.include "opcodes.inc" .include "apple2.inc" .include "common.inc" .feature string_escapes .org $2000 .setcpu "65C02" ;;; TODO: Identify 4 different clock drivers. ;;; * IIc System Clock .enum MessageCode kInstall = 0 kNoSysFile = 1 kDiskError = 2 kIIc = 3 kIIe = 4 kCurrentYear = 5 kOkPrompt = 6 kNoClock = 7 kRunning = 8 kSeikoIIc = 9 kSeikoIIe = 10 kRemoveWriteProtect = 11 .endenum kErrDiskWriteProtected = $2B ;;; Zero Page Locations mach_type := $07 ; 0 = IIc, 1 = II+/IIe case_mask := $08 ; mask with chars before COUT has_80col := $09 ; 1 = has 80 column card month := $0A ; month from current date msg_num := $0B ; stashed message number digits_buffer := $200 ; temporary usage during clock read PRODOS_SYS_START := $2000 SLOT3_FIRMWARE := $C300 ;;; SSC in Slot 1 PORT1_ACIA_STATUS := $C099 PORT1_ACIA_COMMAND := $C09A PORT1_ACIA_CONTROL := $C09B ;;; SSC in Slot 2 PORT2_ACIA_STATUS := $C0A9 PORT2_ACIA_COMMAND := $C0AA PORT2_ACIA_CONTROL := $C0AB DISXY := $C058 ENBXY := $C059 X0EDGE1 := $C05C X0EDGE2 := $C05D MOUSE_BTN := $C063 kClockRoutineMaxLength = 125 ; Per ProDOS 8 TRM kDefaultDriveSlot = 6 kIIcVersionByte = HI('L') kDefaultVersionByte = HI(' ') kDefaultYear = 1986 kDefaultDelay = $5D kPatchedDelay = $5C L2000: default_slot := * + 1 lda #kDefaultDriveSlot ; For easy patching??? version_test_byte := *+1 lda #kDefaultVersionByte cmp #kIIcVersionByte bne L2013 sta L239E + (L1272 - L1000) ; In relocated code lda #kPatchedDelay sta Patch0_delay sta Patch2_delay L2013: ;; Clear stack ldx #$FF txs ;; Clear interpreter version ;; TODO: Remove this lda #0 sta IBAKVER sta IVERSION ;; Trash reset vector to cause reboot sta ROMIN2 lda $03F3 eor #$FF sta $03F4 ;; Identify machine type ldy #0 ldx #0 lda MACHID and #%10001000 ; =0 if II+, >0 if IIe/IIc beq :+ inx ; Not a II+ : cmp #%10001000 ; IIc ? beq is_iic lda version_test_byte ; Hack ??? cmp #kIIcVersionByte beq is_iic iny ; Not a IIc is_iic: sty mach_type ;; Set case mask (II+ vs. IIe/IIc) lda case_mask_table,x sta case_mask ;; Check 40/80 columns; wrap strings if 40 columns. lda MACHID and #%00000010 ; 80 Column card? lsr a sta has_80col bne init_80_col ;; Convert spaces to newlines if 40 Columns lda #CR|$80 sta chain + (wrap1 - L1000) sta chain + (wrap4 - L1000) sta chain + (wrap5 - L1000) sta chain + (wrap3 - L1000) sta chain + (wrap2 - L1000) inc L2095 inc L2099 bne :+ init_80_col: jsr SLOT3_FIRMWARE : ;; -------------------------------------------------- ;; Copy to $1000 .proc RelocateChainingCode ldy #0 ;; End signature is two adjacent $FFs loop: read_msb := * + 2 lda L239E,y cmp #$FF bne :+ check_msb := * + 2 ; check for second $FF ldx L239E+1,y cpx #$FF beq L208F ; done! : write_msb := * + 2 sta L1000,y iny bne loop inc read_msb inc check_msb inc write_msb bne loop ; always .endproc L208F: ldy #MessageCode::kInstall jsr ShowMessage L2095 := * + 1 ldy #$03 sty $22 L2099 := * + 1 ldy #$05 sty $23 jsr SetPrefixAndGetFileInfo lda file_info_params + GET_FILE_INFO_PARAMS::mod_date + 1 lsr a sta year jsr ConvertToBCD sta bcd_year ;; -------------------------------------------------- ;; Identify drive slot, needed for Patch1 .scope ;; Search device list for Disk II device ldx DEVCNT : lda DEVLST,x and #%00001111 ; low nibble = "device identification" beq found ; 0 = Disk II dex bpl :- ;; Did not find Disk II, use default lda default_slot and #%00000111 bne :+ lda #6 ; default to slot 6 if was tweaked to 0 : asl a ; shift to 0sss0000 (like a unit number) asl a asl a asl a bne assign found: lda DEVLST,x assign: and #%01110000 ; slot ora #$80 sta Patch1_firmware_byte ; Set $C0nn address .endscope ;; -------------------------------------------------- lda L11FE and #$03 beq select_patch ; apply patch2 if IIc, patch1 otherwise cmp #$02 bcs L20FE lda mach_type bne not_iic ; apply Patch3 beq L20FE ; always ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ kPatchLength = $38 ;;; Patch0 - (default) SSC in either Slot 1 or Slot 2 ;;; Patch1 - otherwise ;;; Patch2 - for mach_type = IIc; SSC in Slot 2, COMMAND not restored ;;; Patch3 select_patch: ldy #Patch2 - Patches lda mach_type beq apply_patch ; if IIc ldy #Patch1 - Patches jmp apply_patch ;; Patch bytes on top of driver not_iic: ldy #Patch3 - Patches apply_patch: ldx #0 : lda Patches,y sta patch_target,x iny inx cpx #kPatchLength bne :- ;; L20FE: lda #2 sta tries : jsr CalcMonthValidateDateTime bcs L2111 dec tries bpl :- bmi install_clock ; always tries: .byte 0 ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ L2110: .byte 0 .proc L2111 lda mach_type bne skip ; not IIc lda L2110 bne skip inc L2110 ldy # uppercase cmp #'Y'|$80 beq year_ok cmp #'N'|$80 bne :- ;; Prompt for two digit year ldy #MessageCode::kCurrentYear jsr ShowMessage jsr GetDigitKey ; Decade asl a ; move tens digit to high nibble asl a asl a asl a sta bcd_year jsr GetDigitKey ; Year and #$0F ; mask ones digit ora bcd_year sta bcd_year jmp retry .endscope ;; -------------------------------------------------- ;; Current year is okay year_ok: lda $1204 jsr YearFromBCD jsr InvokeDriver jsr WriteFileInfo L21DF: lda RWRAM1 ; Driver lives in LC Bank 1 lda RWRAM1 ; so bank that in lda DATETIME+1 ; driver destination sta install_ptr clc adc #time_offset_table - Driver ; patch an internal reference (LSB) sta offset_table_addr lda DATETIME+2 ; driver destination sta install_ptr+1 adc #0 sta offset_table_addr+1 ; patch an internal reference (MSB) ;; Relocate clock driver ldy #kClockRoutineMaxLength - 1 : lda Driver,y install_ptr := * + 1 sta $F000,y dey bpl :- ;; Initialize the time (via driver) jsr DATETIME lda ROMIN2 ; Bank ROM back in ;; Chain jmp L1000 ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; Convert year from BCD ;;; Input: bcd_year ;;; Output: year ;;; $06 is trashed .proc YearFromBCD lda bcd_year pha lsr a lsr a lsr a lsr a sta $06 asl a asl a adc $06 asl a sta $06 pla and #$0F clc adc $06 sta year rts .endproc ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; Convert to BCD ;;; Input: A = number ;;; Output: A = BCD number ;;; $06 is trashed .proc ConvertToBCD ldx #$FF : inx sec sbc #10 bcs :- adc #10 sta $06 txa asl a asl a asl a asl a ora $06 rts .endproc ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; Returns with carry set if date is not valid. .proc CalcMonthValidateDateTime jsr InvokeDriver ;; Check month lda DATELO+1 ror a lda DATELO rol a rol a rol a rol a and #$0F sec beq done ; Month = 0 is failure cmp #13 bcs done ; Month >= 13 is failure sta month ;; Check hour lda TIMELO+1 cmp #24 bcs done ; Hour >= 24 is failure ;; Check minute lda TIMELO cmp #60 ; Min >= 60 is failure done: rts .endproc ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Clock Driver (Relocatable) ;;; ============================================================ Driver: cld cld ; TODO: Remove duplicate CLD php sei ;; -------------------------------------------------- ;; Patch applied from here... patch_target: .proc Patch0 acia_command_patch1 := * + 1 ;; ------------------------------ ;; Save COMMAND register lda PORT2_ACIA_COMMAND pha ;; ------------------------------ ;; Unlock COMMAND register ldy #3 ; cycles ldx #22 ; initial delay lda #%00001000 command_loop: acia_command_patch2 := * + 1 sta PORT2_ACIA_COMMAND : dex ; wait bne :- eor #%00001010 ldx #9 ; repeat delay and # of digits-1 dey bne command_loop ;; ------------------------------ ;; Read bit out of STATUS register ;; 1 bit at a time in blocks of 4, giving ;; "MMDDhhmmss" in low nibble of each byte ;; except first byte where it's high nibble ldy #4 ; 4 bits per digit bne read_status ; always; no waiting on first iteration read_loop: delay := * + 1 lda #kDefaultDelay : dec ; 65C02 bne :- read_status: acia_status_patch1 := * + 1 lda PORT2_ACIA_STATUS rol a ; shift out bit 5 rol a rol a ror digits_buffer,x ; and into digits lsr digits_buffer+1,x dey bne read_loop ldy #4 ; 4 bits per digit dex bpl read_loop ;; ------------------------------ ;; Restore COMMAND register pla acia_command_patch3 := * + 1 sta PORT2_ACIA_COMMAND .endproc .assert .sizeof(Patch0) = kPatchLength, error, "Patch length" Patch0_acia_command_patch1 := Patch0::acia_command_patch1 Patch0_acia_command_patch2 := Patch0::acia_command_patch2 Patch0_acia_command_patch3 := Patch0::acia_command_patch3 Patch0_delay := Patch0::delay Patch0_acia_status_patch1 := Patch0::acia_status_patch1 ;; ...Patch applied to here. ;; -------------------------------------------------- ;; digits_buffer $200...$207 now has "MMDDhhmm", ;; each digit (?) in the low nibble of a separate byte ;; except first byte where it's in high nibble ;; M D---D h---h m---m ;; e.g. 1/2 03:04 would be: $10 $00 $00 $02 $00 $03 $00 $04 ;; e.g. 12/31 23:59 would be: $C0 $00 $03 $01 $02 $03 $05 $09 ;; -------------------------------------------------- ;; Process fields (two digits/bytes at a time) ldx #6 digit_loop: lda digits_buffer+1,x ; ones place : dec digits_buffer,x ; tens place bmi :+ clc adc #10 bcc :- : ;; A now holds binary value offset_table_addr := * + 1 ldy time_offset_table,x ; Offset table sta DEVNUM,y ; y is offset from DEVNUM for RTS hack below dex dex bne digit_loop ;; Now TIMELO holds minutes, TIMEHI has hours, ;; DATELO has days. Months has not been processed. ;; -------------------------------------------------- ;; Assign month in DATELO/DATEHI L22BA: lda digits_buffer ; top nibble is month asl a ; DATELO = mmmddddd and #%11100000 ora DATELO sta DATELO year := * + 1 lda #(kDefaultYear .mod 100) rol a ; DATEHI = yyyyyyym, shift in month bit sta DATELO+1 ;; -------------------------------------------------- ;; ??? ldy #$01 : lda $0208,y ora #$B0 sta $020F,y dey bpl :- ;; TODO: X=0 first time through; does this loop run 256 times? dex bne L22BA ;; -------------------------------------------------- ;; Exit driver plp ; restore interrupt state ;; HACK: This RTS=$60 doubles as the first real entry in the ;; offset table. .assert OPC_RTS = DATELO - DEVNUM, error, "Offset mismatch" rts ;; Offset from MMDDhhmm digits to DATE/TIME fields in ;; ProDOS global page. Only the even entries are used ;; and months get special handling. time_offset_table := * - 3 .byte $FF ; dummy .byte TIMELO+1 - DEVNUM ; offset to hours field .byte $FF ; dummy .byte TIMELO - DEVNUM ; offset to minutes field ;; End of relocated clock driver ;;; ============================================================ ;; Patches applied to driver (length $38, at offset 0) Patches: ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Patch 1: .proc Patch1 ;; Trigger reading firmware_byte := * + 1 lda $C0E0 ; Set to $C0x0, n=slot+8 lda DISVBL ldy #1 ldx #22 trigger_loop: dex bne trigger_loop lda DISVBL,y ldx #11 dey bpl trigger_loop : dex bne :- ;; ------------------------------ ;; Read bit out of register ;; 1 bit at a time in blocks of 4, giving ;; "MMDDhhmmss" in low nibble of each byte ;; except first byte where it's high nibble ldx #9 ; # of digits - 1 ldy #4 ; 4 bits per digit bne read_register ; always; no waiting on first iteration ;; Wait a bit read_loop: lda #kDefaultDelay sec : sbc #1 bne :- read_register: lda MOUSE_BTN rol a ror digits_buffer,x lsr digits_buffer+1,x nop dey bne read_loop ldy #4 ; 4 bits per digit dex bpl read_loop .endproc .assert .sizeof(Patch1) = kPatchLength, error, "Patch length" Patch1_firmware_byte := Patch1::firmware_byte ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Patch 2: .proc Patch2 lda PORT2_ACIA_COMMAND ; unused nop ; could be PHA to save ;; ------------------------------ ;; Unlock COMMAND register ldy #3 ; cycles ldx #22 ; initial