190 lines
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2019-07-18 12:47:39 -07:00
* *
* Config Program - Start *
* *
* Date: 3/11/88
m_vers = '1' ; make into ascii # (Main Version)
s_vers = '0' ; make into ascii # (Sub Version)
p_vers = '5' ; make into ascii # (Patch Version)
entrmon = $FF59
prn = $16 ; [4 bytes]
reset = $3F2
mli = $BF00
findcon EXT
VideoStartup EXT
cls EXT
print EXT
inpyn EXT
inpnum EXT
ld_drvs EXT
do_init EXT
drv_path EXT
refnum EXT
escape EXT
close EXT
logcon EXT
re_mdm EXT
re_pr EXT
re_clk EXT
do_dflts EXT
do_filt EXT
TopBox EXT
begin ENT
STA $C051 ;text mode
STA $C00E ;Turn MouseText off
BIT $C082
LDA #<do_quit ;fudge reset vector
STA reset
LDA #>do_quit
STA reset+1
EOR #$A5
STA reset+2
LDX #$F0 ;reset stack
JSR findcon ;find the config disk, logit
JSR VideoStartup ; Init the video driver
JSR do_main
JSR cls ; clear screen
JSR print
DB 1,7,0
ASC 'When you do an initial configure, '
ASC 'all previous data will be destroyed'0D0D
ASC 'and replaced with the new configuration. '
ASC 'All old data will be lost.'0D0D0D
ASC 'Do you want to do an Initial Configure? [Y/N] '00
JSR inpyn ; input yes/no
BCS :no_init
JSR ld_drvs ; load in drivers file
JMP do_init ; do initial config
:no_init JSR drv_path ; get drivers file path and load it
start ENT
LDA #0 ; turn off escape handler
STA refnum
JSR escape
JSR close ; close all files
JSR logcon
JSR do_main
JSR cls ; clear screen
JSR print
ASC 'Select an Option:'0D0D
ASC ' 1 - Reconfigure Modem '0D
ASC ' 2 - Reconfigure Printer '0D
ASC ' 3 - Reconfigure Clock'0D
ASC ' 4 - Edit System Defualts'0D
ASC ' 5 - Edit Profanity Filter'0D
ASC ' 6 - Quit',0D0D
ASC 'Which? [1-6] '00
LDX #7 ; get a number [1-6]
JSR inpnum
LDX #<start
LDA #>start
JSR escape ;esc goes back to here
LDA jumptable,X
STA prn
INX ;push low
LDA jumptable,X
STA prn+1
JMP (prn)
jumptable DA 0
DA re_mdm ; 1
DA re_pr ; 2
DA re_clk ; 3
DA do_dflts ; 4
DA do_filt ; 5
DA do_quit ; 6
DA do_mtr ; 7 (hidden command)
* print the top box
do_main ENT
JSR TopBox
JSR print
DB 1,2,19
ASC 'LLUCE - Configuration Program - Ver. '
DB m_vers ; major version #
ASC '.'
DB s_vers ; sub version #
DB p_vers ; patch version #
DB 0
JSR print
DB 1,4,20
ASC 'Copyright 1989 - L&L Productions, Inc.'00
drvname ENT
* Quit
; quit the program
do_quit ENT
JSR $FC58 ; clear screen
STA $C051 ; goto text mode
LDA #$FF ; reset inverse flag
STA $32
JSR mli
DB $65 ; quit
DA p_quit
p_quit DB 4
DB 0
DA 0
DB 0
DA 0
do_mtr LDA #-1
STA $32
JMP entrmon ; monitor