2020-07-22 05:00:08 -04:00

172 lines
3.9 KiB

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "ram2gs_asm.h"
static void ram2gs_erase() { ram2gs_cmd(0x28); }
static void ram2gs_program() { ram2gs_cmd(0x24); }
static void ram2gs_set4mb() { ram2gs_cmd(0x10); }
static void ram2gs_set8mb() { ram2gs_cmd(0x11); }
static void ram2gs_setnvm(char en8meg) {
char i;
// Clock in 0 to enable this setting entry
if (en8meg) {
// Clock in 1 to enable 8mb
} else {
// Clock in 0 to disable 8mb
// Clock in 14 dummy "1"s
for (i = 0; i < 14; i++) {
static void menu(void)
uint8_t bankcount = ram2gs_getsize();
gotoxy(5, 1);
cputs("-- RAM2GS Capacity Settings --");
gotoxy(4, 3);
printf("Current RAM2GS capacity: %d kB", bankcount * 64);
gotoxy(1, 6);
cputs("Select desired memory capacity:");
gotoxy(4, 8);
cputs("1. 4 megabytes");
gotoxy(4, 10);
cputs("2. 8 megabytes");
gotoxy(1, 18);
cputs("Capacity will be saved until power-off.");
gotoxy(1, 20);
cputs("To remember capacity setting in");
gotoxy(1, 21);
cputs("nonvolatile memory, press Apple+number.");
gotoxy(1, 23);
cputs("Press [Q] to quit without saving.");
int ram2gs_main(void)
char en8meg;
char nvm;
int reset_count;
// Check for RAM2GS
if(!ram2gs_detect()) {
// If no RAM2GS, show an error message and quit
gotoxy(0, 8);
cputs(" No RAM2GS II detected.");
gotoxy(0, 10);
cputs(" Press any key to quit.");
cgetc(); // Wait for key
clrscr(); // Clear screen before quitting
menu(); // Print menu
// Get user choice from menu
en8meg = 0;
nvm = 0;
reset_count = 0;
while (true) {
// Set capacity or quit according to keypress.
switch (toupper(cgetc() & 0x7F)) {
case 'Q' : {
case '1': en8meg = 0; ram2gs_set4mb(); break;
case '2': en8meg = 1; ram2gs_set8mb(); break;
case 'R': {
if (reset_count >= 100) {
// Show message about saving.
clrscr(); // Clear screen
gotoxy(1, 8);
cputs("Resetting RAM2GS settings.");
gotoxy(1, 9);
cputs("Do not turn off your Apple.");
ram2gs_erase(); // Erase RAM2GS settings memory
ram2gs_set8mb(); // Enable 8 megabytes now
// Wait for >= 500ms on even the fastest systems.
spin(32, 8);
// Show success message and quit
clrscr(); // Clear screen
gotoxy(1, 8);
cputs("RAM2GS settings reset successfully.");
goto end;
} default: continue;
// Check if pressed with apple key. If so, save to nonvolatile memory.
if (read_applekey()) { nvm = true; }
// Clear screen in preparation to show saving or success message.
if (nvm) { // Save in NVM if requested.
// Show message about saving.
gotoxy(1, 8);
cputs("Saving RAM2GS capacity setting.");
gotoxy(1, 9);
cputs("Do not turn off your Apple.");
// Save capacity in nonvolatile memory.
// Wait for >= 500ms on even the fastest systems.
spin(33, 8);
// Print success message
clrscr(); // Clear screen
gotoxy(1, 8);
cputs("RAM2GS capacity saved successfully.");
} else { // Print success message if not saving in NVM.
gotoxy(1, 8);
cputs("RAM2GS capacity set successfully.");
if (nvm) { // Show end message for nonvolatile save
gotoxy(1, 10);
cputs("You may now turn off your Apple.");
gotoxy(1, 12);
cputs("You may also reset your Apple for");
gotoxy(1, 13);
cputs("the setting change to take effect.");
} else { // Show end message for volatile save
gotoxy(1, 10);
cputs("Please reset your Apple for");
gotoxy(1, 11);
cputs("the setting change to take effect.");
// Don't quit. Instead leave prompt asking user to reset.
while(1) { cgetc(); }