#include #include #include #include "ram2e.h" #include "ram2gs.h" int main(void) { // First clear screen clrscr(); // Check machine type switch ((get_ostype() & 0xF0)) { case APPLE_IIE: ram2e_main(); // Set RAMWorks bank to 0 __asm__("lda #0"); __asm__("sta $C073"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; case APPLE_IIGS: ram2gs_main(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; default: // If not on IIe or IIgs, show an error message and quit gotoxy(0, 8); cputs(" THIS PROGRAM REQUIRES APPLE IIE OR IIGS"); gotoxy(0, 10); cputs(" PRESS ANY KEY TO QUIT."); cgetc(); // Wait for key clrscr(); // Clear screen before quitting return EXIT_SUCCESS; } }