delay lda #%00000010 command_loop: sta PORT2_ACIA_COMMAND : dex ; wait bne :- eor #%00001010 ldx #9 ; repeat delay dey bne command_loop ;; ------------------------------ ;; Read bit out of STATUS register ;; 1 bit at a time in blocks of 4, giving ;; "MMDDhhmmss" in low nibble of each byte ;; except first byte where it's high nibble ldy #4 ; 4 bits per digit bne read_status ; always; no waiting on first iteration read_loop: delay := * + 1 lda #kDefaultDelay : dec ; 65C02 bne :- read_status: lda PORT2_ACIA_STATUS eor #%00100000 ; invert bit 5 rol a ; shift out bit 5 rol a rol a ror digits_buffer,x ; and into digits lsr digits_buffer+1,x dey bne read_loop ldy #4 ; 4 bits per digit dex bpl read_loop ;; Padding nop nop .endproc .assert .sizeof(Patch2) = kPatchLength, error, "Patch length" Patch2_delay := Patch2::delay ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Patch 3: .proc Patch3 ;; Trigger reading lda ENVBL sta ENBXY sta X0EDGE1 nop nop nop nop lda DISXY ldx #$15 L2364: dex bne L2364 ;; ------------------------------ ;; Read bit out of register ;; 1 bit at a time in blocks of 4, giving ;; "MMDDhhmmss" in low nibble of each byte ;; except first byte where it's high nibble ldx #9 ; # of digits - 1 read_loop: ldy #4 ; bits per digit bit_loop: lda MOUSE_BTN rol a ror digits_buffer,x lsr digits_buffer+1,x sta X0EDGE2 nop nop nop nop nop nop sta X0EDGE1 dey bne bit_loop dex bpl read_loop ;; Finish up lda DISVBL .endproc .assert .sizeof(Patch3) = kPatchLength, error, "Patch length" ;;; ============================================================ .proc InvokeDriver jsr Driver rts .endproc ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; Prompt, loop until digit key is pressed .proc GetDigitKey jsr RDKEY cmp #'0' | $80 bcc GetDigitKey cmp #('9'+1) | $80 bcs GetDigitKey jmp COUT .endproc ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ case_mask_table: .byte %11011111 ; map lowercase to uppercase .byte %11111111 ; preserve case chain: L239E: ;; Relocated to $1000 ;;; ============================================================ ;;; Chaining code??? ;;; ============================================================ .org $1000 .proc L1000 entry_ptr := $00 entry_length := $02 entries_per_block := $03 entry_num := $04 name_length := $05 ldy #$00 sty read_block_block_num+1 iny sty entry_num iny sty read_block_block_num jsr ReadBlock lda block_buffer + VolumeDirectoryBlockHeader::entry_length sta entry_length lda block_buffer + VolumeDirectoryBlockHeader::entries_per_block sta entries_per_block lda #<$1C2B sta entry_ptr lda #>$1C2B sta entry_ptr+1 entries_loop: ;; SYS file? ldy #FileEntry::file_type lda (entry_ptr),y cmp #FileType::kSYS bne next_entry ldy #0 lda (entry_ptr),y and #$30 ; storage_type beq next_entry ;; Check name lda (entry_ptr),y and #$0F ; name_length sta name_length ;; Does name have ".SYSTEM" suffix? tay ldx #strlen_str_system - 1 : lda (entry_ptr),y cmp str_system,x bne next_entry ; nope, continue dey dex bpl :- ;; Is it "CLOCK.SYSTEM" (i.e. this file)? ldy #strlen_str_clock_system : lda (entry_ptr),y cmp str_clock_system,y bne L1053 dey bne :- beq next_entry ; match - (but want *next* system file) L1053: lda $05 sta open_pathname sta $0280 inc $05 lda msg_num cmp #$07 beq L1070 ldy #$03 jsr L10E5 lda mach_type beq :+ iny : jsr ShowMessage L1070: ldy #MessageCode::kRunning jsr ShowMessage ldy #1 : lda (entry_ptr),y sta open_pathname,y sta $0280,y ora #$80 jsr COUT iny cpy $05 bne :- jsr LoadSysFile ;; Restore text window lda #0 sta WNDTOP lda #24 sta WNDBTM jsr MON_HOME lda has_80col beq L10A5 lda #$15 ; ??? Mousetext? jsr COUT lda #HI(CR) jsr COUT L10A5: jmp PRODOS_SYS_START next_entry: clc lda entry_ptr adc entry_length sta entry_ptr lda entry_ptr+1 adc #0 sta entry_ptr+1 inc entry_num lda entry_num cmp entries_per_block bne L10E2 ldy