#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "util.h" static char _rwsave[256]; static char _rwsave0_1; static char _rwsave0_2; static char _rwsave0_3; static void ramworks_save() { __asm__("sta $C009"); // Store in ALTZP // Save address 0x0000 in every bank __asm__("ldx #0"); saveloop: __asm__("stx $C073"); __asm__("lda $00,X"); __asm__("sta %v,X", _rwsave); __asm__("inx"); __asm__("bne %g", saveloop); // Save addresses 0x0001-3 in bank 0 __asm__("ldx #0"); __asm__("stx $C073"); __asm__("lda $01"); __asm__("sta %v", _rwsave0_1); __asm__("lda $02"); __asm__("sta %v", _rwsave0_2); __asm__("lda $03"); __asm__("sta %v", _rwsave0_3); __asm__("sta $C008"); // Don't store in ALTZP } static void ramworks_restore() { __asm__("sta $C009"); // Store in ALTZP // Restore address 0x0000 in every bank __asm__("ldx #0"); restoreloop: __asm__("stx $C073"); __asm__("lda %v,X", _rwsave); __asm__("sta $00,X"); __asm__("inx"); __asm__("bne %g", restoreloop); // Restore addresses 0x0001-3 in bank 0 __asm__("ldx #0"); __asm__("stx $C073"); __asm__("lda %v", _rwsave0_1); __asm__("sta $01"); __asm__("lda %v", _rwsave0_2); __asm__("sta $02"); __asm__("lda %v", _rwsave0_3); __asm__("sta $03"); __asm__("sta $C008"); // Don't store in ALTZP } static char _cmd; static char _arg; /* ram2e_cmd(...) issues a coded command+argument sequence to the RAM2E */ static void ram2e_cmd(char cmd, char arg) { // Load operation and data bytes into X and Y registers // in preparation for command sequence _cmd = cmd; _arg = arg; __asm__("ldx %v", _cmd); // X = command __asm__("ldy %v", _arg); // Y = argument // First, reset command sequence just in case it, // for some reason, has not timed out. (e.g. crazy fast accelerator?) // Write 0 twice because command and argument steps always advance seq. __asm__("lda #0"); __asm__("sta $C073"); __asm__("sta $C073"); // Command sequence __asm__("lda #$FF"); __asm__("sta $C073"); __asm__("lda #$00"); __asm__("sta $C073"); __asm__("lda #$55"); __asm__("sta $C073"); __asm__("lda #$AA"); __asm__("sta $C073"); __asm__("lda #$C1"); __asm__("sta $C073"); __asm__("lda #$AD"); __asm__("sta $C073"); // Command __asm__("stx $C073"); // Argument __asm__("sty $C073"); // Reset RAMWorks bank register just in case __asm__("lda #0"); __asm__("sta $C073"); } /* auxram_detect() returns true if a RAMWorks memory is detected */ static char auxram_detect() { // Switch to RW bank 0 for ZP __asm__("lda #$00"); // Get 0x00 __asm__("sta $C009"); // Store in ALTZP __asm__("sta $C073"); // Set RW bank 0 // Store 00 FF 55 AA in RW bank 0 ZP __asm__("lda #$00"); __asm__("sta $00"); __asm__("lda #$FF"); __asm__("sta $01"); __asm__("lda #$55"); __asm__("sta $02"); __asm__("lda #$AA"); __asm__("sta $03"); // Check for 00 FF 55 AA __asm__("lda $00"); __asm__("cmp #$00"); __asm__("bne %g", noramworks); __asm__("lda $01"); __asm__("cmp #$FF"); __asm__("bne %g", noramworks); __asm__("lda $02"); __asm__("cmp #$55"); __asm__("bne %g", noramworks); __asm__("lda $03"); __asm__("cmp #$AA"); __asm__("bne %g", noramworks); // Found aux ram card __asm__("sta $C008"); // Don't store in ALTZP return true; // Not found noramworks: __asm__("sta $C008"); // Don't store in ALTZP return false; } /* ram2e_detect() returns true if a RAM2E II has been detected */ static uint8_t _detect; static char ram2e_detect() { #ifdef SKIP_RAM2E_DETECT return true; #endif __asm__("sta $C009"); // Store in ALTZP // Store 0x00 at beginning of bank 0x00 __asm__("lda #$00"); __asm__("sta $C073"); __asm__("sta $00"); // Send SetRWBankFF command __asm__("lda #$FF"); __asm__("sta $C073"); __asm__("lda #$00"); __asm__("sta $C073"); __asm__("lda #$55"); __asm__("sta $C073"); __asm__("lda #$AA"); __asm__("sta $C073"); __asm__("lda #$C1"); __asm__("sta $C073"); __asm__("lda #$AD"); __asm__("sta $C073"); __asm__("lda #$FF"); __asm__("sta $C073"); __asm__("lda #$00"); __asm__("sta $C073"); // Now bank should be 0xFF if we are running on a RAM2E II // Other RAMWorks cards will instead set the bank to 0x00 // Store 0xFF in this bank __asm__("lda #$FF"); __asm__("sta $00"); // Go back to bank 0 __asm__("lda #$00"); __asm__("sta $C073"); // Save result and return __asm__("lda $00"); // Get beginning of bank 0 __asm__("sta $C008"); // Store in STDZP __asm__("sta %v", _detect); // Save in _detect return _detect == 0x00; } /* ramworks_getsize() returns the number of banks of RAM2E aux memory */ static uint8_t _rwsize; static uint8_t _rwnot16mb; static uint16_t ramworks_getsize() { _rwnot16mb = 1; // Set "not 16 mb" flag // Store bank number at address 0 in each bnak __asm__("sta $C009"); // ALTZP __asm__("ldy #$FF"); // Start at bank 0xFF BankSetLoop: __asm__("sty $C073"); // Set bank __asm__("sty $00"); // Store bank number at 0 __asm__("dey"); // Prev. bank __asm__("cpy #$FF"); // Have we wrapped around? __asm__("bne %g", BankSetLoop); // If not, repeat // Count banks with matching bank number __asm__("ldy #$00"); // Y is bank __asm__("ldx #$00"); // X is count CountLoop: __asm__("sty $C073"); // Set bank __asm__("cpy $00"); // Is bank num stored at address 0? __asm__("bne %g", AfterInc); // If not, skip increment __asm__("inx"); // If so, increment bank count __asm__("bne %g", AfterInc); // Skip next if x!=0 __asm__("stx %v", _rwnot16mb); // Othwerwise rolled over so clear rwnot16mb AfterInc: __asm__("iny"); // Move to next bank __asm__("bne %g", CountLoop); // Repeat if not on bank 0 // Done. Switch back to regular zeropage and get result. __asm__("sta $C008"); // STDZP __asm__("stx %v", _rwsize); // _rwsize = X (bank count) if (_rwnot16mb) { return _rwsize; } else { return 256; } } /* set_mask_temp(...) sends the "Set RAMWorks Capacity Mask" to the RAM2E */ static void set_mask_temp(char mask) { ram2e_cmd(0xE0, mask); } /* ufm_bitbang(...) sends the "Set UFM Bitbang Outputs" to the RAM2E */ static void ufm_bitbang(char bitbang) { ram2e_cmd(0xEA, bitbang); } /* ufm_program(...) sends the "UFM Program Once" command to the RAM2E */ static void ufm_program() { ram2e_cmd(0xEF, 0x00); } /* ufm_erase(...) sends the "UFM Erase Once" command to the RAM2E */ static void ufm_erase() { ram2e_cmd(0xEE, 0x00); } /* set_mask_temp(...) sends the "Set RAMWorks Capacity Mask" */ static void set_nvm(char mask) { int i; // Shift mask OR'd with data register clock pulse trigger into UFMD twice for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { ufm_bitbang(0x80 | ((mask >> 1) & 0x40)); ufm_bitbang(0x80 | ((mask >> 0) & 0x40)); ufm_bitbang(0x80 | ((mask << 1) & 0x40)); ufm_bitbang(0x80 | ((mask << 2) & 0x40)); ufm_bitbang(0x80 | ((mask << 3) & 0x40)); ufm_bitbang(0x80 | ((mask << 4) & 0x40)); ufm_bitbang(0x80 | ((mask << 5) & 0x40)); ufm_bitbang(0x80 | ((mask << 6) & 0x40)); } // Program UFM ufm_program(); } static void menu(void) { uint16_t bankcount = ramworks_getsize(); gotoxy(5, 1); cputs("-- RAM2E Capacity Settings --"); if (bankcount < 2) { gotoxy(5, 3); } else { gotoxy(4, 3); } printf("Current RAM2E capacity: %d kB", bankcount * 64); gotoxy(1, 5); cputs("Select desired memory capacity:"); gotoxy(4, 7); cputs("1. 