More ramtest stuff

This commit is contained in:
Zane Kaminski 2020-09-11 22:47:53 -04:00
parent 69095871ae
commit 71cafa58a5
6 changed files with 270 additions and 44 deletions

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@ -35,13 +35,17 @@ obj/util.o: obj util.c
cc65 util.c $(cflags) -o obj/util.s
ca65 obj/util.s -o obj/util.o
obj/ramtest.o: obj ramtest.c
cc65 ramtest.c $(cflags) -o obj/ramtest.s
ca65 obj/ramtest.s -o obj/ramtest.o
obj/gwconio.o: obj gwconio.s
ca65 gwconio.s -o obj/gwconio.o
bin/main.sys: bin obj/main.o obj/ram2e.o obj/ram2gs.o obj/ram2gs_asm.o obj/util.o obj/gwconio.o
bin/main.sys: bin obj/main.o obj/ram2e.o obj/ram2gs.o obj/ram2gs_asm.o obj/util.o obj/ramtest.o obj/gwconio.o
ld65 -o bin/main.sys obj/main.o obj/ram2gs.o obj/ram2e.o obj/ram2gs_asm.o obj/util.o obj/gwconio.o -C apple2-system.cfg --lib apple2.lib -D __EXEHDR__=0
bin/main.dbg.sys: bin obj/main.o obj/ram2e.dbg.o obj/ram2gs.dbg.o obj/ram2gs_asm.o obj/util.o obj/gwconio.o
bin/main.dbg.sys: bin obj/main.o obj/ram2e.dbg.o obj/ram2gs.dbg.o obj/ram2gs_asm.o obj/util.o obj/ramtest.o obj/gwconio.o
ld65 -o bin/main.dbg.sys obj/main.o obj/ram2gs.dbg.o obj/ram2e.dbg.o obj/ram2gs_asm.o obj/util.o obj/gwconio.o -C apple2-system.cfg --lib apple2.lib -D __EXEHDR__=0
GWRAM.po: bin/main.sys

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

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@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
.segment "CODE"
.proc _gsram_getsize: near

View File

@ -9,12 +9,49 @@
#include "gwconio.h"
#include "ramtestpat.c"
#define TEST_SIZE 8*1024*1024
#define TEST_SIZE (8*1024*1024)
#define BANK_SIZE (65536)
static char getpat(uint32_t i) {
return ramtestpat[i % RAMTESTPAT_SIZE];
char test_run() {
// Put copy stub in low RAM
for (uint32_t a = 0; a < TEST_SIZE) {
wr(a, getpat(a));
uint32_t i;
uint8_t ah;
// Put read/write stubs in low RAM
for (ah = 0, i = 0; ah < NUM_BANKS; ah++) {
uint16_t al = 0;
// Copy 0x0000-01FF
*((char*)_test_wr1_dm1 + 1) = getpat(i);
for (; al < 0x200; al++, i++) {
__asm__("lda #$00");
__asm__("sta $C009"); // SETALTZP
__asm__("lda $0000");
__asm__("sta $C008"); // SETSTDZP
// Copy 0x0200-BFFF
for (; al < 0xC000; al++, i++) {
// Copy 0xC000-CFFF to LC2 D000-DFFF
for (; al < 0xD000; al++, i++) {
// Copy 0xD000-FFFF to LC1 D000-FFFF
for (; al != 0x0000; al++, i++) {
for (uint32_t a = 0; a < TEST_SIZE) {
@ -25,47 +62,42 @@ char test_run() {
return 0;
static inline char getpat(uint32_t a) {
return ramtestpat[a % RAMTESTPAT_SIZE];
static void rd_zplc() {
__asm__("sta $C009"); // SETALTZP
__asm__("lda $0000");
__asm__("sta $C008"); // SETSTDZP
static char rd(uint32_t a) {
uint16_t al = a & 0xFFFF;
if (al < 0x0200) { return rd_zplc(a); }
else if (al < 0xC000) { return rd_mid(a); }
else if (al < 0xD000) { return rd_lc2(a); }
else { return rd_zplc(a); }
static void rd_main() {
__asm__("sta $C003"); // WRCARDRAM
__asm__("lda $0000");
__asm__("sta $C002"); // WRMAINRAM
static char rd_zplc(uint32_t a) {
static void wr_zplc() {
__asm__("lda #$00");
__asm__("sta $C009"); // SETALTZP
__asm__("lda $0000");
__asm__("sta $C008"); // SETSTDZP
static char rd_mid(uint32_t a) {
static void wr_main() {
__asm__("lda #$00");
__asm__("sta $C005"); // WRCARDRAM
__asm__("lda $0000");
__asm__("sta $C004"); // WRMAINRAM
static char rd_lc2(uint32_t a) {
static char wr(uint32_t a, char d) {
uint16_t al = a & 0xFFFF;
if (al < 0x0200) { wr_zplc(a, d); }
else if (al < 0xC000) { wr_mid(a, d); }
else if (al < 0xD000) { wr_lc2(a, d); }
else { wr_zplc(a, d); }
static char rd_zplc(uint32_t a) {
static char rd_mid(uint32_t a) {
static char rd_lc2(uint32_t a) {