block_buffer + VolumeDirectoryBlockHeader::next_block sty read_block_block_num lda block_buffer + VolumeDirectoryBlockHeader::next_block+1 sta read_block_block_num+1 bne :+ ; Error if next_block LSB/MSB are both 0 tya bne :+ ldy #MessageCode::kNoSysFile jmp ShowMessageAndMaybeChain : jsr ReadBlock lda #$00 sta entry_num lda #$04 ; skip past prev_block/next_block sta entry_ptr lda #>block_buffer sta entry_ptr+1 L10E2: jmp entries_loop ;;; ??? .proc L10E5 lda L11FE and #$03 bne :+ ldy #$09 : rts .endproc .endproc ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; Call with message number in Y. ;;; Clears screen unless kOkPromptor or kRunning. .proc ShowMessage lda message_table_lo,y sta ptr lda message_table_hi,y sta ptr+1 cpy #MessageCode::kOkPrompt beq :+ cpy #MessageCode::kRunning beq :+ jsr MON_HOME : ldy #0 ptr := *+1 loop: lda $F000,y beq done cmp #'`'|$80 ; Not lower case? bcc :+ and case_mask : jsr COUT iny bne loop done: rts .endproc ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; Write current date/time to a file. .proc WriteFileInfo retry: lda #7 ; SET_FILE_INFO count sta file_info_params ;; Fill params with current date/time. ldy #3 : lda DATELO,y sta file_info_params + GET_FILE_INFO_PARAMS::mod_date,y dey bpl :- lda #OPC_RTS ; Temporarily disable driver sta DATETIME PRODOS_CALL MLI_SET_FILE_INFO, file_info_params bne :+ lda #OPC_JMP_abs ; Re-enable driver sta DATETIME rts ;; Error; maybe retry? : cmp #kErrDiskWriteProtected bne ShowDiskErrorAndChain ; Failed ;; Write protected - show error and retry ldy #MessageCode::kRemoveWriteProtect jsr ShowMessage jsr Bell jsr RDKEY jmp retry .endproc ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ .proc LoadSysFile PRODOS_CALL MLI_OPEN, open_params bne ShowDiskErrorAndChain lda open_params_ref_num sta read_params_ref_num PRODOS_CALL MLI_READ, read_params bne ShowDiskErrorAndChain PRODOS_CALL MLI_CLOSE, close_params bne ShowDiskErrorAndChain rts .endproc ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; Set prefix to most recently used device's name, and ;;; get this driver's file info (which holds current year) ;;; On error, displays the error and chains to next file. .proc SetPrefixAndGetFileInfo lda DEVNUM ; Most recently accessed device sta on_line_unit_num sta read_block_unit_num ;; Get the volume name PRODOS_CALL MLI_ON_LINE, on_line_params bne ShowDiskErrorAndChain ;; Convert to a path lda on_line_buffer and #$0F ; mask off length tay iny sty set_prefix_buffer ; increase length by one... lda #'/' ; for leading '/' sta on_line_buffer ;; Set the prefix PRODOS_CALL MLI_SET_PREFIX, set_prefix_params bne ShowDiskErrorAndChain ;; And get this file's info PRODOS_CALL MLI_GET_FILE_INFO, file_info_params bne ShowDiskErrorAndChain rts .endproc ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; Read a block ;;; On error, displays the error and chains to next file. .proc ReadBlock PRODOS_CALL MLI_READ_BLOCK, read_block_params bne ShowDiskErrorAndChain rts .endproc ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ .proc ShowDiskErrorAndChain ldy #MessageCode::kDiskError ;; fall through .endproc ;;; Show message and chain to next system file, unless ;;; kNoClock (in which case: hang) .proc ShowMessageAndMaybeChain sty msg_num jsr ShowMessage jsr Bell lda msg_num cmp #MessageCode::kNoClock bne loop lda #OPC_RTS sta DATETIME jmp L1000 loop: jmp loop ; Infinite loop! .endproc ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; Make a tone (from ProDOS Technical Reference Manual) ;;; $0C is trashed .proc Bell length := $0C lda #$20 ; duration of tone sta length bell1: lda #$2 ; short delay...click jsr WAIT sta SPKR lda #$24 ; long delay...click ($20 in TRM) jsr WAIT sta SPKR dec length bne bell1 ; repeat length times rts .endproc ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; MLI call params