09
sta sine_temp
lda bar_sinus,y
lda bar_data_left+$00,y
sta $2000,x
lda bar_data_right+$00,y
sta $2001,x
lda bar_data_left+$01,y
sta $2400,x
lda bar_data_right+$01,y
sta $2401,x
lda bar_data_left+$02,y
sta $2800,x
lda bar_data_right+$02,y
sta $2801,x
lda bar_data_left+$03,y
sta $2c00,x
lda bar_data_right+$03,y
sta $2c01,x
lda bar_data_left+$04,y
sta $3000,x
lda bar_data_right+$04,y
sta $3001,x
lda bar_data_left+$05,y
sta $3400,x
lda bar_data_right+$05,y
sta $3401,x
lda bar_data_left+$06,y
sta $3800,x
lda bar_data_right+$06,y
sta $3801,x
lda bar_data_left+$07,y
sta $3c00,x
lda bar_data_right+$07,y
sta $3c01,x
cpx #$28
bne bar_loop_1
; Move one of the letters in the rolling logo
ldx logo_x
cpx #$21
bcc *+$05
jmp logo_move_skip
ldy #$00
logo_loop_1 lda $2100,x
sta $2080,x
lda $2500,x
sta $2480,x
lda $2900,x
sta $2880,x
lda $2d00,x
sta $2c80,x
lda $3100,x
sta $3080,x
lda $3500,x
sta $3480,x
lda $3900,x
sta $3880,x
lda $3d00,x
sta $3c80,x
lda $2180,x
sta $2100,x
lda $2580,x
sta $2500,x
lda $2980,x
sta $2900,x
lda $2d80,x
sta $2d00,x
lda $3180,x
sta $3100,x
lda $3580,x
sta $3500,x
lda $3980,x
sta $3900,x
lda $3d80,x
sta $3d00,x
lda $2200,x
sta $2180,x
lda $2600,x
sta $2580,x
lda $2a00,x
sta $2980,x
lda $2e00,x
sta $2d80,x
lda $3200,x
sta $3180,x
lda $3600,x
sta $3580,x
lda $3a00,x
sta $3980,x
lda $3e00,x
sta $3d80,x
lda $2280,x
sta $2200,x
lda $2680,x
sta $2600,x
lda $2a80,x
sta $2a00,x
lda $2e80,x
sta $2e00,x
lda $3280,x
sta $3200,x
lda $3680,x
sta $3600,x
lda $3a80,x
sta $3a00,x
lda $3e80,x
sta $3e00,x
lda $2300,x
sta $2280,x
lda $2700,x
sta $2680,x
lda $2b00,x
sta $2a80,x
lda $2f00,x
sta $2e80,x
lda $3300,x
sta $3280,x
lda $3700,x
sta $3680,x
lda $3b00,x
sta $3a80,x
lda $3f00,x
sta $3e80,x
lda $2380,x
sta $2300,x
lda $2780,x
sta $2700,x
lda $2b80,x
sta $2b00,x
lda $2f80,x
sta $2f00,x
lda $3380,x
sta $3300,x
lda $3780,x
sta $3700,x
lda $3b80,x
sta $3b00,x
lda $3f80,x
sta $3f00,x
lda $2028,x
sta $2380,x
lda $2428,x
sta $2780,x
lda $2828,x
sta $2b80,x
lda $2c28,x
sta $2f80,x
lda $3028,x
sta $3380,x
lda $3428,x
sta $3780,x
lda $3828,x
sta $3b80,x
lda $3c28,x
sta $3f80,x
lda $2080,x
sta $2028,x
lda $2480,x
sta $2428,x
lda $2880,x
sta $2828,x
lda $2c80,x
sta $2c28,x
lda $3080,x
sta $3028,x
lda $3480,x
sta $3428,x
lda $3880,x
sta $3828,x
lda $3c80,x
sta $3c28,x
cpy #$08
beq logo_move_skip
jmp logo_loop_1
; Update the rolling logo effect counters
logo_move_skip ldx logo_timer
cpx #$07
bne lt_xb
ldx logo_count
stx logo_count
logo_xp_read lda logo_x_pos,x
cmp #$ff
bne logo_xp_okay
ldx #$00
stx logo_count
jmp logo_xp_read
logo_xp_okay sta logo_x
ldx #$00
lt_xb stx logo_timer
; Update the lower colour bars
ldx #$00
ldy #$26
bar_loop_2 lda $2000,x
sta $20a8,y
lda $2400,x
sta $24a8,y
lda $2800,x
sta $28a8,y
lda $2c00,x
sta $2ca8,y
lda $3000,x
sta $30a8,y
lda $3400,x
sta $34a8,y
lda $3800,x
sta $38a8,y
lda $3c00,x
sta $3ca8,y
lda $2001,x
sta $20a9,y
lda $2401,x
sta $24a9,y
lda $2801,x
sta $28a9,y
lda $2c01,x
sta $2ca9,y
lda $3001,x
sta $30a9,y
lda $3401,x
sta $34a9,y
lda $3801,x
sta $38a9,y
lda $3c01,x
sta $3ca9,y
cpx #$28
bne bar_loop_2
; Update the text area
ldx #$00
text_update lda text_buffer+$00,x
ora effect_buffer+$00,x
sta $0650,x
lda text_buffer+$28,x
ora effect_buffer+$28,x
sta $06d0,x
lda text_buffer+$50,x