64 kilobytes"); gotoxy(4, 9); cputs("2. 512 kilobytes"); gotoxy(4, 11); cputs("3. 1 megabyte"); gotoxy(4, 13); cputs("4. 4 megabytes"); gotoxy(4, 15); cputs("5. 8 megabytes"); gotoxy(1, 18); cputs("Capacity will be saved until power-off."); gotoxy(1, 20); cputs("To remember capacity setting in"); gotoxy(1, 21); cputs("nonvolatile memory, press Apple+number."); gotoxy(1, 23); cputs("Press [Q] to quit without saving."); } int ram2e_main(void) { char mask; char nvm; int reset_count; // Check for RAM2E ramworks_save(); // Save what will be clobbered if(!auxram_detect() || !ram2e_detect()) { // If no RAM2E, show an error message and quit gotoxy(0, 8); cputs(" No RAM2E II detected."); gotoxy(0, 10); cputs(" Press any key to quit."); cgetc(); // Wait for key clrscr(); // Clear screen before quitting ramworks_restore(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } menu(); // Print menu // Get user choice from menu mask = 0; nvm = 0; reset_count = 0; while (true) { // Set capacity mask or quit according to keypress. switch (toupper(cgetc() & 0x7F)) { case 'Q' : { clrscr(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } case '1': mask = 0x00; break; case '2': mask = 0x07; break; case '3': mask = 0x0F; break; case '4': mask = 0x3F; break; case '5': mask = 0x7F; break; case 'R': { reset_count++; if (reset_count >= 100) { // Show message about saving. clrscr(); // Clear screen gotoxy(1, 8); cputs("Resetting RAM2E settings."); gotoxy(1, 9); cputs("Do not turn off your Apple."); ufm_erase(); // Erase RAM2E settings memory set_mask_temp(0x7F); // Set mask to default (0x7F) // Wait for >= 500ms on even the fastest systems. spin(32, 8); // Show success message and quit clrscr(); // Clear screen gotoxy(1, 8); cputs("RAM2E settings reset successfully."); goto end; } } default: continue; } // Check if pressed with apple key. If so, save to nonvolatile memory. if (read_applekey()) { nvm = true; } break; } // Set capacity in volatile memory. set_mask_temp(mask); // Clear screen in preparation to show saving or success message. clrscr(); if (nvm) { // Save in NVM if requested. // Show message about saving. gotoxy(1, 8); cputs("Saving RAM2E capacity setting."); gotoxy(1, 9); cputs("Do not turn off your Apple."); // Save capacity in nonvolatile memory. set_nvm(mask); // Wait for >= 500ms on even the fastest systems. spin(32, 8); // Print success message clrscr(); // Clear screen gotoxy(1, 8); cputs("RAM2E capacity saved successfully."); } else { // Print success message if not saving in NVM. gotoxy(1, 8); cputs("RAM2E capacity set successfully."); } end: if (nvm) { // Show end message for nonvolatile save gotoxy(1, 10); cputs("You may now turn off your Apple."); gotoxy(1, 12); cputs("You may also reset your Apple for"); gotoxy(1, 13); cputs("the setting change to take effect."); } else { // Show end message for volatile save gotoxy(1, 10); cputs("Please reset your Apple for"); gotoxy(1, 11); cputs("the setting change to take effect."); } // Don't quit. Instead leave prompt asking user to reset. while(1) { cgetc(); } }