on_line_params: .byte 2 ; param_count on_line_unit_num: .byte $60 ; unit_num .addr on_line_buffer ; data_buffer set_prefix_params: .byte 1 ; param_count .addr set_prefix_buffer ; pathname block_buffer = $1C00 read_block_params: .byte 3 ; param_count read_block_unit_num: .byte $60 ; unit_num .addr block_buffer ; data_buffer read_block_block_num: .word $0000 ; block_num open_params: .byte 3 ; param_count .addr open_pathname ; pathname .addr $1C00 ; io_buffer open_params_ref_num: .byte 0 ; ref_num read_params: .byte 4 ; param_count read_params_ref_num: .byte 0 ; ref_num .addr PRODOS_SYS_START ; data_buffer .word PRODOS-PRODOS_SYS_START ; request_count .word 0 ; trans_count close_params: .byte 1 ; param_count .byte 0 ; ref_num file_info_params: .byte $A ; param_count .addr str_clock_system ; pathname .byte 0 ; access .byte 0 ; file_type ;; ... ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; Misc variables L11FE: .byte 0 ; ??? bcd_year: .byte 0 ; 2-digit (shared) L1200: ;; buffer for variables, filename .res 46, 0 set_prefix_buffer := $120B on_line_buffer := set_prefix_buffer+1 open_pathname := $121D str_system: .byte ".SYSTEM" strlen_str_system = .strlen(".SYSTEM") str_clock_system: PASCAL_STRING "CLOCK.SYSTEM" strlen_str_clock_system = .strlen("CLOCK.SYSTEM") ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; Message strings message_table_lo: .byte msgInstall,>msgNoSysFile,>msgDiskError,>msgIIc .byte >msgIIe,>msgCurrentYear,>msgOkPrompt,>msgNoClock .byte >msgRunning,>msgSeikoIIc,>msgSeikoIIe,>msgRemoveWriteProtect msgInstall: HIASCII "Install Clock Driver 1.5" L1272: HIASCII " " ; Modified at launch HIASCII "\rCopyright (c) 1986 " wrap1 := *-1 HIASCIIZ "Creative Peripherals Unlimited, Inc." msgNoSysFile: HIASCIIZ "Unable to find a '.SYSTEM' file!" msgRemoveWriteProtect: HIASCII "Remove Write-Protect tab, " wrap2 := *-1 HIASCIIZ "Replace disk, and Press a key..." msgDiskError: HIASCIIZ "Disk error! Unable to continue!!!" msgSeikoIIc: HIASCII "Seiko " msgIIc: HIASCIIZ "//c driver installed. " wrap4 := *-2 msgSeikoIIe: HIASCII "Seiko " msgIIe: HIASCIIZ "//e driver installed. " wrap5 := *-2 msgCurrentYear: HIASCIIZ "Current year is 19" msgOkPrompt: HIASCII "." wrap3 := * HIASCIIZ " OK? (Y/N) " msgNoClock: HIASCIIZ "No clock! Driver not installed...\r" msgRunning: HIASCIIZ "Running " ;; Signature for end of range to copy to $1000 .byte $FF,$FF ;;; ============================================================ .byte $00,$04,$00 .byte $FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$00,$00 .byte $FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00 .byte $FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00 .byte $FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00 .byte $FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00 .byte $FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00 .byte $FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00 .byte $FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00 .byte $FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00 .byte $FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00 .byte $FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00 .byte $FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00 .byte $FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00 .byte $FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00 .byte $FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00 .byte $FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00 .byte $FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00 .byte $FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$65 .byte $00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF .byte $00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF .byte $00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF,$00,$FF .byte $00