ora effect_buffer+$50,x
sta $0750,x
lda text_buffer+$78,x
ora effect_buffer+$78,x
sta $07d0,x
cpx #$28
bne text_update
; Fetch a character of text
ldx scroll_timer
cpx #$02
bne st_xb
ldx scroll_count
cpx #$a0
bcs scroll_skip
ldy #$00
scroll_mread lda (scroll_pos),y
cmp #$ff
bne scroll_okay
jsr scroll_reset
jmp scroll_mread
scroll_okay sta text_buffer,x
inc scroll_pos+$00
bne *+$04
inc scroll_pos+$01
scroll_skip inx
stx scroll_count
ldx #$00
st_xb stx scroll_timer
; Randomly toggle some of the character inversions
jsr random
jsr random
jmp main_loop
; Randomly select a character and invert it
random lda rnd_1
adc #$01
eor rnd_2
bcc *+$04
ora #$80
ldx rnd_2
sta rnd_2
stx rnd_1
and #$7f
lda effect_buffer+$00,x
eor #$80
sta effect_buffer+$00,x
sta effect_buffer+$80,x
; Subroutine to reset the scrolling message
scroll_reset lda #<scroll_text
sta scroll_pos+$00
lda #>scroll_text
sta scroll_pos+$01
; Labels for the colour bar data to make it easier to read
black_l = %00000000
black_r = %00000000
purple_l = %01010101
purple_r = %00101010
green_l = %00101010
green_r = %01010101
blue_l = %11010101
blue_r = %10101010
orange_l = %10101010
orange_r = %11010101
white_l = %01111111
white_r = %01111111
; Data for the colour bars (two tables for odd and even bytes)
bar_data_left !byte black_l
!byte black_l
!byte black_l
!byte black_l
!byte blue_l
!byte black_l
!byte blue_l
!byte blue_l
!byte blue_l
!byte purple_l
!byte blue_l
!byte purple_l
!byte purple_l
!byte purple_l
!byte white_l
!byte purple_l
!byte white_l
!byte white_l
!byte white_l
!byte orange_l
!byte white_l
!byte orange_l
!byte orange_l
!byte orange_l
!byte green_l
!byte orange_l
!byte green_l
!byte green_l
!byte green_l
!byte black_l
!byte green_l
!byte black_l
!byte black_l
!byte black_l
!byte black_l
!byte black_l
!byte black_l
!byte blue_l
!byte black_l
!byte blue_l
!byte blue_l
!byte blue_l
!byte purple_l
!byte blue_l
!byte purple_l
!byte purple_l
!byte purple_l
!byte white_l
!byte purple_l
!byte white_l
!byte white_l
!byte white_l
!byte orange_l
!byte white_l
!byte orange_l
!byte orange_l
!byte orange_l
!byte green_l
!byte orange_l
!byte green_l
!byte green_l
!byte green_l
!byte black_l
!byte green_l
!byte black_l
!byte black_l
!byte black_l
!byte black_l
!byte black_l
!byte black_l
!byte black_l
!byte black_l
bar_data_right !byte black_r
!byte black_r
!byte black_r
!byte black_r
!byte blue_r
!byte black_r
!byte blue_r
!byte blue_r
!byte blue_r
!byte purple_r
!byte blue_r
!byte purple_r
!byte purple_r
!byte purple_r
!byte white_r
!byte purple_r
!byte white_r
!byte white_r
!byte white_r
!byte orange_r
!byte white_r
!byte orange_r
!byte orange_r
!byte orange_r
!byte green_r
!byte orange_r
!byte green_r
!byte green_r
!byte green_r
!byte black_r
!byte green_r
!byte black_r
!byte black_r
!byte black_r
!byte black_r
!byte black_r
!byte black_r
!byte blue_r
!byte black_r
!byte blue_r
!byte blue_r
!byte blue_r
!byte purple_r
!byte blue_r
!byte purple_r
!byte purple_r
!byte purple_r
!byte white_r
!byte purple_r
!byte white_r
!byte white_r
!byte white_r
!byte orange_r
!byte white_r
!byte orange_r
!byte orange_r
!byte orange_r
!byte green_r
!byte orange_r
!byte green_r
!byte green_r
!byte green_r
!byte black_r
!byte green_r
!byte black_r
!byte black_r