ramtest.s Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
.autoimport on
.importzp sp
.export rtst_run
.import rtst_pat
.import rtst_scratch
.proc ramtest_run: near
; Preamble
php ; Push status
sei ; Disable interrupts
phx ; Push X
phy ; Push Y
; Save entire ZP
ldx #0 ; X = 0
lda $00,X
sta rtst_scratch,X
bne savezp
; Set bank counter and address to 0
lda #0
sta $04
sta $03
sta $02
; Set pattern address to 0xA000
lda #$A0
sta $01
lda #$00
sta $00
; Store 0x0000-01FF
; Store 0x0200-BFFF
; Switch to LC2
; Store in 0xD000-DFFF
; Switch to LC1
; Store in 0xD000-FFFF
; Increment bank and repeat if < 128
inc $04
lda $04
cmp #$80
blt bankloop
; Restore entire ZP
ldx #0 ; X = 0
lda rtst_scratch,X
sta $00,X
bne savezp
; Postamble
ply ; Pull Y
plx ; Pull X
plp ; Pull status
.proc ramtest_incpat: near
; Increment pattern pointer
inc $00 ; Increment low byte
bne incpat1 ; If low byte nonzero, skip incrementing high byte
inc $01 ; If low byte zero, increment high byte
bne incpat2 ; Unconditional branch to return
beq incpat2
; Check if pointer == 0xB001
; if low byte didn't roll around
lda $01 ; Load high byte of pointer
cmp #$B0 ; Check == 0xB0
bne incpat2 ; If not, goto return
lda $00 ; Load low byte of pointer
cmp #$01 ; Check == 0x01
bne incpat2 ; If not, goto return
; Otherwise fall through
; Reset pattern pointer
lda #$A0
sta $01
lda #$00
sta $00
.proc ramtest_wr256zp: near
; Set up to copy
ldy $02 ; Y = address lo
sty wr256zp_am1_1+1 ; Set 1st address lo = 0
sty wr256zp_am1_2+1 ; Set 2nd address lo = 0
ldy $03 ; Y = address hi
sty wr256zp_am1_1+2 ; Set 1st address hi
sty wr256zp_am1_2+2 ; Set 2nd address hi
ldy #0 ; Y = 0
; Load two pattern bytes
lda ($00) ; A = next pattern byte
jsr ramtest_incpat ; Increment pattern pointer
ldx ($00) ; Y = next pattern byte
jsr ramtest_incpat ; Increment pattern pointer
; Switch into ALTZP, store two pattern bytes, switch back
sta $C009 ; SETALTZP
sta $0000,Y ; Store in RAM
iny ; Y++
stx $0000,Y ; Store in RAM
iny ; Y++
sta $C008 ; SETSTDZP
; Repeat
bne wr256zp_loop ; Repeat until X rolls over (256 times)
; Success exit
.proc ramtest_wr256mn: near
; Set up to copy
ldy $02 ; Y = address lo
sty wr256zp_am1_1+1 ; Set 1st address lo
sty wr256zp_am1_2+1 ; Set 2nd address lo
ldy $03 ; Y = address hi
sty wr256zp_am1_1+2 ; Set 1st address hi
sty wr256zp_am1_2+2 ; Set 2nd address hi
ldy #0 ; Y = 0
; Load two pattern bytes
lda ($00) ; A = next pattern byte
jsr ramtest_incpat ; Increment pattern pointer
ldx ($00) ; Y = next pattern byte
jsr ramtest_incpat ; Increment pattern pointer
; RAMWRTON, store two pattern bytes, RAMWRTOFF
sta $C009 ; RAMWRTON
sta $0000,Y ; Store in RAM
iny ; X++
stx $0000,Y ; Store in RAM
iny ; X++
sta $C008 ; RAMWRTOFF
; Repeat
bne wr256mn_loop ; Repeat until X rolls over (256 times)
; Success exit
.proc ramtest_vfy256zp: near
; Set up to verify
ldx #0 ; X = 0
stx vfy256zp_am1+1 ; Address lo = 0
sty vfy256zp_am1+2 ; Address hi = Y
ldy #0 ; Y = 0
; Switch into ALTZP, load byte from RAM, switch back
sta $C009 ; SETALTZP
lda $0000,X ; A = next RAM byte
sta $C008 ; SETSTDZP
; Compare loaded byte from RAM with pattern
cmp ($00),Y ; Compare with pattern byte
bne vfy256zp_vfail
jsr ramtest_incpat ; Increment pattern pointer
; Repeat
bne vfy256zp_loop ; Repeat until X rolls over (256 times)
; Success exit
; Fail exit
lda #$FF