!byte black_r
!byte black_r
!byte black_r
!byte black_r
!byte black_r
!byte black_r
; Sine curve for the bar movement
bar_sinus !byte $3d,$3d,$3d,$3d,$3d,$3d,$3d,$3d
!byte $3d,$3d,$3d,$3c,$3c,$3c,$3c,$3b
!byte $3b,$3b,$3b,$3a,$3a,$39,$39,$39
!byte $38,$38,$37,$37,$36,$36,$35,$35
!byte $34,$34,$33,$33,$32,$32,$31,$30
!byte $30,$2f,$2e,$2e,$2d,$2c,$2c,$2b
!byte $2a,$2a,$29,$28,$27,$27,$26,$25
!byte $25,$24,$23,$22,$21,$21,$20,$1f
!byte $1e,$1e,$1d,$1c,$1b,$1b,$1a,$19
!byte $18,$18,$17,$16,$15,$15,$14,$13
!byte $13,$12,$11,$10,$10,$0f,$0e,$0e
!byte $0d,$0d,$0c,$0b,$0b,$0a,$0a,$09
!byte $09,$08,$07,$07,$06,$06,$06,$05
!byte $05,$04,$04,$03,$03,$03,$02,$02
!byte $02,$02,$01,$01,$01,$01,$00,$00
!byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
!byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
!byte $00,$00,$00,$01,$01,$01,$01,$02
!byte $02,$02,$03,$03,$03,$04,$04,$04
!byte $05,$05,$06,$06,$07,$07,$08,$08
!byte $09,$09,$0a,$0a,$0b,$0c,$0c,$0d
!byte $0d,$0e,$0f,$0f,$10,$11,$11,$12
!byte $13,$13,$14,$15,$16,$16,$17,$18
!byte $19,$19,$1a,$1b,$1c,$1c,$1d,$1e
!byte $1f,$1f,$20,$21,$22,$22,$23,$24
!byte $25,$25,$26,$27,$28,$28,$29,$2a
!byte $2b,$2b,$2c,$2d,$2d,$2e,$2f,$2f
!byte $30,$31,$31,$32,$32,$33,$33,$34
!byte $35,$35,$36,$36,$37,$37,$38,$38
!byte $38,$39,$39,$3a,$3a,$3a,$3b,$3b
!byte $3b,$3b,$3c,$3c,$3c,$3c,$3d,$3d
!byte $3d,$3d,$3d,$3d,$3d,$3d,$3d,$3d
; X offsets for the rolling logo effect
logo_x_pos !byte $00,$fe,$08,$fe,$10,$fe,$18,$fe
!byte $20,$fe,$fe,$fe,$20,$fe,$10,$fe
!byte $00,$fe,$18,$fe,$08,$fe,$fe,$fe
!byte $10,$fe,$08,$fe,$18,$fe,$00,$fe
!byte $20,$fe,$fe,$fe,$fe,$20,$fe,$18
!byte $fe,$10,$fe,$08,$fe,$00,$fe,$fe
!byte $fe,$20,$18,$10,$08,$00,$08,$10
!byte $18,$20,$18,$10,$08,$00,$fe,$fe
!byte $ff ; end of data marker
!scr "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789"
scroll_text !scr " welcome to -=- f15 d'gamma clone -=- "
!scr " "
!scr " coding and graphics by t.m.r "
!scr " released by c64cd on the 19th may 2016 "
!scr " based on the apple ii crack intros for "
!scr " f-15 strike eagle by black bag and "
!scr " lantern of d'gamma from the six pack "
!scr " (with a few extra c64 influences too!) "
!scr " "
!scr " "
!scr " "
!scr " "
!scr "this code uses $c019 to synchronise with"
!scr " the vertical blank - that may not work "
!scr "on all models of apple ii, but if anyone"
!scr "tests on real hardware i'd like to know!"
!scr " email me at tmr.c64cd@gmail.com to say "
!scr " if the code ran, which model of a2 "
!scr " and which cards are present, please! "
!scr " "
!scr " "
!scr " "
!scr " "
!scr " "
!scr "c64cd alphabetically sorted greetings to"
!scr " "
!scr " 1001 crew ash and dave black bag "
!scr " borderzone dezign team "
!scr " four horsemen of the apocalypse "
!scr "happy demomaker harlow cracking service"
!scr " mean team paul, shandor and matt "
!scr "pulse productions reset 86 rob hubbard"
!scr " scoop stoat and tim tangent "
!scr " thalamus the commandos the gps "
!scr " the six pack we music xess yak "
!scr " "
!scr " "
!scr " "
!scr " "
!scr " "
!scr "and we'll finish on a quick website plug"
!scr " "
!scr " visit c64crapdebunk.wordpress.com "
!scr " because.... well, stuff! "
!scr " "
!scr " "
!scr " "
!scr " "
!byte $ff ; end of text marker